Index's Forum Posts

  • Recently the minify option has become an issue with my favorite Socket.IO Plugin. Excluding this option has allowed me to continue development as normal.

    Thinking towards the future, r100 and its minify towards the EXE wrapper will probably have other issues if not similar.

    So I ask a question to prompt perhaps a discussion->

    Would you advise waiting on any type of deployment until the minify option can be properly utilized on my project?

  • Soon[TM]

  • Everything is better now. I think after my computer restarted it was all better.

    Re-installing Java might have done the trick. Unless restarting my computer and getting r100 fixed the issue.

    ~No Clue.

    Edit: Nevermind. After a few refreshes it minify still continues to break this plugin.

  • Do you ever describe what those yellow things on the ground do? The guy in the blue robe in town talks about the recall stone ".. warp back to town while out adventuring" but it just sends me to those yellow circles. I thought those were save points, ha.

    Fort /-P/r/x\A/ GObLyN - is that on purpose?

    The sound effect when you drink potions seems loud.

    The game is quite fun though. Was sad when I got to the end and didn't level. xD


  • I cannot currently use this since I don't use the Facebook Plugin. Yet, this sounds like a great contribution Juantar. (Downloaded just in-case) :]

    Edit: I get an error on C2 startup pointing to C:/c2... - I'm assuming it has to do with us having different install paths.

  • When I created a new cap to test it- it worked.

    Checking to see if it has a problem with doing tokenat(x,x,x) and then immediately doing left(x,x,x) with the new text.

  • I want to make it so only 25 characters will be shown.

    I thought that the left(text,count) command would do it.. but it wont.

    Any ideas?

    • I'm making it so news will place.... after a certain amount of characters so that I can create a "Read More" , I just need the cut-off to work.
  • Oops, I think the new options didn't make it in to the 32-bit build, it's only in the 64-bit one :P Woops, will fix for next build.

    Out of interest does everyone with the 32-bit C2 have a 32-bit OS as well? I thought 64 bit OSs were common these days.

    .. Well that explains why I cannot see it.

    " Cannot Find Letterbox Mode ( Letter Box ) "

    ^ Assisting those who search since this thread doesn't show up enough lol.

  • The first thing I noticed is that I and the enemy are constantly shooting. It's weird because if you wait just enough for the bullet trail to hit the bottom of the map it's impossible to hit an enemy without running into the trail of bullets first. .. Is that intentional? Seems as if later down the level chain it would be almost impossible to survive with that.

    The explosions are awkwardly slow. I like the graphic that occurs during the explosion (money-burst and all)- but the orange cloud disappears too slowly and gives an illusion of lag.

    No respawning on death? Could just put a gameover with a button that restarts the layout for now.

    The upgrading is insane. The first star makes me feel ultra powerful and anything past that is too much. An idea could be turning off the player's ship's auto-shooting. Then maybe put a cooldown and allow upgrades to lower the cooldown, higher the damage and even increase the amount of bullets at a point.

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  • Look at my badges.

    I thought sooner or later it'd fix itself but for some reason I have millions of devotees... I mean.. I know I'm devoted but-

    Bugged. ;)

  • After completely avoiding platforming for so long.. and then spending time certain google, youtube, some unity stuff and the forums-

    This is perfect.

    Having this Cap is something to learn off of, and it's nice to edit to.

    Thanks, and I cannot figure out how to subscribe to topics but keep up the good work and I'll try and check back for updates. :]

  • I stickied this thread with my mind.

    (psst: someone sticky this thread) :]

  • I love you.

  • Stop being such a Legend, Rex.
