ijwhitegames's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Both of these are really good. I'm gonna start speedrunning the 2nd one this week.

  • Thanks! I'm using the NES resolution and color palette. I also emulate the NES sound chip on fl studio for the music and sound effects. That's what I've been doing on twitch lately.

  • This looks really good! The visuals remind me of SNES quite a bit. Wishlisted.

  • Thanks! I'm shooting for the end of summer to release it. There's just a lot to the process. I'm going to try to post regular updates on the discord and twitch.


  • The Book of Buja

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Hey guys, my name is I.J. White and I just got the Steam store page up for my game "The Book of Buja" which is an 8-bit adventure game with lots of puzzle elements. It was inspired by the 2d Legend of Zelda games. It's still "Coming Soon" but I'd love your feedback!

    Steam store page link:


    Official Discord Server:


  • My chrome is up to date. I work on my game on 2 different laptops. I never have the problem on 1 and I now ALWAYS have the problem on the other. Very strange. For the past week, I haven't had 1 moment where it wasn't lagging bad on the other laptop. I tried the dev tools garbage collection and just about every other thing mentioned in the 3 forums I read. Nothing has worked for me. The laptop that has issues has windows 11 on it. Idk if that's an issue

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  • My Construct 3 editor has been lagging BAD lately. Especially in the event sheet, Any thing I do (double clicking an action, clicking on a text box to type, hovering over x to close window, etc) takes about 2 seconds each to load. The editor is currently unusable because of this.

    My project has about 5800 events and this problem doesn't seem to happen on smaller projects. It also only happens on my newer laptop which has default chrome settings. The laptop is an HP Envy. I don't have this issue with any other site in chrome, only construct 3's editor. The issue used to only happen if I had chrome tabs open while in the editor, now it happens all the time no matter what.

    I've seen other posts discussing this issue, but no one has found a solution yet.

  • I just read a tutorial on making savegames and just realized the saves are stored in local storage. I thought they were stored as project files. I'm gonna mess around with this and see what I can do with it.

  • I set up 4 save slots in my game and I can save and load each one just fine but I need to be able to show the names and progress of all slots together on the menu screen. This would require having an array independent from the 4 saves that I can save and load on the menu screen. I understand how to load a project file array to an array using ajax but I don't know how to write/change the project file itself. Download just downloads a new file each time and I don't want to do that.

  • I'm making a game where the player can make a level and upload it to a server and everyone can browse the levels made by others (just like mario maker). I'm also making a squarespace website right now and was wondering if I can send the level data to the squarespace site and just store it there? I know the AJAX object would be sending and retrieving but my main question is if anyone knows if new files can be sent to a squarespace site and retrieved? I don't plan on making them available on the site itself, I'm really just trying to take advantage of the hosting I'll have from them anyway.

  • After Reading the manual, I noticed that in app consumable purchases are better stored on a server in case the user gets a new phone or shares across devices. The best work around that I can think of for this (trying to avoid setting up my own server) is storing the consumable purchase as a Google Play score with a unique index. It seems like there would be no problem but I'd like some second opinions on this?

  • Hey thanks for the reply. I tried taking a snapshot then setting the ajax response to binary and requesting the usermedia.snapshotURL When the ajax request is completed, I send a multiplayer message: BinaryData.GetBase64 and right when that happens, it disconnects the peer every time.

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  • I'm wanting to use the user media object to take a picture and then automatically send the image data in a multiplayer message to another online player so their game can load it into a sprite object. I'm not sure how to do this.

  • 13 posts