Insignia's Forum Posts

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  • Ainxty

    All things considered, I've had a fair amount of issues with the crosswalk wrapper. Back button binding doesn't work, CPU utilization jumps (not a game logic issue, even a 10 event game burns battery), home button hard crashes the app, window button works, but when you go back to the app it can sometimes hang, and other times the sound cuts out. There are also issues with script minification (though, there issues with that in regular HTML5 export as well) and gamepad support doesn't work (using r161) on Android. At least, I haven't been able to get it to work with an Xbox360, or a PS3 controller hooked up to my N10. Obviously a limited testing environment, but still...

    I think I might hold off on deploying to the Play Store until the wrapper is a bit more stable. Don't want 1-stars because the wrapper keeps crashing :(

    Oh, also, exported app (pre-crosswalk) 18mb. Installed app on phone, 58mb - what?

    I think you might want to reinstall Construct/Intel XDK, you have some serious problems there.

    I have tested my game on 7 different Android devices so far and the results are the same:

    Back button binding works perfectly for me: (Broswer > On mobile back button pressed). Can't comment on CPU utilization but I've not noticed any abnormal battery drain. Home button works as expected for me. By "Window Button" do you mean the Recently Used Apps list? I haven't noticed any issues myself. Can't really comment on anything else as I have not yet implemented sound into my game but I know this is a known issue and I haven't attempted the use of a gamepad.

    The export app size is indeed a rather serious problem that needs to be addressed. Mine is also installing as ~52mb (although the 18.2mb that mine exports as is still FAR too big as Cocoon's export is only 8.5mb).

  • No it won't show up on any device iv tried loads

    It's not even showing under my published apps

    Like SilverForce said; it sounds like an issue with the min/max Android version or some other device requirements. I have 7 android test devices I've accumulated over the years and it claims none of them are compatible with your app.

  • Bug not present for me on Windows 8.1, project runs just fine (Construct 160.02).

    Do you have any 3rd party plugins that could be causing the bug?

  • One way you could do it is have a identical 'red' (or fully damaged) version of your main ship and every tick set the red sprite to the normal sprite's location with it's opacity set to 0. Then, every however many hits (or when your health gets to a certain percentage), just increase the 'red' ship's opacity accordingly.

    There's probably a more elegant way but with this method you have complete control over the colour change.

    EDIT: Damn, 1 minute too late and LittleStain's method would work better :)

  • This is a little game I've been working on for about a week or so.

    Do you think you can beat it? It's certainly not impossible but it IS rather difficult. You have to be VERY precise with your jumping!

    There's currently only level which I intend to expand in the near future with new levels and new mechanics.

    This game is very WebGL heavy but these effects can be turned off in the options menu along with other visual effects if the game runs a bit slow on your computer.

    Please let me know what you think and I welcome new ideas and criticism you may have! :)


    <font size="4">PLAY THE GAME!!!</font>

  • I'm afraid not.

    This was less a report of a "bug that needs fixing" and more of a "If this ever happens to you this is how to fix it" kind of thing.

    Apologies if my thread was misplaced, I just posted it so if people ever encounter it they may be able to fix the problem.

    It may be worth noting that this happened using the "Brute" PNG compression but I have since been unable to replicate it (each build since has resulted in no errors).

    I just thought it may be worth mentioning :)

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  • Before I begin, this seems to be a completely random bug that would be incredibly hard to reproduce. I am posting this bug report so that if it ever happens to anyone else they know how to fix it.

    Link to .capx file (required!):

    Unavailable. Please see below.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Get a random error when exporting with "Node-Webkit" (unfortunately, I clicked ignore when this error came up and didn't really pay much attention to what it said!)

    2. Click Ignore

    3. Try loading project again

    Observed result:

    When trying to load my project again I got numerous errors to do with the main event sheet for my game. I opened the xml in Notepad++ to see what the problem was and it seemed like it couldn't find any of my variables. I scrolled up to the top and nearly all my variables had been renamed so that they had a "3" at the end.

    I couldn't find anything like this on the forums so I'm guessing it's a freak error that's unlikely to happen again.

    Needless to say, removing the "3" from all my variables manually fixed the problem and my project can now be loaded again.

    Expected result:

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:

    beta release r120.2

  • 7 posts