jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Physics doesn't and can't use dt effectivly

    The nature of Box2D is that it's performance is dependent on the binary it's running on. Which means that the amount of CPU cycles spent on the physics determine the results.(cough why cutting down the fps to a desired level can influence our logic time cough)

    However Box2D has a had a few tutorials to fix the timestep for it to work across different cpu/binaries


    unfortunantly C2 implementation lacks enough functionality exposed to be able to manually do this in an event sheet. From what I can tell :|

  • Yes it's doable... um I'm not an export on this however.


    Just modify and edit the principles as needed. Don't use black. use a triangle sprite....

  • Actually I agree with the OP how it should work. Containers shold work like along the lines of a parent -> child model. However it doesn't.

    Container is a collection of objects(that can't share in other containers :( ) that are related to each other. Theoritically when one object in the container get's triggered for use. All the objects in the same version should. however that doesn't seem to happen all that often either.

    For now. Just continue to use PIN. Not the best, but it at least works. C2 does many things great, but it's lack of a Parent/Child and it's simple PIN behaviour are it's weakest points so far :(

    Otherwise fantastic tool :)

  • Just as an update.

    * Pause animation playback, doesn't do anything :(

    * "Set playback speed ratio"(for pausing, so 0) needs to be after "set animation" or else it will error on line 1295 of the plugin

    * Can there also be AnimateToKeyFrame(frameNumber). I find using Spriter to scroll a menu up and down for a controller to be really nice. Rather than using set speed ratio. Animate to frame would be way better.

    * as a temporary update for Spriter into C2. You can copy and paste the SCML file into the C2/File folder. It does work. This however doesn't take into account new objects. Now I'm not sure which part is responsible the plugin add object or the plugin itself. It would be great that on startup of C2 the Spriter Plugin can go over the spriter event sheet, and images and put them where they should be.

    * It would be great that Spriter Plugin handle it's own XML parsing rather require other technology. That way C2 Spriter can be moved to different platforms and not have to wait for other technology to provide the DomXMLParsing shim.

  • yeah. i'm glad some one at GC found a solution. Knowing the in's and out is easier to create the bridge.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how GC and PhoneGap will be for Ouya come end of March and I can start testing on my own device :)

  • yes, still looking forward to import/export event sheets.

  • I read on the Scirra facebook page that someone published their game and it was all good and after about a month it started breaking down which really doesn't make sense to me.

    I think I asked this before, but does anyone have any videos of a C2 game that has a single scene PACKED with the lots of things happening at once? I checked out MortarMelon, really nice project, but I feel if they couldn't fit more in one scene (purely for RAM reasons, amazingggggg looking game.) I get a bit concerned.

    I love having lots of Animations and various characters all doing something at once.

    Which is also something GS CAN NOT handle.

    Ummm. I suppose they were inefficiently using storage. Maybe they were just adding more and more to save file and it started using up too much memory. This would reduce performance.

    I haven't tried packed scenes yet. Though tests have shown that if your willing to limit a fps of 30. you can get 200+ objects renders without much problem. Hardware of course matters where mine is a low end Tegra2, so consider that :P. I have also been thinking of a theory to pack many more objects onto a scene by identifying them as dynamic and static. Then using rojohounds canvas render the static elements at 10fps count and leave dynamic running at normal speed. but it's just a theory. I don't know of GS has access to a canvas layer to experiment with that.

  • I always love updates to this plugin :)

  • Nope. While it ran better on my tablet. It's in no way really much of an improvement on an older device. There were also many graphical glitches that the game was unplayable.

  • What is it. Is it a Canvas overide, a wrapper, another canvas api?

  • yeah, I have all sorts of problem with Spriter and C2. Right now it's difficult to work with :( hopefully the next plugin and Spriter public release will solve some of the fickle behaviour.

  • To an extent yes, but not every member of family will have the same response.

    If there are a number of different Wall types that behave differently based on being shot. Then I don't need a Wall family to have both plugin behaviours.


    -KnockBackWall(has bullet)

    -FadeWall(has fade)

    -BounceWall(nothing special)

    In this situation KnockBackwall doesn't need fade, and Fadewall doesn't need Bullet plugin.


    On Collision Bullet to FamilyWall

    -> FamilyWall do (and has no access to Bullet, Fade and do not innately know which wall was hit)

    If I give WallFamily Fade and Bullet, but there is still no innate way to determine which wall object had the collision. However andreyin solution to pick nearest sounds like it will work. Haven't used it yet :D

    You know what. I think I found a solution to the design around not knowing the object.


    instance variable - typefunction

    on collision bullet to WallFamily

    Function Call (WallFamily.type, WallFamily.uid)

    On Function "foo"

    choose wall based on UID Function.Param(0)

    I think that solves the inherent lack of knowing or access to the object in the family and access to plugins in the object not the family.

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  • that would be an incredible language interpreter and exporter

  • I found that happens with one of my games on the iPad2 and only the iPad2. I'm not sure what it is, but it might be related to objects bordering the layout.

    I'm not sure exactly what the condition is, but with 400-500 objects something is forcing it to slow down.

  • The answer to your 3 questions

    "I just wanted to know, does construct have:

    Game Centre Achievements.

    In App Purchases.

    Universal Binaries."

    No, but CocoonJS wrapper has Game Center support

    No, but CocoonJS wrapper has IOS and Android IAP, but the plugin is working with such features yet.

    No, and unfortunatally unless some intrepid programmer reverse engineers the XML exports C2 will never have universal binairies.

    "Those are some features GS has that I hope Scirra does.

    Scirra has WAY more awesome features than GS, I wish I started with Scirra.

    However making the change at this stage will be a little costly however as things go I do plan on doing it."

    The only down side to C2 is that it's dependent on other technologies to advance to catch up. However I find that it's easy to make games with C2.

    "Does scirra supply hard code so I can take advantage of getting programers to incorporate non Scirra features like multiplayer etc?"

    You can program plugins for multiplayer and other features. Also the JS code is exposed so you can tinker with it as much as you want.

    "Can Scirra make games like platform shooters with mechanics that allow you to shoot a bullet at a group of actors all together, overlap more than one and only destroy one? GS Can't do that and I would LOVE it if Scirra could."

    Yes. Really depends on the condition of which you want to destroy.

    You can set a condition event for overlapping. This will give you a pool of objects(actors). Then you can count through them, then random to destroy one of them.