J0w97's Forum Posts

  • thanks guys.

  • I have this strange problem, when i attack an enemy, it does much more damage than i have set. for example, a simple punch does 2 damage, and the enemy has a max HP of 50. in just two punches, the enemy is destroyed. any advice would be appreciated.

  • LesleyBeth I'm sorry ma'am. i didn't realize that there was an "include event sheet" option. thank you for your time and helpful information😊.

  • worked perfectly. thanks my guy.

  • ok i know i just made this post, but i'm really confused here. i've been watching these jermenator tutorials, and one thing i noticed, is that he was able to make his character animation states to play, in the keyboard input event sheet (as opposed to filling each stage event sheet with the character's keyboard input events. however my characters animation states will not play, unless i copy/paste the keyboard input events into whatever layout that she is in.

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  • sorry if you can't really see this enough to understand whats going on, but it shows that her animation states won't play, until i paste her keyboard inputs into layout1. lemme know if you need to see more.

  • so, each event sheet/stage where a player is controlled must include all events for all 4 characters correct?

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  • no ma'am.

  • thank you for replying. so she IS global now, but her animations still won't play on input.

  • i haven't tried, nor did i know that. how exactly would i go about doing this? sorry i'm totally new to this.

  • so i've been watching some tutorials, and in this one video, we are going over things like animation states, keyboard input etc. the guy gets his animations to play through states ,while all his code is in the character's keyboard event, but my character just plays the idle animation no matter what (unless i copy/paste the code in each layout that the character object is in.) not so sure how this works, but is there any way that i can control my character AND get the animations to play correctly, without perpetually dumping all their code into each event sheet?

  • That worked well. Thanks.

  • i'm completely new to this.'ve been watching tutorials by this "jeremenator" and i ran into a major problem. I'm trying to setup the controls through states (if thats how it works) and when i no other animation is playing but idle no matter what button i press. i rewatched the partiular video several times, but still can't solve the problem.

    heres what i got below.