j0schi's Forum Posts

  • Hey Mikal,

    i am still working with your Plugin, newest version. Its working fine so far, however with 2 exports i got the problem that the grafics dont show up. The console shows the following error:

    All other animations working as intended and i have no idea what went wrong here :(

    Maybe you have an idea? Meanwhile i will recheck the spine project and reexport those...

  • To answer my own Question:

    1) Export the Tilemap

    2) Open the *.tmx file

    3) change the tilemap size to 1

    4) delete the tilemap data exept for the first entry.

    5) Happy tilemap editing

  • Well the bigger tilemap is 40000x40000px It actually runs pretty good ingame but in the editor its a bit laggy. ITs ok as long as i dont edit it. The smaller oney are the ones i want to edit. However that doesnt work because he somehow adapts the size of the other (bigger) instance.

    However it seems that there is another problem...

    the project has 1 MB when i save it and my pc has 32GB of memory.. never have run out of it lol

    And thanks for all the tips! i diabled the animated UI already, however the include sheets is a very good idea :) Still, i miss construct 2 a bit where i never had those issues :(

  • I have a tilemap, which i also use in another layout. there i filled it. Problem now, as the tilemap is completly filled, its very laggy to draw in :( Is there a way to empty this instance of the tilemap?


    Thats for my question...

    For the feedback:

    In constrcut 2 it was no problem at all to handle this size of tilemaps. I use construct 3 for a few weeks now and there are parts of it i rly love! All the new features and the workflow is very good... However, nothing that could not have be done in c2! What i dont like about C3 is the performance of the editor... Everything is kind of unresponsive especially in bigger projects. Also it crashes quite often for me, when setting image points for example... Also yesterday my internetconnection was gone and i could not start C3... So i was not able to continue to work... I am just a bit angry, because non of this was ever an issue in C2 :( Its a lot of little things that are just not nececary with a program that not runs in the browser...

    Anyways i dont want this to be a rant, but it would be nice to know how i can handle the big tilemap? how do i "delete" the tiles so it is responsive and i can draw on it again?

    Di i have tio create a new tilemap?`

    Kind regards


    Update: I deleted a few tiles, then selected those and deleted more and so on till the tilemap was empty, still its very laggy and i cant draw... i will ad a new tilemap for now till there is a solutuon....

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  • Thank you both very much! This really helps. Didnt know about the follow example, it seems to be very well done. I will play arround with that a little to tweek it to my needs :)

  • Here is how i solved this.

    Basically it checks at every start if the last start is longer than 24 hours ago and if yes the player gets his dayly bonus.

    Kind regards


  • Hey Folks,

    i want to have an object to follow the path of the player. Currently i have a move to which i add a waypoint every 0.1 to which works, but the movement is pretty choppy.


    So is there a way to keep a fixed distance and make the movements smother? I thought about add a skin and make it lerp, but even for that it seens to be to choppy. Also it would be even further away. Is there a better way to do this?

    Kind regards


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  • Well, i tryed a lot more but its really really hard, especially as the jump through is very wonky :( also with the diagonal platforms its hard to do... I think my best bet would be to figure something out with move along path...

    Semms like this "bug" exists for a while now: construct.net/en/forum/construct-2/how-do-i-18/continuous-fallinglanding-147718

    I cant get it to work properly especially with fast moving sprites. No problems with this fall through with solid behavior but then i habe to figure the jump through out which is hard... The collision detection is kind of nuts and it seems like one cant set the stepping mode manually like with physics or bullet behavior. Currently ill try to create the movements with bulletbehavior which seems to be overly complicated :(

  • update: jump through really doesnt do it for me as i fall through the "rails" constandly even with pixel perfect positioning... i even tryed to modyfy the collision poligons and tryed different shapes... i dont think there is a good way to do this with the build in constrcut functions which is a shame :(

    It does not help much, that i can drive through rails from below now haha as i even fall through straight rails... gyazo.com/aed27dc97769117db9292e632c64e803

  • Well yea you go upwards till you hit a wall (1)

    Thing is jump through does not work wenn you "run" into a ceiling haha :D

    One way solids are actually some starting point, i will play arround with it more, unfortunately most of the examples from the old posts are not there anymore :(


  • Jea i tested a lot with those already but did not get a good result as mentioned... I have to simulate the "jumps" as the minecart cant really jump haha :D Well, i guess i could change it so, that the minecart can actually jump and you dont have those diagonal rails connecting... Not the best solution imho but it would be a solution i guess.

  • hey oosrag,

    the redlines mark the rails in the image

    I would really like to work with platform behavior, but so far i could not figure out how to handle the problem that the player has to go "through rails.

    I attached another examplepicture, lines go in both directions. I tryed to disable colliion for some when down / up is pressed but it turns out really messy and its very complicated (also did not work in each case)

    the red lines are from one sprite with different animationframes, the intersections are determinded automatically when placing the rales depending on the surrounding rails.

    So the big question would be how to handle the whole going up through a rail and falling down througha rail while keeping the momentum. I looked at different examples on how "going through stairs" but none of them helped yet. Thats why i ended up thinking a move to behavior would be better...

    Kind regards


  • Hey Folks,

    i am currently programming a little sidescroller game where the player can build rails and use a "minecart" to fasttravel. The rails are placed on a 128 x 128 grid.

    For the minecart movement i tested

    - Platform behavior

    - Physics beahvior

    - Move to behavior

    Platform behavior worked the best so far but brings big troubles with intersections

    Physicsbeahvior is to wonky to be used here, also collision detection might be a problem.

    I found this construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/how-do-i-8/keep-object-train-curve-rail-143038 thread whcih describes a move to behavior, which seems to be the best aproach, but even this seems to be a bit choppy when used at higher speeds meaning the "breaking" looks a "bit" off. Also it seems to be more suitable for a path which does not change... But with intersections is a different storry.

    So if the player presses down and there is an option to go straight or down the down path should be chosen.

    How would you solve this? Is there even a good approach to this? What would be your starting point?

    Physics seem to be nice, as the cart would roll down when on a hill or slow down when going up but it does not seem to be useable.

    Kind regards


  • as it might help someone, here is my final solution which works like a charm :)

    i am pretty sure there might be a even better solution but that works for me at least :D