ijoin's Forum Posts

  • bump

    It's like this

    Stage selection landscape -> first stage only, portrait mode

  • Sorry would of posted sooner but something came up. All you need to do is flip the Spire3->Destroy with System-> Wait 0.1 seconds

    I appreciate that!

    Thanks a lot for your time

  • Already solved, at last

  • Stick with cocoon js, it's better and faster

    Also dont forget to apply free premium on their site

  • Compared my capx to the tutorial capx, it's identical

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  • 2 persons already downloaded the capx, hope she/he can help

  • I repeated the tutorial for 3 times, especially the scoring segment

    Still can't figured out what's wrong

    I wonder, is this my mistake or there is something wrong with the tutorial

    Here is the screenshoot of the part i think is causing the error

    Everytime i add the else event (highlighted in yellow), the scoring become wrong

    Here is the findmatch function

    Hope someone can help

  • NVM, Solved by myself

  • So here is the condition, I created 2 capx, one for my main project and one for testing purpose

    The testing capx has 200+ event and it's a little annoying to create them again in the main project capx

    Is there any way to import/merge the test capx to the main project capx?


  • I highly recommend against this. You don't wanna force the player to have to readjust their phone every time. Especially people who turn Auto Orientation off.

    No, it's just one stage and the stage is made for portrait mode

    I want to display them in portait mode so the game is possible be played

  • My default setting is landscape and I want when I enter first stage, it will be changed to portrait

    My stage selection is in landscape mode, but my first stage is made in portrait

  • bump my last question

  • This can also boost the game performance right?

    Also, this works only for same tile size ie floor in platform game

    How about this case?

    The background I mean

  • Any one has idea how to tile that background?

    I got it from kenney asset pack, the tappyplane pack

    I resized them via Adobe Illustrator to 720p size, so it will fit my layout better

    Btw, I saw Ashley's tutorial for platform game, he use big background but the performance is very good, I wonder why

    Also I wonder, does the ammount of object created affect the performance since every 1 second, 2 new object created to stimulate the rock effect

  • Just some things to note about your screen shot.. It looks like your sprites are giant. Your background is one image and your terrain is one image (from the looks of it). I found on mobile larges sprites are death. See about tiling into smaller objects if you can. There is goldilocks zone of using small sprites vs too many sprites on screen you want to keep for optimal performance.

    My base line is 1280x720

    Yes, the background and the floor is one big sprite

    So it's better to cut down the big background into 4 or 5 sprite?

    If so, doesn't it make the perfomance become worse since it need to move 4 or 5 sprite only for background, isn't it?


    Oh I got it, tiling!

    I'll try to do it