j0schi's Forum Posts

  • Hey folks :)

    So i have designed an enemy, which consists of a lot of different parts working in a particular way together. The only way to do this economcly was in the layout editor. Everything is fine so far, so now i want to save this whole anemy to an array to recreate it later on without using another layout or resetting ths layout.

    what i want to do now, is to set a 4th value, of which object type to spawn actually spawn. in other words pick the right sprite for the job. Is there some kind of system expreassion to save the actual object type, or do i have to write an "tranlator" ala

    if id = 1 pick sprite1, if id = 2 pick sprite2 [...]

    as there are many parts it seems kind of unflexible. also because of the nature of this i cant just work with one sprite (and then just set the animation frame) as i have to build the whole enemy in the normal layout editor by hand. Is there any good way to do this? Do i miss something or is it not possible to save an object type to an array?

    Kind regards


  • dop2000 you are the best! I am working for such a long time now with construct 2 and still learning! :D Problem is, i mostly have 1 month a year to make games (its just an hobby, i whish it would be more) this works like a charm, i am pretty sure i can modify this for my game :)

    Thank you very much!

  • newt, sorry, that doesnt make much sense to me... could you elaborate?

    I tryed everything putting the same object in 2 familys, but it just wont work the way i inted it to do... objects are pinned all to one or not at all even if i comapare ID`s

    in general its really simple what i want to do, basically

    IF endgegnerpart1 IS OVERLPPING endgegnerpart2 AND endgegnerpart1.id = endgegnerpart2.id2 -1

    sounds simple right? I dont get it why this just wont work...

  • SQL would be the correct beginning. With PHP as an "translator"

    Another way to archive this is to integrate multiplayer. You could programm a "server" in cronstruct. if you only use text you can use a low update frequenzy so you can support a load of players :) I did this once, all you need is a server with an gui and a browser to run the server side... works pretty well and stable, also saving / backups are not a problem. I personally enjoy this method more, as i can do everything in construct!

  • Hmmm i cant wrap my head arround this >< maybe i should take a break.

    Here is a screenhot, basically the second part archives what i want but i want to do it somewhat automatically, so i dont have to do it for each part manually (there are a lot of parts...)

  • Hey blackhornet, thanks, i tryed that before but somehow did not manage to get it to work correctly, maybe i did something wrong, i will try again and post the result here!

  • Hey Folks :)

    I have a big "enemy" consisting of different parts which are all members of the same family. I place those parts in the visual editor of construct. There is also an family variable called "id", which is represented by 1 2 3 and so on in the image.

    Part 1 can move arround, so every other part should move with part 1 (pin position and angle) but part 4 can rotate and if done so part 5 should rotate with part 4.

    So my question is, how do i pin those objects to each other? My original thought was pinning those objects by overlapping but it seems i cant pick 2 different parts of the same family and pin the higher to the lower ID...

    Any suggestions on how to archive this? do i have to do this manually for each part? is it even possible? should i maybe move all the parts on its own in the same way, so i can rotate them seperatly? In this case, it would be easy to rotate part 4 but it would make for some complicated equasions to rotate part 5 in the same manner...

    kind regards


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  • Update: Dont use Load, use Set ->

  • Apparently when i manually download and paste the tilemap it works.

    The downloaded string looks a lot different from the asjson output. is this a bug or is this intended?

    Downloaded: {"c2tilemap":true,"width":40,"height":40,"data":"466x-1,0,1,2,37x-1,9,10,11,37x-1,18,19,20

    AsJson: {"c2":true,"ex":{},"ivs":{"5849307574877662":0.8},"w":{"x":-128,"y":0,"w":5152,"h":5152,"l":425702197544442,"zi":0,"hX":0,"hY":0},"behs":{"8028382427356587":{"

    What am i doing wrong here?

  • Hi Folks

    first a general question. With the multiplayer object one can add an ICE - TURN Server which i did and which works great. What i am interested in: Is the TURN Server always in use or only when there is a NAT Problem inbetween. I noticed, that local connections getting through with a ping of 1, which means there can be no TURN server inbetween.

    To my other question: We are talking about a multiplayer envoirement.

    When the peer layout loads it creates a tilemap.

    Whenever the tilemap needs to be updated the peer sends a message "tilemap" to the host. The host then answeres this specific peer with the tilemap. After that the peer sets the tilemap according to the host message (as json)

    Problem is, on the peer side, the tilemap always looks like another instance of the same tilemap which is in a total different layout. I cant get it to update...

    Here is the part where the host sends:

    and what the peer should do:

    Thanks to the debug2 text i know that the peer is actually receiving the tilemap.

    Is anything wrong with the loading from JSON part or am i missing something else?

    Thansk and kind regards


  • Hey

    We just completed the development phase 2 (Phase 1 is on Scirra Arcade: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/sports-games/platform-golf-1333 of Platform Golf and we are currently trying our luck with steam greenlight http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815687342

    Youtube Teaser:

    Homepage (With demo download):


    I appreciate any feedback from you folks as well as upvotes on greenlight if you like the game.

    So far it seems like most people have an issue with the ingame interface as it quite still looks as it was made for mobile. We actually found this interface to be the most convenient to use, even on PC. What do you guys think?

    Kind regards


  • at-99Instances2Go yes

    at-R0j0hound Thanks you very much, i am not sure why i couldnt get this to work, i will studdy the example and implement it

    thank you all for your help.

  • i have tryed both your suggestions, and in both cases the project just crashed... but thank you very much, i will keep trying...

  • I send you a privatemessage with your credentials

  • did you mean like this?

    Doesnt work