JasonS's Forum Posts

  • Lately i have had a similar issue. When using "Play at object", the "Preload Audio" event does not seem to work for the "Play at Object" action. Preloading the audio for just "Play Audio" seems to preload just fine. This might be why your other sounds might pause when u use the "Play at Object" audio event at first.

    Is there something we are missing here or is "Play at Object" working as intended? "Play at object is a cool feature but its not so cool if u cant use preloading the audio for it and not getting the first stutter on the action.

  • Making own particles? Thats a great idea RamPack, just wondering now if that would cause any issues in performance compared to the Particle object doing its thing. I didnt understand function parameters until i stared long and hard at the way u set em up there in your events. tyty!

  • You prob dont get what im sayin, all my objects scroll past the screen giving the illusion that my character is travelin high speed. so when a scrolling astroid comes thru and i shoot it, it spawns a one shot particle that looks like a firework.

    I would like this firework looking particle to scroll past the screen giving the illusion that the screen left it behind even tho it is really moving past me.

    I thought of a work around since bullet will only work in continuos spray, and have it fade out. But then i lose the look of the explosion firework effect from the particle moving.

    Hope i can find a way around this. maybe a plugin or something.

  • So im trying to have a particle scroll past the screen while its in "One Shot mode" it only works for "Continuos Spray" .. I even Pinned it to a object and also did a "Every Tick set position to Object" that had a bullet behavior aswell. It will not move in "One Shot mode" whatever i try or do. im guessing the particle object destroys right away in one shot mode even tho it looks like its still there .... >.>.

    Please dont ask for a .capx, all the things i tryed are deleted now. You can try this out for yourself and see that "bullet behavior" or "every tick set position to object" will not respond in one shot mode for the particle. im trying to think of any idea around this to make it look like a "one shot" particle is moving.

    This was for a shoot em up game and the idea was to have a scrolling astroid blow up while the one shot particle it spawns still follows the scrolling path the astroid was on.

  • I understand what u mean Ryan. Going to go give it shot. Thx a bunch man!


    So I have realized that the "is Moving" event counts as "is Jumping" also. I made a "is on Floor" condition for my "idle" and "running" events. This seems to have made things a bit more clear for now.

  • So yeah, still having trouble understanding the jump animation. seems to not work like other animations and it only plays the first frame when i jump.

    sprite 3 is blacked out. not trying to reveal my new spritesheet working on. the jump animation is about 4 frames long.

  • Hi, Im a bit confused. I have an idle and a running animation. When I add a jump animation to trigger when player is jumping, it seems to only play the first frame of the animation when i trigger the jump. What is going on here? ><

  • O.O ty ty! I'll have a look at these!

  • I have a Turret, I would like him to scan a certain area having him rotate his angle tward 2 objects back and foward. Im not really sure how the exspression is written out. I been trying different things and it only sets the angle really fast to a object. I need him to rotate between both objects as if he had a Sine/Angle effect. So how is this commonly written out, to get something to rotate between two objects at a certain speed?

    I like the Sine/Angle effect but tis giving me trouble. It will drift off into another spot once the turret loses agro on the player. thought i could use 2 objects as a alternative. The reason i want to use objects is to be able to set them in different places. instead of makeing events for a bunch of different angle. Im not to good with that yet.

  • Ah, that gives me some other ideas for things. But i really cant have a enemy waiting up for a follower. i need the enemy to be on the players arse. but i never thought of a invisable follower. That could be usefull to me later on.

  • How do i get multiple enemies to pathfind to player without them combining and looking like one enemy. I think its in the " Every X seconds" that's making them path find in the same place to make them look like one? This is mostly when running away from the enemy.

    Heres how i got the enemy to Pathfind to the Player. The enemy is made of 2 objects. Top is Turret. Bottom is Pathfinder.

  • Aha, wasnt using any containers for the 3 objects and was using global variables rather then variables for the actual objects ><.

  • Hello boys, i'm very new to the software. I'm still getting used to basic things so bare with me.

    I have this small issue, I have made a single enemy made of 3 objects with pathfinding, works ok, not a big deal. So I try'd to copy paste him and have a 2nd enemy within the Layout. Now i have 2 enemy's in my layout acting the same. The problem is i want to use them independently. When one enemy LOS (Line of Sights) me and chases me, the other enemy from across the room comes to chase me too. I don't want the other same type of enemy pathfinding me if he didn't see me. How do I use the same type of enemy independently? Must be a way, I don't think i would have to make another whole seperate enemy?

    note: the object is made of 3 parts. bottom for pathfind, top for turret and a sprite to cover it all on top.

    Any help, i will be grateful thx.

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  • Hello all! Jason from TX. I love this software.