Jase00's Forum Posts

  • Oh no, no anger towards anyone! I direct things towards "Scirra" as a business.

    I do agree with what you're saying, passion can be lacking in the industry, and Ashley and the team at Scirra do show their passion in their craft.

    I just can't fathom why there was so much pushback for a seemingly simple thing to add.

  • This was a painful read.

    I really don't understand the reluctance to provide a paying customer something that their TEAM would benefit from ("team" suggests this would benefit multiple paying customers). Not only is it likely an easy addition to add, but it would make your customers happier, and people obersving this thread such as myself would see a nice interaction between Scirra and a customer, rather than blatant misunderstanding and accusations against a customer (seriously, they never "told you" guys to "stop making routine updates").

    If the worry was about "bug reports from older versions that are already fixed" then this would occur anyway with folks that stumble upon the older versions on the Web version, or folks that use the unofficial desktop launcher (not like you'd know what launcher they used from the bug report alone, they'd only include the version number, which would indicate that it's an old bug anyway).

    I dunno, it's not exactly hopeful reading this stuff as a lurker. I got burned out from reporting bugs too.

  • gustavoChico I think you've explained very clearly, I don't know where Ashley got the idea that you are "telling scirra to stop making routine improvements" after reading these posts, if anything you've expressed your happiness about Construct 3 and your happiness about the updates, you just simply want to opt-out of updates for your current project, nothing more.

  • Ahh that sucks bad, data loss is the worst.

    I'd suggest maybe trying software such as TestDisk or Recuva, perhaps you may get lucky in restoring something off of your main HDD or your external HDD.

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  • To limit the minimum fps in C3, I think it's only a "System" event right now, not a project property (unless I'm missing this). You can read about it here too: construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/system-reference/system-actions

    Personally I don't use any behaviours at all and do everything in events - I do this because I want ALL the control lol. You can specify your collisions exactly the way you want by doing it this way, although this can get extremely fiddly and complicated and likely has a performance overhead, but to me it's worth the hassle to get the game feeling perfect. I aim to use LOS as I know there's a major performance gain compared to the event-only way of raycasting where you "Make a sprite, increase it's width by 1 until it hits a wall". It gets tricky though as a ray is only 1px wide.

    Perhaps LOS could be used in conjunction with the platform behaviour, but the more I think about this, I'm not sure this would work too well for your case, as it's a ray; a 1px wide line, so it's not going to account for the whole width or height of the player. Perhaps you could make a system where if the fps is lower than 30fps, then a make-shift sprite-based ray that is the same width/height as the player, that increases it's width/height by 1px in a loop (this is taxing for performance so this may be terrible advice) or maybe utilising the "On overlap at offset" for the player... OR MAYBE the system "Set minimum FPS" would suffice in this case to avoid over-complicating things!

    Yeah the whole 144hz monitor stuff (they have 240hz monitors now, would you believe? Must be butter smooth), I try to wrap my mind around this as I like the idea of making precision platformers, but I'm aware that when your fps is changing a lot, it can make your jump heights change just a little, but enough to ruin a precision jump and either miss it or overshoot it.

  • Oh I wonder how the platform movement is designed - I've always been cautious about the unknown nature of behaviours - I assume they are made with effeciency and performance in mind, but I do know the complexity of some behaviours is quite high (especially the Platform behaviour), which makes me very unsure about using them, as if I encounter any unwanted issues or wanted to request a change to the behaviour that is vital to my project, then it may not get updated as any update to the behaviour might break it for someone else's project.

    I know that the "Custom Movement" behaviour has a "Stepping" feature, so I presume the platform behaviour uses this too - This is great but I believe this is still not as reliable as raycasting. (If not sure on definition - "Stepping" means that it will "move the object, test collisions, move object again, test collisions again" multiple times in 1 tick.) EDIT - I use a combination of both stepping + raycasting in my C2 projects, so that it handles high-speeds and collisions well, even running at the speed of 3000*dt into a 1px wall would work reliably!

    To be honest I've only started experimenting with the LOS behaviour to make a raycast-based platform movement - Back in C2, I used to use the "Light" and "Trace" plugins and it worked very reliably. In C3, I have high hopes that LOS would be reliable, but I haven't nailed it down just yet, only because of having the time to check it out!

