jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • This is WAY fishy. The user is registered on November 28, has 2 posts, a game that leads to a webpage that requests a phone number. SUPER FISHY.

    Not sure, but isn't the avatar used belong to another user?

  • I'm amazed that you made this project solo. It looks amazing throw back to the NES days. If I liked the 80's platformers more you would have my financial support. Though I will give my greenlight support for being in your exact shoes. Except i'm older :(

    Part time employment and needing to support the family while being depressed.... I SO KNOW WHERE YOUR COMING FROM.

    Good luck you have my best wishes. Also it's a pity there a lot of naysayers on greenlight :( seriously good luck.... why aren't there more people complain about FPS's :P

  • Ok. So in my game the player collects Experience Points and Gems. During play the game offers Skill purchases with XP and Bonuses with Gems. That all works.

    The current model is that each Icon becomes visible when the player gains enough XP/Gems. Te Icons are in static positions surrounding the HUD. There was no problem early in dev when there was only a couple of skills for testing. Now though with the number of skills determined and a some more purchasable items on the way. The number of Icons are becoming too much.

    What I want to do is figuring a way to drop icons and have them stack ontop of each other.

    And to figure a way to stagger their appearance and drop when the player has enough for multiple at the same time.

  • TY, did try but I didn't get it to work orginally. THough I kept looking. I found that I need to turn off the automated behaviour for the bullet to face the direction of movement and set the angular motion maunally.

    however. thanks. you were right :)

  • I'm wondering if it's possible to get a Bullet to move backwards.

    I'm making a very basic AI system. I'm using Bullet to home in on the player. However, once the Bullet object reaches the sprite SensorShoot which is invisible(or will be when done) the sprite has it's Bullet speed set to -80.


    ShooterEnemy is Overlapping SensorShoot

    -> ShooterEnemy.setBulletSpeed to -80

    Else(refer to overlap)

    -> ShooterEnemy setBulletSpeed to 80


    Now. What I'm wondering is that is this even possible. Will setting a -value for bullet speed have the bullet move backwards.

  • Another alternative that's should be viable in the next few weeks is to use Spriter.

    Spriter is an animation engine for sprites. So it uses similar principles of animation that flash would use. Also I believe(don't qoute me) is that Spriter will also offer audio triggers to play sounds.

    So you don't need to make a movie video and gain the benefits of flash like sprite animation.


  • Colour me impressed. Love the direction. Looking forward to playing it. Being a programmer(ie C++/Java... not C2 event system) I love that non coders can sit down and create games. It opens the doors to the imaginations of artists and other creative people who don't have the mind set to learn a language and structure.

    kudo's to you and your work. These days I wish I was more an artist than a programmer. I like your style and it works well. Reminds me of old comics and cartoons :)

  • Everyone has a different frame of mind that let's able to figure out some concepts better than others. There will certainly be people who need assistance.

    As an example I install and run my own Drupal multisite server. However, there are plenty of people who even given step by step tutorials will still have difficulty. Yet maybe they are far better off at photography and taking good pictures than the skill required for a CMS.

    A tutorial would be a fantastic idea to help people get started and where to look. So yes a tutorial would be a good idea.

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  • "for example as you say, when I use "when thumb is not dragging, set position of thumb to control", does the construct doing work reposition thumb to control every tick, taxing performance?"

    if an event condition is true. Then it always fires. So in the example the position of the thumb is set to the control position every tick.

    Is it taxing performance? Not really. It's only one instruction. however it's a good rule of thumb to watch for this. It's possible that you only need an event to fire once(as above sample only needs to be fired once), but may have dozens of intensive instructions. This could tax and reduce performance.

    I think it's awfully thought for loneman to offer his time to teach some intracacies of C2. I personally am still muddling my way :D that's why I loved you drag and drop sample. Didn't even occur to me.

  • --"I wholeheartedly disagree with the assessment that the Ouya will be a flop."--

    yes, I love discussions. They are insightful. I do this not to change your mind, but to only express the ideas and topics about Ouya. I hope they will bring out much thought on the subject :)

    --"There is a market for retro games. "--

    I agree. However I feel that this strength applies to mostly portable gaming. Some retro games that aren't portable succeed due to a neglected fan base. Mega Man as an example. Ouya is not directed as a retro machine. That's the indie community mostly and I admit that Ouya is aiming for the small business/indie community.

