jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • ok well here we are. There are some other threads around, but they have been quite as there wasn't much more news streaming in.

    Here is what we have

    CocoonJS will be supporting Ouya. This is the currently ideal course, but Ludie isn't exactly speedy with it's updates. Infact WebGL was said to be out soon; which was a few weeks ago :(.. but it is coming if you don't mind waiting.

    Psema4 who you can find on the developer Ouya forums. Has managed to get a wrapper actively working with the Ouya. This includes the controllers. It does work right now as I understand it. it's not a fast wrapper, in fact its' probably just the default speed for performance, but if you don't do anything fancy. it's probably enough to run most non intensive graphical games. He is working to get the entire Chrome Kit running. So that can lead to a lot of possibilities.

    Jenpop who is active here under another name. Also worked on a wrapper, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a public running version.

    Pender Android

    This is all ready to go short of the controller and Ouya IAP. However, as Pender Android is written in Java it shuold be simple to get the controller going. In fact i was thinking of just mixing Psema4 java code into Pender.

    Game Closure

    Same state as Pender, almost ready to go, but you will have to build the bridge between the language. However, there is more overhead as GC uses C++ and a middle language of Game Closure known as Barista.

    Right now I'm working on an Oyua game. I am going to take more depth once it's ready to be ported. I'll update or put up a tutorial on how to get a game on to the ouya when I'm done. If some one else hasn't by then.

    Also I got my Ouya today. Bomb Squad is awesome :)

  • revin

    Do you mean your trying to connect to an account, gamer website. Is it gamersportal.com that your refering too. That site doesn't look anything like Clay.io.

    what gaming site are you trying to connect too? or are you thinking of starting your own?

  • I was looking at Pomelo. It's a nice framework, but I didn't notice any greater advantage than say Photon outside that Pomelo is free.

    Pomelo seems to be really built around using javascript programming for server. Where as Photon was built around both EchoPeer and programmed servers.

    It still seems to be an API above most C2 developers intended skill target. Otherwise it seemed pretty good if your a JS programmer.

    I haven't used it. So I could be mistaken.

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  • If your talking about WebSocket, then that's part of the Websocket buffer in the browser. I don't know why, but unless the websocket app has focus, it just build up into the browser buffer. I'm hoping this is fixable in C2 though this is not to say C2 is the problem.

    But it is a good question why does it buffer when the app doesn't have focus.

  • honestly I've never had success with the URL launcher. I always plug my device in and use iTune to transfer the file over to Launcher. Less convienct, but it at least I know it works.

  • Joannesalfa

    Your right, full blown RTS games with lot's of bullets flyign aruond probably would be best with a better collision detection. probably could use a quadtree beaviour then as it doesn't use the platform or related behaviour.

  • remember that demo. I think I still have it in my downloads.

    While I agree that better collision is a good idea. I still feel that in regards to a puzzle game like you were aiming for. That using collision is not the best way. A board plugin, and good animation is the best recourse. The best way is to check for an empty spot in the board. Then animate the blocks above to look like a naturual drop.

    Rexrainbow has a bejewled like plugins.

  • I don't get how your game works, but I did manage to connect.

  • Kiira

    thank you very much. We will be keeping in mind MMO design and admin access. I'll pass on admin details to awarmenhoven.

  • Joannesalfa

    Implementing a quadtree into C2 wouldn't be that hard; especially as there is an API ready to be turned into a behaviour. The down side is that like C2 Physics which is Box2D, it's an entirely different collision check.

    This means that like the Platform/Solid/Jumpthru/Bullet behaviours this Quadtree would not be compatible :( You couldn't take advantage of say Bullet Bounce off wall, and use Solid. Those are built to work together. Where as Bullet and Physics won't.

    However, if you don't need Platform and Jumpthru. It can be created and implemented to good effect. The best solution is for Ashley to implement a quadtree into the natural behaviours. Might even be possible to slip it right into the basic object collision making the overhead minimal. Maybe next time there is a poll we should suggest it :)

    But in the mean time maybe someone or myself if given the time can look into a behaviour.

    So I tried the demo. One of the options is 500 objects. In a brute force model wich C2 uses. That would be 252,000 = 500 x 504 (+4 for walls). That's a lot of collision checks. Where as in this it looks like maybe 200-500 checks or something like that. Certainly not 200k+

  • Most if not all mobile browsers do not support WebGL. I've only heard of one mobile device by Sony that has WebGL running.

    If you want WebGL on mobile. The solution is to use CocoonJS when they release there WebGL update soon. Not out yet though.

    This problem has nothing to do with C2. It's the piggy back technology issue :( just need to wait until browsers support get's better.

  • scirra.com/tutorials/537/how-to-collaborate-on-projects-with-svn

    Ashley put up a tutorial on this. Which also mentions wich files shouldn't be in the svn and various practices. Haven't done this myself as of yet :(

  • I have to agree, Ashley's development speed is really fast. Features are just gushing out.

  • I agree, C2 is insanely fast development. Especially if you don't need more than the basic features :)

  • hmmmm. Good controller with the Wiiremote, console on the TV. If this comes to pass I will buy a Wii U.

    Good luck Ashley :)