    For your project right now, one possible solution you could explore would be the System event "Set Minimum Framerate", where you could choose a Framerate that you expect your game to run at (e.g. 30fps) and if someone's computer cannot reach this and say reaches 20fps, then "dt" will not increase further, meaning the player would experience a slow-motion effect if their fps falls below 30fps (which is much better than teleporting through the map! But may be bad for any games that require rhythm or precision jumping ).

  • I'm not sure this is the issue you're experiencing but -

    Sometimes lower frame-rates can cause collision issues depending on how you handle collisions. If you're using the built-in platform movement stuff, then I'm not sure if this applies -

    If your player's movement is based on "Set position to Self.X + Self.Speed * dt", and then your collision is the basic "Is player overlapping Solid" then as your framerate gets lower, then "dt" will get higher, meaning the "Set position" code will pretty much teleport your player further along, meaning sometimes the player will completely overlap a solid, or sometimes teleport the player beyond the wall which would ruin the game completely in some cases.

    However, if your player's movement is based on raycasting using the LoS behaviour or something, and you cast a ray in front of your player until the ray finds a Solid, and then update the X position of the player, then this would be a lot more reliable, even at lower framerates, as it will always perfectly detect the incoming walls/floors/ceilings and position accordingly.

    Hope this is useful in your case.

  • Ohh, how "low-end" are we talking here? Do you have the device specs or model?

  • Random guess, but could it be sprite.count-1 to fix this?

  • Oh I see!

    I'll give that a shot and save my project in that way. Thank you!

  • Ayy,

    In C2, my project could play sounds by using the audio plugin "play by name" and putting a folder path (for example if we had a jump sound called "jump.ogg", you could use "play by name" and type: "C:/Game/jump" and it would successfully play).

    In C3, understandably it is different as remote preview works differently to the local preview in C2, but how would be best to play audio without having to import all sounds into C3?

    There's hundreds of sounds and music, which is why I want to do it this way rather than importing it all into my project and dramatically slowing down save and load times on the project.

    I wouldn't mind using a Web server even for now, but I tried this along with an "audio url" addon, but I wasn't able to figure this out, nor do I want to use addons really.

    Any guidance? Much appreciated!

  • I do agree with this, even if we get locked-out from previewing until all references of the old plugin are removed.

    I tried porting a project over from C2 the other day, and I just sifted through the project deleting the plugins and behaviours and it just broke everything when running it in c3.

    If we had maybe red striked-out text or something over the events, then at least we could go and replace with an equivalent (e.g. If we used the plugin "Paster", we could go to each Paster event and manually update this to use a drawing canvas.

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  • Ayy, you could try using replace() to get rid of all whitespace in the text.

  • newt ahh shoot I was going to try a mouse. Cheers for the info.

    I do really hope that it's possible to implement some way to do this, even if it's an "Experimental Feature" that's quickly thrown in that reuses C3 code that already exists.

    Having a section on the side of the screen that scrolls (just like how it scrolls now), but then the rest of the screen is drag/drop (with small deadzone when touching so you can still long-press on events) would be extremely useful imo.

    Or, a button at the top that's only visible on Mobile, that toggles between "Scroll" and "Drag and Drop" mode. Anything is better than cut & pasting over and over (If you had an event with 5 actions and wanted to add a new action at the top, then you would need to cut and paste all of the actions to get your new action to the top of the list).

    Personally I spend 99% of my time in the event sheet view, - I was amazed when messing around with C3 on my Note 9, it is designed very well for mobile with it's side-panes and such, it was literally just the one missing feature - to be able to drag events and actions around.

    I do understand that mobile support is advertised for reviewing and tweaking, a keyboard and mouse is certainly way more efficient and effective and a mobile screen is very small and trickier to work with, but currently for mobile, it really does seem like "drag and drop" is the only missing feature for the event sheet view when comparing desktop to mobile (Things like multi-select get a lot more complicated and I'm not worried about that at all!).

    In my case as a hobbyist, I would use this during my lunch break at work, or before bed, or when travelling, or when I go to a place where I can't bring a laptop or something and just hop on my phone and do some bits. This would also make me feel like I'm getting more out of subscribing as I would be able to invest more time into C3 throughout the day.

    Sorry to post about this here, I understand there's a suggestions page, but I don't really know how to gain attraction to something like this, I am kind of hoping it isn't an overly complicated thing to implement, even experimentally.