I have a question can you show where the part for spawning the player is.
Kyatric made tutorial for this ... loot-drops
how do i make a random drop generator as in when this object is destroyed spawn this object if greater than 10 or spawn this object if lesser than 5
The Behavior you're looking for is Line of Sight: I've attached an example of sprites that use it.
i cant open your file it says its on a older copy of construct 2 as am on 19.5 and that copy 19.2
but i tryed los and when i am behind him he can see me
so am making a platformer game like megaman (in gameplay) but how would i make it so when a enemy sprite is facing to the left he dosent start shooting the player who is at the right of him
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
i gave it to some people to test they said they didnt see any shaking so i guess its my pc
Well im not sure about opera. But chrome and desktop are the same thing. Try internet explorer or firefox. also how are you making your character move?
the platform behavior i use to move
Have you tried using another browser? i didn't watch your video so i dont know what your using. but the latest versions of chrome have so issue's with framerate and fullscreen
i have tryed opera, chrome and desktop app
Sadly, I don't have a clue what causes this. I can't help you, hopefuly someone else will.
the weird thing is this happens when the screen starts to move
there is the video hope it helps
Could you provide a .capx ?
could a video help?
when i do fullscreen (scale outer) when my guy walks he starts to shake but in any other full screen he is fine
this is annoying because scale outer is the right size
i followed this tut Adding Classic-style movement to your platform enemies.
and in the end all he dose is just sit there
as he gose to one end and just stops dosent go back
i uploaded my game to my web host and i get in the f12
errors scripts: access is denied
file: pf, line: 1, colum: ;