jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Kiira

    oooh, if your back to doing art work. i could use a couple of images :)

    not much really. I mostly need Spriter animation, but I'm lacking a few frames :)

    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/155619_535409153175991_439364609_n.jpg" border="0" />

    It needs a frame or two or three for a wing flap animation. I though originally just dragging the wing skewing would work.. but no it didn't. actually Spriter just rotated the wing :( The art is done in inkscape.

    I also need a wing flap for the evil fairies. but they are simpler. They are just ovals on an angle :D

    Happy to give credit where it's due.

  • ram1024

    Real time multiplayer work for me well enough on a regional bases. I don't know where the myth that TCP can't do real time, but it's nto true. UDP is far better for realtime, but TCP can still work. Age of Empires was Realtime. Guildwars, WoW both use TCP for PvP. Is it as good as Call of Duty Counter strike. No, it's not. but the word "can't" or "technically not doable" is not applicable.

    Hese a demo of TCP game


    There is no advance client prediction or dead reckoning. So if the latenency is bad enough characters will make a small jump. That's easily fixable by a better movement engine. The sample never intended to be good. just show the viabliity of WebSockets for real time game.

    To me it's a success :)

    the Server is located in Vancouver Canada, running on a netbook.

    Also awarmenhoven and I are working on a mulitplayer solution for C2. We have a thread started looking for input in regards to how developers want to use the plugins.

    Bubble Game Server in design

  • ummm.... Have you tried using the Dictionary Object?

    You can also Include Event sheets in other event sheets

    AND you can use the same Event sheet for multiple layout

    Also Functions are cross Evensheet if included.

  • Actually the pricing structure was one of the reasons I have never purchased it. If I buy it it will be Master only. Any other pricing is too much. Hearing that they could be getting more expensive is concerning.

    While I don't feel that GMS is as intuitive as C2; GMS assigned Event system directly to objects. Which let's objects behave more OOP. Which is far better than open events :(

    Also the effort that YoYo games makes to for true cross platform compilation should never be underestimated. With that you can create native language support. Allowing new technologies to be directly incorported rather than having to listen to "waiting for technologies to catchup nonsense."

    Take this as an example. GMS developers could incorporate a UDP network later years ago. Where as C2 needs to wait for browser developers to provide access layer. Same with WebSockets, WebGL... so on and the list goes on. Browsers are and will always be playing 4 year catchup on a technoligical level. C2 needs browser based wrapper designed to work in any other environment.

    However, GMS pricing is heavy handed. Other tools similar have yearly licensing. Which can end up costing even more than GMS.

    C2 license is easily a very generous and fantastic license. But at the same time C2 just isn't as mature distribution. :( great product though :)

  • lucid

    There seems to be an error for spriter objects that are not on the original layout. It might be related to a family problem for not having the Spriter Object and collection of associated sprites.

  • Yep we have. I think there are 3 other threads :) Thanks for the info :)

    To bad there is not HTML bindings :( C2 can't access Java directly, so it needs to go throught he wrapper. maybe CJS will come out with one soon :)

  • Alright. Since I've been busy lately and unable to commit some code cleanup on the plugin. I will just throw it out there.

    Keep in mind that this a client plugin for Photon Server, not Photon Cloud.

    MP Shooter CAPX

    This CAPX was a throw together. There is no good coding practices. It grew from simple connection tests. Remember good design is done before doing the work :D

    Photon Client for Photon Server

    You will need to do port forwarding for internet access.

    I'm willing to do some minor bug fixes if you can provide a Unit test as to what exactly is causing an error.

  • I would cut out the 3d Pokemon, but you can make RPG with C2. This is an interesting question. Often if the toolset is robust enough to make a game. Most games can be made :) It's just a matter of thinking "HOW" :)

    Good luck :)

  • zipstacrack

    I had this kind of error yesterday. 'getElementsByTagName'

    I don't know if yours is exactly the same as mine, but my solution was this.

    copy/paste the original dragged in scml file.

    Just to make that clear.

    When you first drag and drop the scml file into C2. You drop it into a layout(i do anyways). I get the large clump of images.

    If you need that same scml access. Copy and paste the original to the new layout.

    Why the error occured for me

    I normally put all my assets on a layout called ASSETS. When I need a copy of the ASSET. I use the Objects bar on the side. I would Drag the object to the layout. Unfortunatally yesterday I found that if I use the method of an object from the object bar. The Spriter object would result the getElemements... blah error.

    Sample Error


    The original Spriter Object is on Layout2. Layout1 is the Object Bar Spriter object. Run Layout1. For me it's an error in Chrome. :( hopefully it's the same error and you can fix you problem.

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  • I didn't know you could use dropbox for CocoonJS launcher. I thought it had to be a straightward webserver so that it's a direct file. However, I've never had it work by net access. I have always had to drop it into the root by way of USB cable. Even if the nexus 7 doesn't have a microSD storage, you do have a microUSB port. Which you should be able to use to put on a CJS package.

    Try that.

  • lucid

    Request please. I/We? would like the option to Hide/Show the entire sprite. Since I use a Spriter object for player widgets. I would like the ability to hide and show as required. I couldn't it in the plugin option for actions :(

  • Glad they are offering the service.

    Though personally I'm not a big fan of this form of isolated gaming network. however, taking advantage of cloud storage, achievements and stuff is great :)

    PSN, Live, WiiWhatever, GameCenter, GooglePlay

    C2 can only support that which is through the Browser. i can garuntee that this is not a webapp. We will have to wait for CocoonJS to support it. Then wait for either Scirra or Ludie to work on the CJS plugin :(

  • That's an interesting idea. Pomelo has some nice server game handling features.

    As for using Pomelo as a core server. It's more taking the opportunity that awarmenhoven is a server programmer with cluster networking solutions already. So that gives a benefit of trying to handle a direct solution for less technical developers. However, I'm more than interested in inclusion than exclusion. If we can find effective Pomelo support included. I don't see why not.

    Personally I would like to see Clay.io integration :). Much of this will come down to handling data and connections. So who knows what we will manage. But one step at a time, forethought and listening to the C2 developers :)

    On side comment. A few weeks ago before I did the MP Test shooter. I was looking around for a networking solution to achieve a similar design to Bubble. I cam across Pomelo. If I was working solo, I would likely follow up on a pure Pomelo or Action Hero layer.

  • lucid

    Hey Lucid. I have a feature I would like to be implemented if possible.

    Editing from C2. When in C2 I can double click the file which opens the SCML file. However, the images are in a different location. Anyway that you Ashley and you could maybe get some way to get Spriter to work with the files in C2?