jaboc1234's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • I want the player object to be destroyed after an explosion but when I set the animation and set the object to destroy, it just screws up everything. The objects animation doesn't play.

    *Edit* I tried the on animation finished event but it put it before the even to check if the object was flashing. So that it's not destroyed as soon as it's returns.

  • I meant like to the left or right or top or bottom, if I move to the edge, I want the ship to stop right at the edge, rather than keep going off the screen.

  • turning off pixel rounding fixed the problem. I guess you can feel free to look at it and see if there is anything you would suggest.

  • Here is a link to my file. I hope it works. maybe someone can figure out why it's acting all janky!


  • I am working on a vertical shooter. I used the GLOKAR example as a starting point but to be honest, it's pretty complicated for a beginner. In this vertical shooter, your ship is supposed to scroll upwards towards the top of the level. The camera also has to scroll up without following the player. I used the same setup as the example but there is some really bad stuttering for some reason. The player's ship stutters really bad and my tile map was also doing some bad screen tearing, even with the v-sync on. I recently increased the screen size for the game because it was too small, that might be the problem as it worked fine before I resized everything. I was going to attach the game file but that doesn't seem to be possible so I'm not even sure what I should show. I set the scroll to scrolly -20* dt. I also tried to get the camera to follow a sprite and that didn't work either. I am really stuck. Someone please help me. thanks!

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  • I got the screen and player to automatically scroll up till the end of the level but I can't keep the player from moving past the edge of the screen. If I make the player bound to layout, the player won't be able to move past the end of the view port. You can't make the viewport taller, that just messes everything up. I tried to code some coordinates for the boundaries for a condition to movement and none of those work. I saw someone else do this and it worked but I can't figure out what he did different. What would be the best way to handle levels for a old school vertical scrolling shooter where the player and camera scrolls until the end?

  • This black bar on the right side won't go away. Any idea what might cause this black bar to appear in my tilemap?

    I am seriously thinking about going back to Unity. It seems like everyday something like this comes up. This program was supposed to be easy to use, it's become a nightmare!

  • If you explain what is an object bank :)

    It's supposedly a layout where you can put your objects so that your first instance of each object is created. I've seen lots of people use these but I can't find any real info on how they work or anything.

  • This is a screenshot from the pre-alpha build of my vertical shooter called Atomic Zenith. I am using sprites from 3d models and hand drawn 2D environments, backwards? Perhaps. Well It's very low resolution and very early. Let me know what you think of the graphics so far. Enemies are to be implemented next.

  • Can someone explain how to implement an object bank? I created one but either I don't understand what they are supposed to do or I have done something wrong. Please help!

  • 10 posts