Isedo's Forum Posts

  • Thanks. Yes I managed to delete it but I was wandering if there is a way to indent it without deleting.

  • Hi folks I'm having hard time to understand how the indent works in the event sheet.

    In this example:

    How do I indent the every tick part as a sub event of the every 0.3 seconds?

    I saw it's possible to move events dragging them where the black line appears but some of these indents as this one I mentioned are not working.


  • Hi folks, I found on this forum few examples of custom joystick and managed to make it work. I wander if there is not a already premade touch joystick in C3. It feels like to be quite a must to have. Is it me or it's not implemented and is meant to be custom every time?

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  • Thanks a lot.

  • Hi folks, I'm creating a space shooter for learning purpose. I created an infinite background and all is working fine.

    What If I wanted to create a structured background where for example the player at the beginning sees the Militaruy base, than he flyes over a desert, he sees rivers, piramids and other elements which stays in place and are not random sprites.

    I mean what if I'd like to create a specific world to fly over?

    My idea is to create a 720xThousands long bg sprite but I understand this is not doable because of system performance...or it is doable?

    Just trying to understand the best practice. Thanks

  • Thanks man, I'm still very new to this so yes of course you helped a lot. Every info I read is helping me to create the right approach and mindset. Thanks

  • I tryed the QR code Remote Preview but for some reason it stuck a 33kb loading. No idea why or what to do.

    But anyway I was wandering how to install the game on my phone without going through the PlayStore.


  • Hi folks, I'm still learning and I created a small space shooter with a space ship killing asteroids, collecting coins and a infinite Bg scrolling.

    I was wandering if it's possible to create a 3D camera in order to do the same project but instead of having a plain jpg background, use a 3D file which could in some way react to the 3D camera regarding the point of view of the user.

    Let's say the Bg contains a Tower, while flying above the tower, the user should see different perspective of the tower. This should be done with a 3D camera, correct?

    Any hint on how to go for this?


  • I was just wandering if C3 can be considered a professional game dev tool or sooner or later we will need to switch to Unity or others. For this reason I was looking for top selling games made with C3 in order to understand which is the full potential of this amazing tool which I already bought.


  • This is cool, thanks, I have to check it out. Thanks man.

  • Thanks a lot

  • This is the situation:

    The space ship lands on the planet. Th player (platformer) walks on the planet ground. The planet ground is a sprite .png that covers the whole level.

    At a certain point i'd like to allow the player to dig into the terrain a create tunnels as he wish in order to find a key. So yes, basically everything should be diggable.

    Maybe what I want to do is to much stress for the system, I do not know, maybe there are other ways to do this?

  • Feels like using "family" is the right thing to do correct?

  • Hi folks, I'd like the player to choose the character to play with at the beginning of the game. Which is the best practice?

    Should I create two different sprites and set them all up with the same commands along the whole game or is there some kind of feature with which I can create a container called Player and than, put inside the Character choosen by the player?

    Which is the best way to approach this?

    The first option sounds the better one but it seems like double or triple job when setting up the whole game because i will need to write the same command for every character movement and interaction.

    Any help to optimize this?

  • THanks bro, you pointed me in the right direction. What I was expecting is to see the variable already in the text area but i never created and Event inside the event sheet of the level1 that I want this to happen.

    THis is why it was not showing up. I assumed it would be visible by it self but of course, its not. Thanks!