igalencar's Forum Posts

  • Finaly removed some bugs from previous experiments.. and started organizing the images files.

    Also put the minimap ok now just need to put the friendly fleet ok.

    Also put a new AI for enemies now.. so they not only attack my ship but also the fleet.. even to be able to destroy them.

  • we will have a upgraded export (diferent from c2 version), for desktop?

    To be able to use our own icon and some other features?

  • New update FOlks.

    New movement, new interface, new behavior for enemies and ship.

    Friendly fleet.

    CNTRL to fire

    Arows to steer and acelerate

    Space to fire special.

    Still a long way to finish up the gameplay, and level 1.

    But we are getting there

  • That is one way for do it...


  • For what i have see container will not work... since i have the same object used in several diferent ships..., i will have to create a diferent sprite for each.

    As i said i have a sprite named mothership.. that has diferent frames.. each frame is a diferent part of the ship.. so i use the same object (sprite), for all the motherships.

    Maybe im using diferent the container..

  • In my game i have large spacehips, made from several parts from the same sprite.

    Some ships have +30 parts, when i need to explode tem, How do i aply to a group oficial objects ?

  • still not optmized .. i have HUGE graphics..

    A lot of BIG spaceships

  • The game is preaty large.. i got 23 levels..

    But as i said still finishing up the spaceship movement

  • In my game quasar i need a asteroids type of movement.

    Completly changed ship movement to a asteroids type of movement...

    Whant to have something like this:


    But still quite not there yet.

    What i do have now is this..

    if up key is not down acelerate custom movement foward -500

    if up key is down acelerate custom movement 500 at player angle

    the rotation of the ship is if left is down rotate 100*dt conter clockwie .. and for right clockwise...

    The problems that i am encounter.. is that acelerates to a insane speed..( i need to have a maximum speed)

    And in the video there ii the player do a very quick change of direction specialy if i whant to go the other way.. in mine it takes too long to desacelerate and go the other way if the ship is going fast..

    The main problem i guess is that i dont have a maximum speed.


    here is my working progress of the ship movement...(only works on the first ship)

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  • Completly changed ship movement to a asteroids type of movement...

    Whant to have something like this:


    But still quite not there yet.

  • Nice, cool art and effects igalencar .

    With all your cool energy effects, you might want to check out dynamic lighting, perhaps just for your ship? Or are you already doing this?

    I just ported over an effect that might be interesting for you (by porting, I mean I ran blackhornet's conveter and zipped it up ).

    OMG.. that will be awesome.. thanks for the advice

  • Quasar

  • IS there a option were i can have animated tilemaps?

  • Can anyone have a capx file with the example of how to load a array file into the game than update the file and then save on local storage???

  • Having problems with diferent fire types, but lets see by the end of the day how it goes.