Create an invisible sprite with the bullet's behavior and let it move slowly!)
You have the wrong motion event.
You need to change it to "key is down."
WackyToaster I'm stuck at the beam release stage. ....
WackyToaster I'm stuck at the beam release stage.
You are opening it in the new beta version of Construct3 r361.
Try older versions using this link, which looks like this.***
If it opens, you can save it to a "*.c3p" file and open it in the new version.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
--You can save the project to a "*.c3p" file and post it here and we'll help you out.
--We can open a huge database of Construct3 examples and see how animation works there. This is very important knowledge and you should understand it well.
If only your feet move, then you can put the Original Point anywhere above your feet.
For example, put a "0" point in the eye on each frame.
oho.. means i cant make games more than 150MB thanx buddy.
means i cant make games more than 150MB
thanx buddy.
For the play market, yes.
The engine doesn't give you the ability to upload resource packs for the game.
You can only upload an image or video.
If you plan to create packages for Play Market more than 150Mb you should choose another one.
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I put together an example.
It is simple but already optimized for the game.
Is that the flower that comes out of the chimney with the teeth?
give me your animation, I'll show you.
hi im design something like when i drag arrow sprite(overlap redbox) to overlap bluebox and set position to bluebox after drop after that arrow sprite(overlap redbox) will replace emtpy redbox that no arrow sprite over it any idea?, i try afew thing but fail
it's not clear what you want to get.
The position of each frame in space is determined by the position of that point. Check on each frame and move if necessary.