[C3] Post screenshots of what you're working on!

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  • Nice, cool art and effects igalencar .

    With all your cool energy effects, you might want to check out dynamic lighting, perhaps just for your ship? Or are you already doing this?

    I just ported over an effect that might be interesting for you (by porting, I mean I ran blackhornet's conveter and zipped it up ).

  • Nice, cool art and effects igalencar .

    With all your cool energy effects, you might want to check out dynamic lighting, perhaps just for your ship? Or are you already doing this?

    I just ported over an effect that might be interesting for you (by porting, I mean I ran blackhornet's conveter and zipped it up ).

    OMG.. that will be awesome.. thanks for the advice

  • Working on the dialogue flow since there's a lot of crap to link together.

    If certain quest have been finished the NPCs react differently.

    Mikal i love the flaming bunny can his fur get scorched too?

  • Working on the dialogue flow since there's a lot of crap to link together.

    If certain quest have been finished the NPCs react differently.

    Mikal i love the flaming bunny can his fur get scorched too?

    Yah! I'm with you, I am working on a simple scorched fur animation overlay which I can change the opacity of over time/burning.

    What are you using for the Dialogue flow, I'm looking for something like that, looks very cool.

  • I shall take advantage of that and answer you here

  • I shall take advantage of that and answer you here

    Great, thanks for the pointer. Wonderful devlog and I am digging your game. I want to discuss more about it, but I'll continue the thread over on your devlog on in another thread here.

  • I decided to drop my construct 2 and rebuild in construct 3. Progress so far:


  • My Ludum Dare game so far...

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  • I made a goal to finish a game in a month. I started this one the beginning of November- pretty much there, few bits to finish but I am hoping to get it all done in a week

    Its a pretty simple "idle" style clicker game where you upgrade your office until you have the biggest office in the city-

    This looks quite interesting and you have great clean art there!

  • I decided to drop my construct 2 and rebuild in construct 3. Progress so far:


    you could import capx file of construct 2 to c3

  • Posted this game quite a while back in Construct 2, but I've fully moved into C3 dev and switched up art style.

    Cilantro - a 16-bit era inspired platformer about a little green dude and his sentient, shape-shifting booger who run a rad burrito food truck. Super early shots - more at http://www.twitter.com/butternugs

  • Working on the dialogue flow since there's a lot of crap to link together.

    If certain quest have been finished the NPCs react differently.

    Mikal i love the flaming bunny can his fur get scorched too?

    Hey Je, which app are you using for the dialogue flow?

  • Could be wrong but it looks like Articy

  • Thread:

  • Cilantro - a 16-bit era inspired platformer about a little green dude and his sentient, shape-shifting booger who run a rad burrito food truck. Super early shots - more at twitter.com/butternugs

    Looks really cool! Great style.

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