IndieKiwi's Forum Posts

  • NaN is "Not a number" Maybe try int() or float() functions onto the value, as it retrieves webstorage values as Strings i think, so you need to convert it to a number before any numeric usages

  • I've just launched a crowdfunding campaign for a local venue where game developers, just like yourself, can come and work, learn, teach, create and play. You can read everything about the campaign on the Indiegogo page. The best part is that if you decide to pledge $20 or more you'll receive over 4,000 NEW assets that have never been released before!

    If you can't support please try to share the campaign with your friends or press <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />


    Just pledged! Can't wait for the assets!

  • Cool & Didn't know you could host webpages on google drive!

  • The games are under

    Very nice collection of games! Did they all do their own sprites too? Also wondering how many hours went into teaching/developing the games?

  • Gday, looks very nice! I'm just wondering if it is a good idea to put ads and sell the app if it is already trying to advertise a small business already?

  • I asked about resizing in going to try resizing tomorrow.

    Very enjoyable game, good job!

  • Looks awesome! Also see there is an interesting combat system too

  • On start of layout

    Bubble - Set acceleration to 1

    Tried adding that to On any touch end, but didn't work. Another option is to initialize all the Bubble objects as acceleration = 1

  • Wow, this is embarrassing. i posted the exact same question 3 minutes after you

  • I created a game with dimensions 720x1280 and published it to the Scirra Arcade, but the height ended up being too long

    I'm having some issues resizing it down to 360x640.

    I've tried to select all, and SHIFT + scale down, but sprites resize relative to itself instead of the whole selection. Also tried all the Configuration Settings > Fullscreen in browser modes after changing the Window Size to 360x640... no luck here either

    The game has a dozen layouts. Is there an easier way than resizing each sprite individually

  • Yea it would be possible.

    Try File > New and look at these two examples:

    Example: 8 direction behaviour (part 6)

    Example: Car behaviour

  • >

    > > Ashley What's better: every n seconds or every dt*n seconds? Thanks

    > >


    > Every n seconds is already frame rate independent (as the name suggest, it is time based and not framerate based, even though it cannot occur under dt itself), if you want something to happen every 2 or 3 ticks, you would be better with something similar to compare two values: tickcount%2 = 0 or tickcount%3=0.


    > It all depends onnwhat you prefer to do


    tickcount%2 = 0 or tickcount%3=0 . this is interesting. I'm not exactly sure what is happening here?

    if tick counter divided by x has a remainder of 0, then true..


    "Technically, the Every tick condition just means 'true'." - ... nd-gotchas

  • Over 1k is insane!

    I've only got 50

  • Look into a Prepaid Debit Visa card. You buy a credit card with like $25USD + up to $10 extra for fees. And it doesn't link to your dad's account so it is very safe, although it'll cost you a little bit more (depending on the services in your area). Also check that google and/or paypal accepts prepaid debit visa cards.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Have weapon pickup sprite for each weapon, on collision spawn it onto your character and destroy your current weapon + destroy the pick up from the ground