    --"Major companies have already signed on to develop games for Ouya or re-release classics. Bandai, Square Enix, Konami, and more"--

    This is inappropriate statement. These companies are already working for support for Android OS. Once the game is on the Android the rest only comes down to adjusting for the controller and the resolution. Also I want to express that these companies are notoriously bad for keeping to there intended support. Just ask Nintendo fans. "Company X announces support for the N64/GC/Wii" months down the road "console [nintendo] does not have [feature] and we will not be continuing"

    So there you go. Support is for Android and that doesn't mean solid support for the Ouya. It also doesn't mean Ouya/Android will be seeing the companies AAA games, but instead old ports.

    --"The Ouya is in the hardware manufacturing business. They will send a console and in 5 to 10 years likely release another if they system does will or die out. "--

    ummm. yes/no and somewhere in the middle. Ouya is a platform of hardware and software. We have no idea what kind of machine longevity the Ouya will be based on. let's take into account that the machine will be the cheapest console on the market at $99(US I assume). Most console launch at the 250+ range. Also Ouya as you point out is based on the mobile device technology.

    The Tegra started out in 2008 and has four iterations. That's one iteration per year. Mobile devices are keeping up. This year the release of the Tegra 3, so 2013 will Tegra 3 mainstream year and the release of the Tegra 4. We may see a slowdown on the Tegra chips, but it's unlikely as it's a new underdeveloped area.

    In five more years the Ouya will be outdated by four chips and the relative power it brings. Mobile devices don't live by console years and the Ouya who's software is based on the mobile developers(ios/android) can't run on the same console life cycle. The ouya is a middle between mobile technology in a console grounds. I don't see good things as games made for Tegra 7 will not run on a Tegra 3.

    --"Their development costs will likely be lower than most phone manufacturers."--

    I agree with this. I also believe that the $99 is it's greatest strength. This means it's easier to pay the cost of $100 yearly rather than paying 300$ every five+ years. I know it sounds odd, but let me explain. it's easier to pay $10 out of the pocket monthly than it is pay $100 as whole sum. it's just human spending behavior vs budgetary expenses. MMO's make more money at $15 a month rather than 60$ for 6 months. even though the 6 month package is only 10$ a month. It just comes down to budget hits. $15 a month is less noticeable than $60

    I feel that this is the Ouya strength. A yearly or bi-yearly console where software upgrades. it's easier to swallow the price than $250+ a year. So hear I agree very much.

    --"On top of that you get a high res output for android games. "--

    Funny enough... actually no. The "mass" market really doesn't care about HD. As long as the graphics are good by style. WoW used a lower poly count than EQ2. WoW styled towards a colourful fantasy environment where as EQ2 wanted a more real look. And game after game style is way more important. Heck let's be honest. We are using C2 a 2D engine. Even the earlier comment on "retro" gaming backs this up. it's not about HD it's about good games with effective graphical style.

    Again. I want Ouya to succeed, but I believe that it's a console bridge which is betting on lofty ideals. I still want one and I hope for the best. But I don't see this product succeeding based on a mass consumer need. Most of it's Kickstarter success really seems to be from the developers community rather than gamers.

    I'm not trying to disaude you. I think you brought up some interesting points regarding the Ouya and I would like to hear more and possibly see a counter examination on what I wrote :) and what I may have missed.

    PS. I really dislike the editor that scirra used. Most others will handle inserting the tags based when you highlight and tag it. this one inserts the tag at the end of the document :(

  • This is part of the original post and not on the OP interest of whiteclaws 2 event and lonehangman offer.

    So I was experimenting with dragged objects and the sample that OP posted. I like the design. use of the drag and drop is better. As I've already stated. However I found that in trying to capture a more intuitive and responsive controls the above example doesn't have the same polish as say Street Fighter 4, Grand Theft Auto for Android/ios.

    First I wanted a larger area of input for where the thumb can start pressing graphically. the entire Touchpad area. I found making the control stick the same size had a draw back. The drag and drop feature follows where the object was grabbed. This resulted in a problem that even if I wanted to do a double tap I needed to "grab" the center each time. Where as tapping the side of the pad twice was ideal. The solution right now is to what seems a mandatory third event.

    Second, it's purely personal taste. But I don't like the joystick stick part being able to be dragged entirely across the screen. So in the OP Thumb1(assume lower left) can be dragged all the way to the upper right. This is personal. I've seen games use this and there is nothing wrong with the choice. However....

    a floating thumbstick results in unreliable analog based input. Analog referring to range of of left/right up/down and not angle. Since we are talking about touchscreens that range from 3.5 to 10 inches and a diversity of resolution. being reliant on distance will produce unreliable results. Due to the nature that distance and radius is dependent on device. That it is best to due a percentage based translation.

