InDWrekt's Forum Posts

  • I played the game as it is right now. It is a really fun game. I was highly impressed. I love the graphics. Although simplistic, it really adds to the atmosphere of the game. There were some intense scenes even for how short it is and the game play was, for the most part, very smooth and worked well. On of the things I like to see in a game is some sort of how to play built into it. The very beginning does a good job at teaching most of the mechanics. Great work so for guys.

    When I review a game I like to give some constructive criticism. There are a few things I think would help the game play a little. First, using items in the inventory. It was easy to figure out what to do, but in some of the more time intensive scenes, taking my hands off of the direction and jump keys to access the block I needed to jump high enough was a little irritating. I think 1 thing that could make this a little easier would be to have the attack key closer to the number keys so there was less distance to move to reach them. It didn't keep me from passing the area, just took a little more effort to do so.

    Also, the person you had reading the cut scene dialog was extremely difficult to understand and I really would have preferred to have the ability to skip listening to it. I am not saying change the person. If he is the voice you've chosen for the part, that is fine, just give the players the ability to skip the cut scene if they want to. Again this is minor but I am sure there are others who would like to be able to skip through cut scenes as well.

    All in all, I was really impressed with this project and can't wait to see more.

  • Perhaps you should check the forum before posting a duplicate question. This was asked just yesterday and I posted an answer here:

  • TeacherPeter,

    Chess engines work in a few different ways depending on the complexity.

    First, as you said, the computer needs to understand it's legal moves. This can be done easily enough by giving each piece a list of valid move offsets from their current location. For example, on an 8x8 board, and counting tiles from the upper left going left to right and then wrapping down to the next row left side (which a 2 dimensional array can model for you) a bishop can move (+/-)n(7) or (+/-)n(9) spaces. You would need to figure out how to define each of these moves and give the pieces the appropriate settings.

    Movement is the easy part, the A.I. is where it really gets fun.

    Because there are many different ways a chess system A.I. can be written, I am going to just outline a very simple one. For this A.I. all pieces need to have a value so we know what pieces are worth more than the others. Below is how I value my pieces when I play chess. This can be different but I believe this is a pretty common valuation:

    1 - king

    2 - queen

    3 - rook

    4 - bishop

    5 - knight

    6 - pawn

    The next step is to define how the A.I. will start a game or act when no piece is in range. Giving a set of random first moves is a good way to start. After the first play, when no valid attacks exist, you could have an aggressive A.I. set itself up for a run on the king. In other words, move a strong piece into an attack position. Or you could move a piece to back up another piece for a more defensive A.I.

    Finally, you would want to define the attack strategy rules. At the beginning of each turn, the A.I. needs to evaluate if a piece is in danger. If it is, it should check if it's piece is backed up and if the opposing piece is of greater or lesser value than itself (this is because a piece of greater value will not usually put itself in danger for a piece of lesser value). If no action needs to be taken to protect itself, then it should check to see if it can take any pieces and again, check if the other piece is backed up and if it is higher or lower value. After gathering this list of actions, both defense and offense, the A.I. would need to evaluate which move would be the most productive. Again here you could define if the A.I. is more defensive by backing up or backing off pieces in danger or if it is more aggressive by pressing the attack.

    This is of course a very simplified set of instructions but if you can get this to work, then you can look into implementing more advanced A.I. techniques.

    I hope this at least gets you a starting point. Good luck with your project.

  • This would be an extremely easy thing to do. So easy I don't really think it would warrant a tutorial. But since you asked, this is how I would go about it:

    Make a simple layout with a white background and a grid pattern.

    On start of the layout, spawn a series of black tiles 1 per row on a random column.

    Set the black tile objects to get destroyed when they leave the layout.

    Create an "On Any Touch Start" event with a few actions:

    First make sure the touch location was on the bottom row and on a black tile. If either of these is false, game over.

    Second scroll all black tiles down 1 grid row.

    Third spawn a new black tile in the now empty top row.

    That is really it. Once you can make it work using a grid, you can fiddle around with making each of the rows a random width/height. Following the above, you would really only need a single sprite object and 1 main event with 2 sub-events (continue and game over) with only a few actions.

    I hope that helps you figure out where to get started and good luck with your project.

  • You could just check the Owl.X against the Character.X and set it negative accordingly:

    If Owl.X < Character.X then knockback = knockbackAmount

    if Owl.X >= Character.X then knockback = -knockbackAmount *

    The above pseudo code should give a good idea of what to do. Hope it helps and good luck with your project.

    (* One note, this line has a greater than or equal to because of you only test < or > and forget the = you will introduce a bug where knock back never happens when the values are equal. You may already know this but I have seen many people forget to include the equal to in these situations so I am spelling it out just in case.)

