3030's Forum Posts

  • also using 10.5 with the latest version of C2 for Cosmochoria. Im assuming i will never update that folder at this point

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  • Awesome man, all the best & good luck with everything! Hit me up anytime.

  • Hey man, no i think if you kickstart your game, even if successful it has to go through their greenlight system for now. Its a way for them to see if you have the ablity to rally a community behind your game. That being said, you can rally your kickstarter community to help your greenlight campaign, and vice versa Good luck! It can be a lot of work, but if building awareness is the issue, it can be worth it.

    For me, i spent almost 2 solid months preparing and planning for the kickstarter campaign, another month for the greenlight campaign. That's 3 months i lost i could have been working on the game full time... hard for me to say that it was worth it for the money i raised.. But thats not the main reason i did it, either. What i did get though were people interested in the game and who were willing to help spread the word. People who were giving their active thoughts and feedback, etc. Which is much more valuable and cherished.

    Good luck tho - whatever your goal is, work very hard and im sure you would see some success.

  • Achievements are first setup in the steamworks dashboard area for your app. Once they're setup there you can reference them with the plugin.

    Trading cards, badges, cloud saving, etc is all supported without any attachment to your actual app. They are all setup and run via your steamworks area for the app. Check the steamworks api documentation, its quite straight forward. If you show me your greenlit project page and can confirm you've signed the nda i can send you a helpful email, if you need it.



  • Cosmochoria is launching on Steam tomorrow!

    It has:

    • Achievements
    • Cloud Saving
    • Trading Cards
    • Badges
    • Emoticons
    • Profile Backgrounds

    All doable with Ashley's plugin, which is also a huge thanks to Greenheart Games for the NW.js development.


  • - No prob at all!

  • ON Object Created

    - Move to: Behind Other Object Type.

    Don't "Pick" the Other Object Type and it should move it behind *all*

  • IJCT glad to see you fixed it.

    80bit i think you just created what everyone will be saying from now of when a capx is needed

    lol, nice.

    Glad it's fixed man.

  • capx or it didnt happen

  • Heres a CAPX that hopefull helps illustrate what I want... I want the 'world' to rotate around the square (including the square...) but have the square actually locked to the bottom of the screen.

    Angle can change on the bottom of the screen--i dont want the square "always up" so i still want it to rotate like it does in the middle of the screen, but on the bottom of the screen and things moving around it proportionally as they do when the camera is centered on it...

    Here's a CAPX: http://d.pr/f/jObG/4cgLcYDD

  • I'm sure the effect you are trying to achieve can be achieved.

    instead of the scrollto behaviour there is also the system scrollto action,

    so maybe something like this would work?

    every tick

    >system scrollto Circle.x+0.5*windowwidth, circle.y

    Thanks - but yeah i tried that but it still offsets the shape so it still rotates around the center of the screen so now instead of the shape keeping its position, it is 'orbiting' the middle of the screen...

  • It seems, and maybe im wrong, that the Rotate Layer rotates the layer based on the center of the viewport as the origin point?

    Can i set where the origin point is exactly when rotating a layer? I basically want to rotate a layer around a circle but I want that circle to be off-set from the center of the screen. I want the circle's position to be static but its angle to change based on the layer rotation, but I want the circle to be half off-screen, so using something like 'scroll to' doesnt work since it centers the camera on the circle...

    Pinning / etc is not what Im looking for either...

  • happens to me too. main screen gets about 30FPS. clicking to something specific or to profile gives me 60

  • i cant seem to get the dialogs to come up... interested to see this.