jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • phimaka

    That's what I also do. I used to use JayJay suggestion, but now I only use that method when I want persistent dad.

  • Here is a list of suggestions posted in this thread. Even has an open document for people to add/edit. Though the thread does try to focus on more architectural low level features that offer developers to create high level features. But there a lot of suggestions that were incorporated one way or another.

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  • Dito on the above post. But I would add that It takes alot longer to get comfy with unity, but it is more powerful. by a long shot. And to be honest it is more flexible too, but you have to know how to code. You have to understand that what makes construct "easier" is that some of the things needed in a 2d game are already taken care of. But if you are in the habit of writing all your own plugins and behaviors anyway... unity is far better, and is much more extensable than construct. Contruct was made to be fast and easy to make games for those who can't or won't code. Unfortunately, much of the way contruct operates makes assumptions about what the game dev needs. I find those assumptions to be uninspiring and somewhat limiting. Based on a number of conversations with ashley, I feel construct is developed with the lowest common denominator in mind. And for something that is supposed to be easy for all, that makes sense. But it makes it hard to make unique, innovative games in the best of circumstances /:

    My main project is in unity, my prototypes are in construct.

    I share the sentiment. The preformed idea on how games should be made is C2 biggest obstacle. I find that there are work arounds to these obstacles. But then that requires building plugins from the ground up, that have to work around C2 Runtime engine and current plugins. This leads to the end result that plugins that open the doors for C2 require more work than what they would if they were done without the C2 system in place. It's daunting that some plugins I want to right and have started have to work around C2.

    However as with the OP. I tend to find C2 base 2d game design far outstrips Unity's 2d. Also C2 game library is fantastic in comparison. Unity doesn't have much of a game library as it's mostly engine. However unity does have a good controller input library.

  • There is an IOS program that does coding on the device. With a VPL such as C2, I can totally see C3 being a tablet capable development tools. Especially if the system is more modual and there will easy to re-use isolated programs.

  • I don't get what you mean. I use C2 with Touch tablets all the time. mobile is my primary platform. I'm not getting your problem.

    Instead of Mouse, use Touch. It's the same system expect there is no right click, and Mouse over.

  • I would suggest using PHP for online trading game. the multiplayer is usable, but isn't build with server side authority. it's also only has rudimentary support for turn base. If you have PHP skills it would be better to go PHP. however if your not much of a programmer. Then go with the multiplayer plugin

  • In the wish list, but if I/we can figure out some architecture reason to develop spreadsheet like formula fields then I think the idea would go farther. However Ashley has said that formula fields were in C2 development path.

  • newt

    Scirra can make more money out of an asset store that is far better integrated to the IDE. Also C2 isn't secure now. It's pirated already. Secure programs don't really exist if you don't have a team dedicated to security.


    I've used IDE that run at the same level as the IDE. The interaction for development is incredible. Also that flexible custom IDE capability adds a lot for thrid party developers to extend the ide, improve product quality and reduce development time is excellent. Which is the goal of C3. I just don't know if they will manage. we have no idea what's in mind.

  • No, C2 contains it's method for handling the XY map of the images. Also the wierd junk, could those be possible test art, colour blocks to reference invisible objects?

  • Well I don't know, however I have personally expressed(with little value of that expression) that C3 should be running on NodeJS/JS. That way Plugins/Behaviours can interact in the editor to create a more robust engine. Where as going with any other system will leave C3 better off than C2, but still largly short of blending runtime and edittime.

    Imagine the difference of creating a particle effect, and watching it work in the editor. Or running the game, but being able to live edit everything in the editor to test changes.

  • It's a good video. I don't know how much C2 uses them, I now C2 uses some. I'll put this in the architect list. Just as a referene that game engine needs to put to the rendering system first.

  • Having been in the run time of C2. jQuery is barely used and isn't used per tick.

    However as a general rule of game design in C2. Don't use DOM on a per tick basis. If you use DOM leave it special Layouts where information processing is the aspect done. Don't use DOM to display text in an action game, don't use DOM.




    anything with text that isn't SpriteFont

  • Layers still exist in the scope of game logic. Turning off a layer does not exclude logic processing, collision etc.

    Layers should be used for visual distinction and parallaxing

    Layout should be used for gameplay distinction.

    Major screen changes

    different levels

  • I think you should aim to have 5 animation frames per second. Or aim to have 5 frames for any particular animation. Otherwise I suggest using Spriter. A lot of games are made in a less than 10 frames per animation constraint. Most games even when they run at 30/60fps don't actually have 30/60 frames. They often range from 3 to 12 per animation. 3 for quick animations and 12 for really smooth animations, but those smooth ones are aimed at very few objects on the screen.

    Otherwise I suggest Spriter.

    Now that I understand your art a little more I can see the desire to maintain a higher quality retro style. good luck. There is a colour plugin you can try. It shifts specified colours to a different range. May or may not have a range level to it to effect close colours. may be one of Podes plugins.

  • Alright here is our entry into the Ludum Dare 32. We spent about 16hrs on the project. More of the fun of it rather than anything else <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-3 ... &uid=52614