  • ON a side note, please start using actual useful titles/subjects for your posts. Many people will not even click on a post if the title/subject does not tell them a bit about the issue. We don't really have time to read every single post, so tend to look at ones we feel we have some knowledge of.

    Absolutely Agreed. It just so happened I had some extra time today so I started looking through days old unanswered questions and stumbled on this one. Normally, I would not have even opened it to try to help.

  • Good clean look. Mildly entertaining game play. The levels are simple but require some finger agility and can get very difficult if built correctly. I would say you have a good start here. Keep it going.

    As for question #3, I would like to see a score window after the level. Maybe you could display how many tries it took to complete. Perhaps time the player and give them a score out of 3 stars for how fast they got through it. Players like to know how they stack up and displaying a score upon completion will inspire them to keep playing.

  • It was fun blowing up a few undead baddies. I like that you actually gave a control guide on the opening screen. That's not something I think should be part of a finished game, but on these wip type projects, it makes user testing much easier.

    There is 1 thing I think needed a little more clarity up front. The open page said to open doors, press middle click but didn't give any information on what a door looked like. The first time I got in, I couldn't figure out how to get out of the starting room. A few times I even tried to blow a hole in the gray wall. After trying, I restarted to look and see if there was something I missed. It was in rereading the directions that i started to wonder if that big gray block was a door.

  • Nice concept. I like how you are hiding zombies when your view of them is blocked. There were quite a few times I saw a zombie walk past a door I was by but I couldn't tell where they were when I tried to follow them until I got through the door. It added a little creepiness.

    I know it's just a wip, but It wasn't easy to tell what each of the HUD items represented. Also, there needs to be an end when the players health (at least I think that is what the number in the upper left corner represented) hits 0. I was running around with -25 health and couldn't help but wonder why I didn't just drop my gun and start looking for brains to eat myself.

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  • Have you tried using System->Scroll To action and setting the scrollX (or scrollY for vertical) to how far you want to scroll each tick?

    Try this:

    1 - Create an every tick event

    2 - Add an action to the event and select System->Scroll To X

    3 - In the value field enter "scrollx + 50" without the quotes

    4 - run the program and see if it gives you the result you want.

    If you want to pause at each scene, just add a boolean condition called scrolling to the event and set it to true only when you want the scroll to happen.

    [Edit] Just wanted to mention you can change the speed of the scroll by changing the amount you add to scrollx

  • Take a look at the example file on my last post here:

    The player must click/touch the sprite then drag to get the piece to move but does not get to drag the piece around. The click and drag just sets the direction the piece moves.

    I hope it gets you what you need and good luck with your project.

  • RamPackWobble

    Totally agree with the Oddworld cut scenes. The entire time, I wanted to laugh but I felt bad for those poor little Mudokons. I also want to give a shout out for all the Diablo, Starcraft and Final Fantasy scenes already mentioned. I loved the stories portrayed by these games.

    Just to add 1 more: Vampire the Masquerade. When the main character becomes a vampire. I couldn't help but think about the pain he was going through becoming the very thing He had spent his life fighting to destroy and learning that vampires were not all the monsters he thought they were. It was that early cut scene that makes that game such a fond memory for me (that and being able to grab any bystander and bite into their neck for a little refreshment ).

  • I really enjoy all aspects of game design, if I can do it myself. I have tried many times in the past to get a group of people to work on game projects with me and while there's no shortage of people who want to make a game, the vast majority of them aren't reliable. I have some really big projects I would like to complete but need a team of more than just myself to do it. That being said, The worst group of individuals to work with are the artists (I say that even though the biggest game projects I have completed with a team, I was the artist). I would say musicians but they at least just refuse to take part, not join the team and then never complete anything. The developers I can handle.

  • You could probably add a Set Layout Scale action to all your layouts. Set the Layout Scale to LayoutWidth/WindowWidth or LayoutHeight/WindowHeight, which ever is the bigger difference. I'm pretty sure dividing layout size information by window size information should give you the proper scale to use.

    Let me know if that works for you and good luck with your project.

  • This Screen shot may help you find what you are looking for:


    In the image, you can see the event I created. Notice the Set Angle is located in the actions part of the event, not the conditions part. This is important because each object has different options when used in the actions section from the conditions section. Also, when creating the action, I selected the Sprite object because it is the object that has the Set Angle action.

    If that doesn't answer your question, It might help us to know a little about your set up. What version of Construct are you using? What tutorial are you working on and is it written for the version you are using (if not, the location of the action you are looking fr may have changed)? What type of object are you trying to find the Set Angle action on (it should be a sprite)?