InsaneHero's Forum Posts

  • Sorry, I was wrong in my most recent comment. The objects can be deleted from the Projects bar.

  • I've managed for 8 years making Flash games. I'm ready to start trying to do the same with HTML5 or anything else that comes along shortly...

    It's definitely not the easiest way to make money, but the thing about designing and programming games is that it doesn't get boring like most office jobs after a year or so.

  • Hi folks, I'm Pete Baron, currently evaluating C2 free version to see if it speeds HTML5 development up for me.

    I've been writing Flash games for years (insanehero dot com) and before that worked on all sorts of platforms right back to the Commodore 64 in the '80s.

    Really enjoying most of what I see in C2 so far, just having the usual 'new environment' problems.

    Possibly the biggest stopper for me will be that I seem to be trading programming development time for tedious animation construction time... I'm not a fan of the animation sprite-sheet system as it's currently implemented, but maybe that will change if I discover some new time-saving tricks.

  • Congratulations! Enjoy your cake with erm, earth moving equipment toppers?!!

  • I think the Wait event is perfect for this, just tell it how long you want to wait for then add the background change as the next action.

  • Pathfinding only needs a start location and a destination to work... so yes this should be possible.

    What you need to do is pick a destination which is directly away from the danger and a distance proportional to how much danger the deer is feeling.

    So if your deer is at dx,dy and your wolf is at wx,wy then you want to pick a destination zx,zy as:

    closeness = distance(dx, dy, wx, wy)

    if closeness <= maximumVisionOfDeer

    howFarToRun = maximumFarToRun / closeness

    dangerAngle = angle(dx, dy, wx, wy)

    safeAngle = dangerAngle + 180

    zx = dx + cos(safeAngle) * howFarToRun

    zy = dy + sin(safeAngle) * howFarToRun


    Then you can pathfind from dx,dy to zx,zy.

    Note: maximumFarToRun is the maximum distance the deer will run if the wolf is right next to it (closeness = 1), if your wolf can get even closer than 1 (e.g. 0.1) then this won't work the same and you might want to limit the values into the equation.

    Note: if zx,zy is inside a tree, you either need a pathfinding algorithm that will go as close as it can (and not just fail), or you should jiggle the destination a bit with a random offset until it is not in a tree.

    There are tons of other things you could add, but this will work to get you started I think.

  • Thank you Gunter.

    I've installed and tested on r214 and the bug is still present.

    I believe it is caused because I am using "insert new object" from the Object list on the Event Sheet... If you use the option from the Layout the cursor changes into a cross and when you click the layout the object is created correctly in the Object List and on the Layout.

  • I've seen this recently in my own tests, and - for me - it's been down to the destruction of Flash player by most browsers.

    Make sure you don't have a tab open with a Flash advert on it (which means almost any advert, because a lot of them cycle content and occasionally still throw a Flash ad into the mix), while the browser is deciding that it doesn't want to play Flash any more, it pauses everything for a fraction of a second... very annoying. Seen in Chrome and IE11 on Windows 7 Home.

  • After you set spawnminion to a number, it stays at that number forever meaning that more minions get spawned every tick. Try setting it to an invalid number (-1 or maybe 0) immediately after you create a minion.

  • I'm new to Construct 2 so this could be wrong:

    • when you create the buttons, make them find the UID for all 6 instances of the object you want to move and store them (in a uid array)
    • when the first button is clicked, loop through the array and use the "pick using UID" action to pick each one, store it's location (in a global location array), then move it
    • when the other button is clicked, do the same loop but this time put the picked object back where the global location array says it used to be

    How you find the UID of the particular objects is what LIttleStain has covered already.

  • When I just tonight installed that same build, it popped up a message recommending that I update my graphics drivers to avoid incompatibilities.

    I believe this version changes some things that used to work with older drivers. Worth a try at least.

  • I don't have the rep to post links yet, but Google "construct 2 json" and hit the link "Example: Load data from Json to array and populate game"... I think that shows you what you need to know.

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  • Using the examples in the original post slightly differently...

    Pick an x,y within Range (circular) of Sprite:

    a = random(0, 359)

    d = random(0, range)

    x = Sprite.X + d * cos(a)

    y = Sprite.Y + d * sin(a)

    By using circular creation zones you can avoid the boxy looking start when picking lots of locations (e.g. when creating a lot of particles or explosions)

  • Nice work Eric, I've just listened to a half dozen or so and the quality is all excellent. Will let you know (& donate) if I end up using some!

  • Bug is still present in r212.2 unable to find link for 214

    Edited bug to give additional info about further tests.