InDWrekt's Forum Posts

  • Tom

    First, Happy Birthday Tom. I noticed in your profile that today is your birthday and wanted to wish you a good one.

    Now, down to business:

    Tom Kyatric

    Please visit this should attribute the missing badges.

    I have been trying to get some missing badges attributed to my account for a while. I like the badge idea and think it shows loyalty and experience when a user works to earn them.

    Earlier today, I decided to follow the link above again to see if I could get credit for the missing badges. At the time, I showed 63 badges on my account. After opening the recalculate page, my badge count dropped to 48. Instead of being credited the missing badges, I lost 15 badges and about 900 rep. I am including screen shots of before and after:





    Of course my main reason for this post is, to get credit for the badges I have earned.

    Second though, if users come to this topic to find out how to get credit for their missing badges and wind up losing credit for badges earned, you are going to lose a lot of loyalty.


    You may want to remove that page because I really don't think it is working properly


    You may want to remove the link or, at the very least, add a disclaimer letting people know they may wind up losing badges by following it.

  • To really understand what is going, we would need to know what "strange things" are happening. However, here are a couple things to look for.

    Are you using global variables that get modified in a previous event? Global variables persist between layouts.

    Are some of your events in the layouts referencing ticks passed? If they are, many ticks have already passed in the system by the time the layout starts. This could cause items in the layout to be in a different state than you expect them to be in.

    I have found it is always good to have an on start of layout event to set everything to the beginning state for that layout. Simply added this type of event may fix the problem for you.

    I hope that gets you what you need and, good luck with your project.

  • You could have a scaled down version of the level that fits into the screen behind the actual level (or is set invisible) but always stays in frame. The pathfinding behavior could work on a single pixel representing a character. Then, calculate the position of the characters according to the position of the pixel. It would be something like a mini map where you calculate the position of a symbol off of the position of the character but in reverse.

  • Here are the images:



    Now, as for your previous post; I haven't said anything that should imply I am "mad." I came to this post to try to help you and my comments about going to the tutorials are just that. A desire to help you complete your project.

    You stated in your post that you don't have the time to go through the tutorials and, in this, your thinking is flawed. The tutorials will take a couple hours to read and follow but, they will answer a myriad of questions you will have before they even come up. This one question for example, you posted yesterday 3 separate times as separate topics about an hour between each (which I might add is really bad forum etiquette). Now, you are still trying to work through the answer, more than 24 hours later. A couple hours of reading through the provided documentation could have saved you a day.

    I am sorry if my comment made you think I was in any way angry about your question. In truth, my time is too precious to waste getting mad at people who want to learn. I simply was trying to help you save time by directing you to a place where you can find answers without having to wait for another user to respond.

  • Look, you are making this WAY more difficult than it has to be. Part of the reason is, you still really need to go through the beginners tutorials. If you go through the tutorials, you shouldn't have this kind of question.

    Here is an extremely simplified capx. It shows how to make use of the instance variable to get your animation to play properly. There are only 3 events so you should be able to follow it easily.

  • This is made graphically without me coding ? thi sis supposed to be design for almost no use code . simple using event sheet im looking to do it

    From your question, I assume you have not gone through all the beginner tutorials. Instance variables do not require any code. On the right side of the screen, locate the objects menu. Right click on the object and select instance variables. From the menu that pops up, you can create an instance variable. Then, in your conditions that define which animation to play, add a condition that checks the value of the instance variable.

    To get more information about instance variables look here: ... onstruct-2

    The section of the beginners tutorial that goes over instance variables is page 6 linked below ... t-2/page-6

  • The max function is used to pick the highest number in a set of numbers. In this case, there are only 2 options:

    2 + stars


    The result is the value that is highest. If 2 + stars == 2 and levelsat(CurrentLevel) == 0 then the result of the function will be 2.

