InDWrekt's Forum Posts

  • I am in an example mood today, so I threw together a quick capx for you.

    It can be done easier simply by getting the input device position - the point of reference position.

    In the capx file, I created a system similar to many of the mobile games out now where, when the left mouse button is held down, a circle appears on the screen representing the players joystick centered at the mouse location. When you move the mouse to one of the sides of the circle, the blue rectangle begins to move in the same direction. The farther from the center of the red circle the mouse is, the faster the box will move. When you let go of the mouse button, the joystick disappears.

    For your example, instead of having the joystick, you would use the position of the character compared to the location of the players finger. I hope this gets you the information you need and good luck with your project.

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  • I wish there was a step by step guide

    Unfortunately, for most things there won't be a step by step guide. However, to help you get started, I am attaching an example file showing exactly what I wrote in my previous post. It uses a single main event with 2 sub events. I tried to make it as basic as possible so you should be able to look at it and get what you need from it. The blue square has the drag and drop behavior. The event simply states, when the blue square is dropped, check its location against the black square location. If the blue square is on top of the black square, it snaps to the black squares location and get disabled so it cannot move anymore. If it is dropped anywhere else, it returns to the middle of the screen. That is it.

    I hope this will help.

    <edit> I noticed a bug in my capx file. A new version with the fix has been uploaded.

  • FragFather i have no idea how to do this could u come help me i can pay for help

    I'm sorry but I have my own projects I am working on. I can't give my time to another persons projects. You may want to go to the Job Offers and Requests forum and let the community know what you are looking for there. You may find a php developer looking to join a team.

  • Construct is capable of attaching to a database. There is a tutorial on how to setup and connect to a MySql database here: ... l-database

    To be able to do it, you will have to have some understanding of php and MySql and will need to have a hosted php site with a MySql database accessible from where ever your players are connecting. Assuming you have those 2 requirements, you should be able to follow along with the above tutorial rather easily.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • To start, you can look into some tutorials on how to add objects to your play area, how to create events and how to trigger those events when you interact with the objects. Get a good understanding of how those mechanics work and then you will have better idea of what you will be able to accomplish with Construct.

    Now, there are a couple things you (and everyone else coming to the forums to ask, "Can I make <insert any example> 2d game in Construct?") need to understand. Construct is a tool. It is a powerful tool with the capability of making just about any 2d style game without having to write code. That being said, a tool is not everything you need for game design.

    Construct comes with a large collection of templates as well as a wealth of tutorials to get you started. Whereas the forums should be a place to ask focused questions about topics you didn't understand while looking through these other resources. Your question about, "What things I needed to learn to make such game?" is so broad, there really is no answer. What do you need to learn? 1 - How to design a game. 2 - How to use the features of Construct to accomplish your design. Once you have learned these 2 things (which are really a lot of different lessons) you will be able to make any game you want.

    So, that's my rant for the day. Sorry, I usually prefer my posts to be a little more constructive. I hope the first paragraph at least helps you find a place to start. Good luck with your project.

  • The answer is, it depends.

    To get the Spine animation file to run in a Construct project you will need a plugin (just like with Spriter). The last I knew, the creators of Spine are not building these plugins. The are working on a json exporter which can be used to create a more generic plugin but, I have not yet found any specific plugin which has been built for Construct to make use of the json files created.

    A few months ago, I took a look at both Spine and Spriter to decide which to get. I chose Spriter because there is a plugin being developed by Lucid so I didn't have to write my own.

    <Link so people who find this thread will know where to get it>

    If you prefer Spine you have 2 options. First build the animations in Spine and export to a series of sprites. Second, develop your own plugin (or find a developer who will) to run the animation file Spine puts out.

    I hope this gives you the information you need.

  • To do this, you could look at the path finding behavior. Your character will need to have a path finding behavior and will need to check its distance from player. If the player is outside of your acceptable distance, it should use the path finding behavior to get to the player. This is extremely simple and make use of the built in functions in Construct but the character will not follow the exact path of the player, it would just try to find the shortest available path.

    If you want the character to follow the players moves exactly, you would need to record the exact path the player used. You could do this easily by dropping invisible helper objects at each point where the players direction changes. These objects would need to have an incremental number variable so the character could follow them in order. When the character collides with each helper, it records the number of the object and the object is then destroyed. A good way to learn how to do this is to look at the template in Construct for click to move. Open Construct, create a new project and look through the list of templates for click to move.

  • Construct 2 has a behavior called "Drag and Drop" which makes the object that has the property able to be dragged and dropped where ever you want. Simply start a new project, place an object on the visible area, give it the "Drag and Drop" behavior and hit run. You will be able to move the object around as desired. All that is left is to test if the location the object is set is correct or not. To make it return to it's previous location on failure, give the object local variables containing the x and y positions of it's start position and on failure, set the objects x and y = to the stored x and y.

    There is a tutorial RPG-Inventory drag and drop. you can find it here: ... g-and-drop

    It shows a more extensive answer to your question. I have not actually read through the tutorial but it appears to go over a little more than what I did.

    There is a large collection of tutorials on this site to help people just getting started. To find the above tutorial, you could go to the Tutorials section and in the search box, type "drag and drop." I'm not sure how/where you looked for tutorials but this is how I found the tutorial reference for you.

    Also, Construct has quite a few examples shipped with it. In many instances, you can find one which will show you how to use most of the functionality by creating a new project and scrolling through the list of templates.

  • First of all, there is an example in Construct called "Template: Auto Runner" that can show you a way to do the constant scrolling with randomly placed obstacles.

    As for speeding up when passing a pipe, you just need to check the players current x (for horizontal movement of course) position against the x position of each pipe every tick. Then each time a pipes position goes from greater than the player to less than, increment the speed variable for the player. If you are destroying the pipes when they leave the screen, checking all pipes should not affect performance.

    Of course, slowing down would just take an on collision test. You would just need to remember not to speed up after passing the pipe the player collided with.

  • One nice, simply way to turn your individual files into a sprite sheet is as follows:

    1- Open any graphic editor which can set a grid size and snap to it (Photoshop and Gimp work great).

    2- Create a new file with the size of the page a multiple of the width and height of your original images (ie - if your animation images are 5x5 and you have 5 of them, make the page 25x5).

    3- Set the grid size to the size of the images and turn on snap to grid

    4- Import all the images into the sprite sheet.

    5- Drag each image into the correct position in order. With snap to grid on, they will fall right into where you want them.

    6- Export to the file type you want to use.

    You now have a sprite sheet to use in your game.

    Hope that helps.

  • Looks like that did the job. I had no problems getting on the platforms this time.

    Good work and glad I could help.

  • dcrew,

    These look great. I especially like the M4 and M16. Thanks for sharing your talents with the community.

  • Looks good and I had fun playing it. Like most comments, I had problems getting on some platforms.

    I found if I had some forward momentum when I hit the top, I could get on the platform every time but if I was standing stationary before jumping, I couldn't.

    It seems that he is jumping so the base of his collision bounds are at the same height as the top of the platforms collision bounds. If you set the jump height just a couple pixels higher, it may clear up the problem.

    Other than the jump issues, I thought it was a very good game.

  • Impressive. I always look to see how finished a game is before it is posted and, this is definitely at a completed state. I like to see an opening menu, explanation of game play and a finish state. Your game has it all. It has a very clean look, not too cluttered, with images that are enticing to the player.

    Also, the tutorial is very well laid out and does a good job of describing your workflow. Thanks for posting it for us to learn from.