JayBesaw's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • hey, I have a (barely) working inventory system, I can switch between empty slots and it works perfect but when I pick up weapons anything past the first slot but it works once I go back to the first one, does anyone know why?

  • this helped so much lol, finally got it working perfectly

    working with 3 or 11 bullets lol, honestly was super helpful ty

  • doing something like what you're saying would end up with any bullet that doesn't fit between max and min just to be either the max angle or min angle rather than in between

  • well I want all the bullets to be evenly spread between the max and min angle

    so if you have three bullets the bullet in the middle is just straight down the middle, but if I were to add another bullet it'll split the two evenly

  • oh damn, I didn't even see it, tysm, still the middle one's angle is messed up but it's no longer the position of the bullets. do you have any idea how to do what I want it to do?

    I want it to just be between the min and max but also be able to add more bullets and they stay between the min and max angle I have for it.

  • I meant it only works correctly when the gun angle is at 0 rather than it doesn't work at all.

    I understand the gap will get bigger after the fact but it's weird because I would imagine that the first and last bullet to be made would be where they should be due to the fact it's simply just -25 for min angle and +25 for max angle. if only the middle bullet was doing that I'd understand

    also I did what you said. I fixed the issue where too many bullets appear and found out it seems like the start and end bullets are the ones that positions are all messed up but idk why when I'm picking the weapon by the UID and it has the same thing as the bullets that are in between

  • hey, I'm a good bit confused on something. I was trying to make something where I could just input a variable for multi-shot then it would make multiple bullets and set the angle for each one of them individually without me manually setting them. when I did it, it made another bullet (I have no clue where it's getting that position) and it did to 3 bullets which only works when the gun angle is at 0. the more it goes the larger the gap gets.

    my event sheet for the weapons

    if anyone knows how to get something like this working properly that would be extremely or just knows what I'm doing wrong I'd be extremely appreciative

    best pic I could get to show what it's doing

  • finally went back, I looked at the demo and this is absolutely amazing, I honestly didn't even think of doing it this way and I tried it out and yeah it does (so far) exactly what I want it to do. tysm man

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  • I want the damage of the bullet, how many bullets there are and everything inside of the array. then I wanna use the UID from the array to grab the object to move it and such

  • I don't see how I would do that. if I go to system or the family that the sprites are a part of I don't find anything where I can pick an instance by a UID. also I wanna do it by script because I'm gonna make a function that will make more bullets based on the data inside the array and such when the player shoots

  • well I know I made it a string intentionally. turning it into an integer using parseint() didn't work as well. leaving it alone also doesn't work. I would do pick random instance but I'm trying to use an array to pick the instance using the UID I put inside the array

  • I decided that I would see if I'm doing something wrong or I'm just crazy because it seems like this would work to me

    but appearantly it doesn't work. I thought maybe because it was returning a string or an int it didn't work to select the weapon but it seems turning it into an int or a string it's broken either way which is kinda bugging me. all I want to do is grab the random object UID that's selected and find that object so I can use it or move it. is there something I'm doing wrong or is this just a thing where I'm not allowed to do something like this just because?

  • You shouldn't really need the name. Why ?

    well what I wanna do is take the object and create it over again but it seems with the way UID works it only works if there is already an existing instance. and also I wanted to make something where it could call to a function in js that would have the same name as the object for the shoot but at this point honestly I'm kinda just rethinking everything cus iit seems that might not work

  • tysm man, I felt like I was going crazy, I didn't realize that I'd have to put objectType in there for name to work or anything. this was something I was looking at forever that I just was so confused on

  • I was searching around and I thought I had found some solutions to my issue or something but I just downright don't know or I'm doing something wrong. when the player collides with an object I want the game to call back to the object and then give me the name of the object.

    I have it so that the object is inside a family so when the player collides with any object in the family it will grab that specific object but it seems like there's no way for it to call to a specific object in family and get it's name or use it anywhere else. does anyone have a solution for it or something?

  • 15 posts