    However, ZhouYun does have a point. The 2 event style he uses is as simple as it can get. However I would change the "Not Dragging" to "On Drop" instead. A "Not Dragging" condition will fire the code afterwards. So in his example Thumb1 when not dragging is having it's position set every frame. It's only 1 command, but it's not needed. Where as a "on drop" will only fire when an "on drop" event occurs.

    Anyways. Again I appreciate the OP input and will change the article to a better way :)

  • I don't think it's a viable long term platform. I haven't read the doomed article and will shortly, but I want to give my own formed opinion before being validated or having differing opinion on why I don't think it will be successfull.

    That out of the way. I am a Kickstarter for the Ouya. I believe the Ouya theory could be beneficial. I did not get the email as I didn't put in the early developer amount. I just put in for a machine at 120.

    Ok why I think it's doomed. Funny enough it's the controller. That's the simple beginning and end and reason, but let's go into why.

    The platform(Android) is a new wave of mobile user simple OS(android, iOS and W8). The success of these OS(android/ios) are not in the OS itself, but instead the meld of user behavior and effective software interface. Think about this while I tangent on the subject.

    The PS3 is a great TV game console. It plays Blueray which is the successor to the DVD. It's an excellent device that "just does everything". It has a browser, software, movie player, music player, gallery......... the PS3 launched in Canada(where I live) at 800$ and has numerous price drops? So why is it not the ONLY Blue ray player out there? Why do we need the other BR players? Simple. The OS is designed around the classic PS3 Controller and over all it sucks. The UI is not intuitive or quick. It worked fine on the PSP where it was originally designed. The streaming video player using the PS3 remote is a nightmare. I have been using it to watch movies from Vuze on my computer. The entire interface is aweful. Now I spent the time to learn the controller, but it's a learning curve. It's a hurdle. The mass market does not want a hurdle.

    When it comes down to it the pointer is a awesome interface. The Touch Screen is a brilliant human behavior orientated interface. History of compute interface again and again shows that a pointer based interface is a very important factor to success. Computer Mouse, Touch screen, Wii-remote, NDS, the pen, the finger. Even in older games we have had to simulate a pointer with a controller. Anyone remember putting in a name on old console games. With either a pointer finger sprite or box over the letter. The success of the PS1 and 2 comes from being the same device as the competition, but easier and providing better data storage. We clearly see that when Nintendo went pointer it was a succesful disruption. However Nintendo is choking itself with it's own other decisions.

    I'm hoping I making my point to some extent. It's time we get back to the Ouya. The Ouya is a machine that is not suppose compete with the other consoles... except that it does by the developers own words. So the UI is designed for an old style controller(XBOX360).

    Ouya big selling point is the open platform of software. For developers and players. Is really the open platform and free game model going to really boom the industry? It's just a game machine that uses Android. With a bad interface. I think the controller is the week point as the controller defines how we interact with everything on the console.

    now having ranted about that. I WANT an OUYA. I personally enjoy android games and March is way to far away.

    EDIT: Read the article

    Oh as usual. When a companies either accidental purposefully produces a product that appeals to the human behavior it is a success. That's why C2 sells. It fills a market. It's why Disney does extremely well over all these years. it's why boy bands keep coming around. music companies sell to the large market of 10 to 15 year old girls. It goes on and on.

    Ouya designer is the same way. Rather than talk about the behaviour of people it talks about a machine and industry.

    I hope the best for Ouya, but it needs commercials coming out now.

    ....... I'm late posting to an old thread :P

  • hmm. This is an extremly important question for me as well.. well will be.

    The CPU cycles are less important that the effect of deterministic physics. If C2 uses deterministic physics then the CPU should make no difference. Unfortunatly Box2d is not natively built as deterministic.

    The current solution is to run the physics step independently of the main gameloop and instead run the step based on timestamps. However, it seems to me that in C2 there isn't a way to turn on or off the physics(I could be wrong I haven't delved into c2 physics that much).

    In the mean time you might have to do Whiteclaws suggestion. Get the difference in FPS. Determine a base value for impulse. Then figure the percentage of change based on the FPS difference. I suspect the physics simulation won't be the same. There is consideration for friction, density and mass for the fixture where impulse has different effects :|

  • Thanks. I really appreciate you showing the drag and drop behaviour. I think it works out really well :) I think the tutorial will be a lot better for your contribution once it's updated :)

    You rock :)

  • Could you please put up an HTML sample. I don't use beta versions and I want to test this out on an actual touch screen.

    Honestly I completely overlooked the Drag and Drop behaviour. Though I tried to simulate it by doing the same form of checking to see if the touch was still touching. I found that it was unusable as the touch would lose it's requirement of still touching thumb stick. However maybe the drag and drop behaviour will be more solid in monitoring the touch position even when the finger slides off the thumb stick.