JasonS's Forum Posts

  • Just move the events in event 13 to 11. state 3 isn't needed.

    Thanks a bunch, guess im over thinking a bit or just not thinking of simple solutions. Is hard to find good help like this, you saved me a lot of trouble

  • :? I don't see a third state.

    sorry sorry, hopefully this is it lol. its a bit confusing for me to achieve this type of dash without using that 3rd state for a bit of delay on retrigger or else it just acts like its in state 1 whole time while retriggering the dash.

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pclpeby41n98h3i/NEW.capx?dl=0

  • To make the timer accumulate, move the Space trigger out and add the current-time to your timer.

    http://www.blackhornettechnologies.com/ ... s_BHT.capx

    Not exactly what i had in mind but still interesting. Little embarressed to mention this but i'm kinda looking for Castlevania style dash. The vania dashes dont cancel upon release of dash button(unlike mmx style dash), but can retrigger durring the dash or cancel into other states. There is a pause there as well(where player isnt continously moving if retriggering the dash) which im guessing to "set vector X 0" before each dash. gonna be trying more things. I'm just so grateful u helped me get rid of the frozen Instant Variables <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Edit: something kinda like this but looking for a way not to use that 3rd state i just added.

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/baxkemawba97w ... .capx?dl=0

  • "Trigger once" is meant to be paired with a condition, not used on it's own. Drag the code in event 9 to event 7 and it works.

    You are amazing!. And yeah i been using a bunch of those trigger once's like that and pulling my hair out on some things haha. One other thing is, Is there any way to retrigger this dash during the dash itself? But not have the dash stop upon releasing the dash button. thanks again.

  • Hello all, I'm here trying to create a certain type of dash involving Instance Variables(player states) with a Timer(dash timer) and triggering it with "On Button press". Problem with this is, if you spam the button rapidly(dash button), there is a chance the player will get stuck in Player State 1(dash state). Its a little to fast for me to see exactly where the problem is. If anyone can tell me what im missing here, I would appreciate it.

    here is the capx.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ilpmdx6plklp0 ... .capx?dl=0



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  • Not to be rude but shouldn't you be using edit post instead of posting like this? XD You got 500 rep to, can u show us some pictures or maybe a capx? Or maybe try something like this: http://imgur.com/a/j0JVC

  • Well, you made 3 calls to none existing animations. I moved them to the end and crossed them. Existing or not, they kick in.

    The enemyes moved during attack, kicking the walk animation in.

    And what Sup said. The attack is not looping. So either you loop it, and use trigger once. Or you got to loop it in the events as long as the attack_CD = 1.

    Dont think the or blocks work that way. I think they make the Picklist (SOL) empty, so all the following sub conditions start from that empty SOL. The way i set them up, first the picking happens, then the evaluation.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/d4t81wey5vz29 ... .capx?dl=0

    Hope this helps.

    Hello and thanks for the responses. I did try out your capx and I like some things but when u took away the "Trigger once while true" in there, the enemies lost the random cool down i had created for them from the instance variable "attack_CD", I wanted them to kinda attack as soon as they get to the player but also have the small random cooldown after the first attack, this was the real conflict i was having when I try'd taking out the "Trigger once while true". I feel like there is something simple here I cant see and not doing right.

    I still need to figure this out. How to get the slimes to attack me as soon as they get near me and have a small random cooldown after the first attack.

  • Hello all, I recently been working on some A.I for a Vania style platformer in Construct 2. I have seem to hit a brick wall trying to sync the enemy attack animations with a instance variable(attackCD) from the enemy collision box. I try'd things like "trigger once while true","for each" and even giving the Slime sprite its own instance variables. I can't seem to figure it out, try'd many combinations of events. I could use a bit of help and knowledge here.

    Atm if you agro just one of the slimes, it acts just as I want it to. But when agroing multiple Slimes they stop the attack animations while the attack CD is still firing off.

    I'll post some pictures and the capx file if anyone is intrested in helping out with it, would really appreciate it.




    Download Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qmsvwu5jgjer0 ... .capx?dl=0

    • Post link icon

    Having the same issues, games don't upload new version for me. It just shows the older version after i try to update it. ><

  • Been trying to make a platform behavior object have a custom jump with the sustain and everything that works with the platformer behavior gravity. Reason is I want to create a wall jump that has the smooth sustain on the jump aswell, not just the -Y vector by itself. Question is, Is there any simple or common way to program this w/o being to complex? Sorry I dont have a cap file or anything and not really sure how to load one w/o 3rd party websites.

    My older wall jump had a gravity change involved. Not exactly this but the same concept.

    ----"jumps off wall at a angle"----------------------------------------------------------------

    ("If Player is falling ----------("set Platformer angle of Gravity 60

    Player has wall to left ----------- simulate control Jump

    Up Arrow is pressed") ----------- start Timer "GravityTimer" 0.05 once.")

    ----"changes back to gravity angle 90"-----------------------------------------------------

    (On Gravity Timer "GravityTimer") ---------- (set Platformer angle of gravity 90)


    It has the jump sustain and everything but it doesn't feel right in some situations. If u play around with megaman X, you can see he has the jump sustain behavior within his wall jump. Not just a -y vector change, something I'm trying to figure out here with my small brain.

  • Just add "Trigger once while true" to that one. You'll find it under system.

    Oh man thanks u so much Ahr Ech, havent used this til now. This opened other doors for me! you da best.

  • Hello guys, HAving some trouble here and would like some feedback. Most of my base animations are on the "Platform On ..." as u can see down below. If the animation is not looped on "Platform On...", the animation will play once and stop at last frame. I like that, But how can i achieve that with "Platform is falling"? The animation just keeps repeating even if not looped during "Platform is falling", I know its supposed to work like that but how can i get the animation to play once to the last frame if not looped, as it does when its "Platform On fall"?

    Hope its not to hard to figure out. I dont explain things very well.

  • The past 2 months I been trying to build a simple horizontal shoot em up game like Gradius. Working on general mechanics and testing 2 different types scrolling. My real question is, what scrolling is more common to use in horizontal shoot em up games like Gradius.

    1. Using the system scroll x and parallax layers? (where the window is moving thru the long layout)


    2. Having star field and Objects scroll -x with loops. ( window doesnt move, objects fly horizontal across the screen, illusion that is moving)

    Another question about option 1. Option 1 would require to have a large horizontal layout maybe having 20000 px in size. is that normal for most games to have a huge layout?

    Hope this isnt hard to understand. Would really appreciate any feedback or tips.

  • Well I do got a lot of things with Bullet behavior at the start. Building a shoot em up without using the System Scroll Screen and Parallax Layers. So pretty much everything is flying passed the screen and being destroyed at -x positions. Wonder if its just better to go with parallax effect?

    So I have noticed that if a sprite loads in a layout then its image is already loaded in the next layout if it exist there. I have title and continue screen so i was able to notice that the drop in fps was only happening on the first start up for the gameplay layout.

  • Hello boys, at the start of my game the fps seems to go from 55 for 1 or 2 seconds then stays at 60 fps from then on. I have bullet behavior objects moving right at the start. Is there anyway to avoid that drop in fps? Is it loading images at the start or something? I made a custom layout for loading different other layouts but im not sure how i can use it to load the images of a layout before a layout even starts to avoid that drop in fps at the begining?

    Will creating those objects on the loading layout stay loaded if the layout changes to the main game layout?