j0schi's Forum Posts

  • Reference: http://playdosgamesonline.com/volfied.html

    I would like to know if it is possible to make a game like this in construct.

    So background would be no problem, also enemy movement will be rather easy with pathfinding / randomisation or bullet behavior.

    I thought about doing some kind of grid, and one could draw the lines with maybe tiled backgrounds. would it be possible pixelbased to reveal parts of a background?

    or is using some kind of grit the only possibility here?

    Kind regards


  • We are currently working on the storry, when there is anything new i will update you here and you will then find more informations on the page also

    There should be something more in 1 week...

    By the way, we could use some custom made music in a few month when the development is further advanced

    Kind regards

  • I thought some might be intersted in the development of this 2d Platformer.

    So i just leave this link here: http://theapparatus.xyz/

    Any feedback regardless if here or directly on the page is highly appreciated

    Kind regards


  • 99Instances2Go thank you very much, that helped

  • So ive encountered a strange behavior for the fallspeed.

    If i make it so the particle effect gets deactivated, but the fallspeed is not set to 1000

    I fi do it like this both the particle effect gets deactivated and the fallspeed is set to 1000

    Could anyone explain why this could happen, shouldnt it be the same in both cases?

    Thanks & Kind Regards


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  • newlee just uploaded the latest version to kongregate, there is now a small green arrow which indicates where to go



  • Thats a good idea with the indicator, thanks

    Have you tryed the version on kongregate? i tweaked the controlls a lot, also you can press the down key now to bring the rocket back up again at the cost of some fuel

    One can learn it pretty fast, its a little hard in the beginning, i think thats why the game got so bad ratings

  • WOW, that was a fast answer, thank you very much!

    Havent found anything about this in the manual, but i could imagine its something like that hopefully i am not just blind haha

    1) -> Perfect

    2) Thats a very usefull information, even if this is not the case here it will help in the future!

    Kind regards

  • Hi Folks, i have a simple function which should update the position of a object.

    However, if i call the funtion after the object is created it does not update the position. When i and an 1 Tick delay it does.

    Can somebody explain this to me please?

    Does not work:

    Does Work:

    Kind regards


  • I don't know what got into me to do this but i dit it: http://www.kongregate.com/games/j0schi/ ... you-handle

    Originally i just wanted to test how many objects i can spawn before the framerate goes down.

    The results where suprisingly interesting.

    I limited the max objects by frame rate. i am pretty sure this could be usefull for other games as one could despawn objects if framerate drops. so the game will run good at maximum effects on each pc...

    Objects before performance drops:

    i5 2500k Chrome ~430

    i5 2500k Chrome Canary ~1300

    i5 2500k Firefox ~1300

    i5 2500k IE ~360

    XperiaZ1 Chrome ~215

    Also interesting, if you despawn objects, even if you restart the layout, the engine can handle less than the first time.

    Still pretty amazing what construct can handle these days!

    Just wanted to leave this here as it might be of interest for some one <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Kind regards


  • for physics game it actually does, you have to manually set the phisics behavior to framerate independet, which i did, after a friend with a 120hz monitor reported this problem to me. i will ask him if the game runs at normal speed now this might be related.

  • frcol


    to be hornest the grafics are stok, i am really bad at graphics, but i take it as a compliment to choosing nice graphics haha

    the controlls are hard on purpose, i could maybe make them some less sensitive, would that make sence? or there might be a problem, do you have a 120hz monitor? i cant test this

  • Update:

    when your rocket tips over you can now press S or down arrow to aplly a small impulse and bring it back up again!

    added WASD controlls

    added version number in menu bottom left

    also i released the game on kongregate. http://www.kongregate.com/games/j0schi/ ... te-express

    Kind regards


  • Hey folks,

    i just finished my new game <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">.

    Any feedback and especially bugreports are highly welcome!


    Use your arrow keys to control the rocket and enter to reset the level. Currently there are 23 levels.


    Have fun playing,

    kind regards


  • WOW that looks efficient! thank you so much