jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Does anyone have the APK for the launcher. I want to put 1.4 onto my Ouya, but the Ludei wiki link is still 1.3 :(

  • Kyatric

    oh yes, support :( support is massive hit favouring miss. Some people get support quickly, most people get support very slowly. I would lean that there support is slow, but it is there.

    Same with Ouya staff on the forums. Only the Unity Ouya staff have a resonable response time. The other Ouya forum staff are just so slow and barely responsive. I don't like Ouya support right now. Maybe I'm just spoiled by C2.

    I started the RMA process for my controller as it has the axis deadzone problem. 2.5 weeks for the RMA response and form to fill. With my first email being ignored. As a hint, don't use a gmail account. I'm not sure but I get the feeling that gmail accounts are filtered. I ended up using my barely used buisness email which got a response. even there auto resonse didn't work with my gmail account :(

    the very early Kickstarter backers got a lot more lemons. I have no idea if this continues to persist strongly with retails version.

    I'm also hesitent if backer versions should be reviewed as a final release. Movies are usually not reviewed unti it's finished release. Though how it was released was just asking for bad media. However, it is what it is.

    I think the sum of "cheap console" is the best opinion of it. I think if the software also favoured a lot more media options. netflix, hulu, so on so forth with a controller that supported it. I think it could have gone a lot better. Focusing on just games is expecting a lot of comparison of game expectations. I think some really good games will come out for the Ouya, but will take some times.

  • yes you can make the intended game. I will chime in that RPG's are by the hardest to make. However, that is often related to all the mini systems in place and the fact the common RPG design has more content than anygame.

    However, if your game is more sandbox orientated I can see your project being more streamlined and easier to design.

    And to give credit to the OP. If he has playtested the the number crunching game then he should be fine. providing he doesn't deviate from the rules into the the stanard eRPG tropes.

    I think Knights of Pen and Paper does a great job to prove that a more classic RPG design, and simplified gameplay can still produce a pretty good rpg.

  • jayderyu: It's a work in progress/still to come, but Ludei has been pretty active around Ouya lately (they mentioned on their twitter they participated to the ouyajam and the news about C2 support of Ouya is very fresh).

    Also do you own a Ouya ?

    I've seen some reviews of a model that was outrageously not playable with a delay between the input and the registering of the input making most games unplayable. Has this issue been fixed since Ouya's release ?

    yes I do :), I'm a $100 backer so I recieved a backers edition. I heard about Ludei being more active with the Ouya, I hoped my campaign on the Ouya forums to Boxer8(Ouya company) helped get the ball rolling :)

    Someone on the forum has managed to identify that the delay seems to be related to other USB objects. As time goes by the controller delay seems to get longer. This isn't with all controllers however. Some of the developers are trying to isolate controller revision to problem. I however had a 360, PS3 controller plugged in by way of hub and have had no delay troubles. However you need to really map the controllers. I hope Ahsley prehandles this so we don't have to do this ourselves :D

    I think my favourite review is

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    . I like this because the review doesn't take the perception that it must be equal to the current console. Instead it measures it's cost, performance, and use. Which I feel has more merit as a review than "must be powerful, must have system seller exclusives". Ouya definetly doesn't try to play that console game, but does it need to for $99us/cdn?

    My problem with the Ouya has nothing to do about power. And being a developer(lol like I finished anything :D) I'm patient for elements to be ironed out. I just loath the classic design of controllers. Otherwise. I love the fact that I can try any game on the Ouya :)

  • you are absolutely right :)

    I got a facebook account, I barely use twitter.... once a year, but I do stay logged with FB. Even if I don't post on it much. It's usually up :)

    I should have thought of that sooner :)

    However, I tested CJS 1.4 with my controller(360) and it didn't work :(.However, I do use only the stable versions. So if it's a recent beta release. Then I need to wait still. Though the CJS/C2 preview model looks sweet :)

    And, does the CJS now support Ouya IAP? or is that still to come?

  • I am in the same position. However, in a few weeks I'm going to be writing an android xml parser that will fill in the gaps where the official parser should be. I need one as a non option, but I need to finish a few things first.

  • We are this time waiting for controller support and the tweaking to support effective landscape view. Though Ludei is really slow to update :( I wish they updated more than every 6 months :(


    In the mean time, GameClosure is also working on Ouya support. Although there is no WebGL. It's also a little more work to get GC going as it requires code writing to load the sound files.


  • * What kind of staff are you looking for.

    * What kind of sales has your company seen. Just to get an idea of the profit share return.

  • I know there were a few others working on an Ouya game themselves, but I haven't heard much from them.

    I am still working on an Ouya game, but CJS has no controller support at this time. They are working on it as is Ashley. At the moment right now only Psema4 has a working Ouya/HTML5 bridge working. He also doesn't come to this site. I would suggest doing a google search for Psema4 Ouya

  • Sounds like a good idea. I'm looking forward to playing it as it progresses. Had similar ideas, but you know. Many ideas, limited time :D

    Keep up the good work :)

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  • Compare Two Values(Figure=Square && Color=Yellow) = 1(ie both are true)


    Compare Two Values(Figure=Squase && Colour=Red) = 1

    However I do agree that it would be nice to have AND conditions within OR. Maybe the Event shouldn't be a toggle between AND an OR, but instead it's

    Add OR condition.

    Color = yellow

    Figure = Square

    • OR - (right click event, add OR Condition)

    Color = Red

    Figure = Square

    • OR - (right click event, add OR Condition)

    Figure = Triangle

    Colour = Plaid

  • C2 can play online. There are a few online samples. This is mine. It uses a simple unfinished Photon Client.


    but it proves that the TCP can work for games. However, there are a few caveats.

    * Based on TCP with WebSockets

    * Performance is highly based on stable connection. Fantastic for solid connections. Not so good with poor providers, faulty wiring, or computers with message packet problems.

    * The server is a test server located in Vancouver. So if your in Europe you will likely get higher latency.

    * There are no room management. It's just 1 room.

    * No one plays, which is ok it was for testing. So i'm not always up on keeping the server running. However it's up for now :D

    * PC only. No touch controls.

    If you want to test it. I suggest opening to clients to test it with.

  • Knifegrinder

    I suggest emailing your CocoonJS export directly to Ludei with a list of problems. Often if problems crop up that is what they will ask for.

  • I don't know if anyone has seen this video, but check it out :)

    It's only a matter of time. Though we all know Ludei release schedule :(


  • lucid

    Thank you so much, that will make my work soooo much easier :) This also soudns like the big item/clothing swap ability. I assume that individual MAP swapping will also be available as an in game run ability to.

    Looking fantastic :) when this reaches Spriter Release and Plugin it will make the last 2 hurdles down to 1. :) happy happy.

    That leaves the one left which is in Ashley's court.... this is a long one :D

    thank you thank you thank :)