IndieKiwi's Forum Posts

  • How bad is the lag? Physics objects will slow down a lot if too many like more than 10 - 20 on mobile devices

  • Cool especially like the car simulator.

    Another teacher posted their students C2 work too:

  • I don't see why putting logic and variables on the server would help. You will still need javascript to send data to the server to manipulate the server variables, it just means you can't manipulate them directly? But for generating a high score, you would have to keep a local one and then send it?

  • Cool Interesting game!

  • awesome, especially the car one

  • You can't draw from point a to b, you 'll need to stretch the rope instead. So your rope needs to be stretchable or tile-able

  • One day the whole world will be scanned and it'll be turned into a mmo!

  • but...can you please make a screen shot for me?

    i know how to use Regex now but not in C2

    this not working

    Thankyou sososooss much again

    I haven't used it in C2 yet, its on my todo list

    Your using RegexMatchCount which is a count method, so with the example, it should return int 3.

    If that doesn't work can u try using "@www\.(.*)\.com@"? Not sure if C2 needs the delimiters, in this case i am using "@" just to keep it simple, i won't go too much into it

    Note: RegexMatchAt and RegexReplace would be more useful than RegexMatchCount

    With RegexMatchAt, it only would return one result so you should do each website one at a time. For example, a list of website urls in a loop

    One last thing i forgot in my last post is the brackets (). inside is what you want to capture. so if you had "" with regex pattern "www\.(.*\.com)" RegexMatchAt will return ""

  • Regex aka Regular Expressions. Its a big topic. So I'll just give you a small example of the power of what it can do. Google should help if you want to know more

    You want to extract the website names from these website addresses, but you don't know what to expect but you know that there is a pattern of "www." and ".com"

    So you can use regex!

    with a pattern like "@www\.(.*)\.com@"

    @ is the delimiter, it tells you where the pattern starts and ends (you can add flags at the end for matching new lines, ignore case sensitivity etc), but this may only apply to php

    \. is escaping full stop

    . is match any character

    * is match 0 or more any characters

    You can test and learn with this tool:

    In the top box, enter this:

    In the second box, enter this:
  • Been looking forward to try this. The game is very well made and polished and the game play is very fun!

  • Yeah C2 is awesome, I only discovered it 2 months ago and being able to make a complete game in a week with a full time job is just awesome

  • I bought personal on Steam and to enable beta updates on steam, you have to have both personal and free versions installed so you can have a personal with beta

    Once both are installed, right click on them each in steam and select the beta tab to enable, (you don't need a beta access code)

    So in short:

    Install free to enable beta + download updates

    Run personal to run the application

  • From your server, output the data as json or xml and on C2 load those data into objects so you can extract 2 items.

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  • Yeah its pretty fun! How many levels does it have?

  • Sounds like you are talking about local highscores rather than through the internet. You can store this inforamtion using the Webstorage object. Use localStorage rather than sessionStorage so that it saves semi-permanently.