    Now, what do 2 + stars and levelsat(CurrentLevel) represent? After a quick read through, this is what I understand the values to mean:

    2 + stars: represents the animation frame to be stored in the array according to the number of stars earned in the level. You add 2 because there are a few frames before the frames with stars so if the player beat the level but didn't earn any stars, the frame to display will be the completed frame with no stars.

    levelsat: appears to be the name of the array storing the information for what frame to show but I don't see any other place this name is used. I think this should be replaced with the name of the array and may just be a typo.

    CurrentLevel: is a global variable representing which level you are on.

    levelsat(CurrentLevel): If my understanding of levelsat is correct, this means get the value of the array at the position matching CurrentLevel.

    Given the above, the condition max(2+star,levels.At(Currentlevel)) means:

    store the number of stars earned (plus the offset) if it is higher than the previous high score already stored in the array. So if a player previously earned 2 stars and this game only earns 1, the number of stars stored remains 2 but if they earn 3 this time, the number changes to 3.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You could simply give the character a variable storing which direction they are facing. Then when setting the idle animation, check the variable.

  • You have defined the spawn times by a tick count. The ticks are being calculated before the gameplay layout is set active. This means, even before you are in play mode, your enemies are spawning. You can easily fix this by adding a family with all the enemies, arrows and the prince/princess and on start of layout, destroying them. That way, the level will start fresh.

  • ChristianOak

    Yes it is definitely possible to both create a game like Might and Magic and to create randomly generated worlds. However, that is definitely not the first game you want to start with. Before you attempt any game like HOMM, you need to start with the basics.

    You can't just start game design with a super complex idea and hope to be successful.

    Go through the beginner tutorials and the manual. After you have a good grasp of how Construct works, make a few puzzle games. You could clone some already popular games like the common falling block games or match 3 games. Only after completing (yes I said COMPLETING) a few basic games should you start working on something more complex. Remember, HOMM is a complex game which requires some understanding of AI and inventory management; all of which are complex topics on their own.

    Also, asking a question like, "How do I make <enter game name here>?" is not particularly useful either to you, or the community. Instead, a good question would be, once you have a grasp of how to use Construct, asking how to make use of a particular feature you cannot find clear information about.

  • A0Nasser

    jayderyu specifically stated updates, not new versions. If you buy Unity version 4, you get all version 4 updates. You don't have to pay when 4.1 becomes available for example. However, when 5 comes out, you will have to pay to upgrade. Construct and Construct 2 have separate licenses just like Unity 4 and Unity 5.

    All Construct 2 updates are included when you purchase a personal license. If Scirra decides the next version is a major milestone and creates a Construct 3 version, I would expect you would have to pay an upgrade cost as well.

  • You could use 2 separate objects, 1 slightly bigger (1 or 2 pixels) that triggers the line of site and a smaller 1 with the solid behavior.

  • I downloaded your file and took a look. It looks pretty good to me but, when you get a bunch of animations your array will grow exponentially. What I usually do is, rather than naming my animations with a direction, I name them according to the action the animation represents and append a number that represents the direction (e.g. walk1, walk 2...). Then, since you are already calculating the direction number, append it to the end of the animation name. Attached is a modified version of your file with the suggested change. Take a look at how I renamed your animations and the every tick event.

  • One thing you may not have tried is, On start of touch, check to see if 2 items are selected. If not signal to drop the item. I am attaching an example which has 4 sprite objects. If 2 or more are selected, it will allow the user to drag the selected ones. If 1 or less is selected, none can be dragged. Understand, it is not production ready; it is just to show the method above.

    I hope this gets you what you need and good luck with your project.

  • When it comes to negative degrees, -90 degrees is the same thing as 270 degrees which is the same as 630 degrees (1 full rotation plus 270). Because you can continue going around a circle, you can consider a given angle in the circle as the angle +/- 360. It will always be equivalent. I hope that answers your question.

    As for the bug, it is caused by the check if the angle is between -25 and 25. As with almost all issues, there are multiple fixes for it. Attached are 2.