idjer83's Forum Posts

  • This post for Ashley:

    Hey Ashley! I want to make my own plugin for some-system (already maded in C3 events, but want make a plugin).

    The idea is:


    Checks user banned

    Make internal system hi-scores & achivements

    Make internal-system chat (with rooms)

    Also multiplayer (with rooms)

    Right now its working fine in events in event-sheet (single for easy copy to new or existing projects), but this not a good option of how-to-make it...

    So i start making plugin (already made 3 plugins, but no one is working with tags [wich are triggers] and AJAX requests).

    I search & read many topics & manual, but found not enough information and have too many questions...

    For years i learn programming languages using source-code (until late 90-s it was the only way, lack of books in store and no Internet)...

    So, i finally do my ask: can you provide me AJAX plugin source (its maked like other plugins, right?) so i can study it and complete my own (maybee few more) for ease using of my server functions...


  • Good day! I am writing a program for creating 8 bit music, unfortunately there is only 1 good plugin for this

    But there is a problem, it only works in the Farefox browser. It is necessary that it works in all browsers, as well as on mobile platforms. Tell me how to solve the problem. The link with the program that I am doing, I will repeat myself. only Farefox works

  • Developers don't review suggestions or bugs posted on the forum.

    Bug tracker:

    Nope, I already be sended there, post this post & Ashley himself send me back here...

    And here is the suggestions platform. But note that only ideas with lots of upvotes will be considered:

    I will try it out, but is there bug reports, or only suggestions?

    -- upd --

    Posted it here:


    > Add to objects comment field

    Yeah, this would be pretty useful.

    Yeap :)

    Sometimes really lost, and making lond names is not good at all, and its not helping as so...

    > Allow functions to be moved to another layout

    Press Ctrl-X to cut the function to clipboard, then press Ctrl-V to paste it to another event sheet. It will be pasted with its original name, and all calls of this function will be restored.

    Yeah, its working now :)

    Previously (about month) ctrl+x cause just lost of function... Maybee but, that be fixed soon, maybee something else. Anyway, thanks, just checked - its works!

  • Hey everybody, I've found some bugs and make suggestions in C3 and want to share with devs.


    - Sounds in preview mostly broken (preload sound sometimes cause preview does't start - black screen, and trying to listen sound in editor mostly cause crashes of C3)

    - Image editor recently caught a bug: image point does't apply if switch to another frame, switch frames, etc. Only close/reopen it helps (most time)

    - In suggestions I mention about moving functions. Well, if using method I describe - sometimes I get in function list 2 function with same names, but new one is on 'event sheet name', another in event sheen with no name (nowhere), but i still can use it O_o


    - Return multiline input in expression editor (it was very useful to separate pieces of formulas or text to lines after or before 'newline')

    - Add to objects comment field (to see it in properties, such as width, height, etc)

    - Allow functions to be moved to another layout (without make duplicate there, find all events its used, replace and then delete original)

    - [HARD!] Make in layout editor feature to replace one object to another (like in event sheet editor). Yes, I understand its damn hard, but if you have this idea interest and can realize it - its will be useful in many situations :3

    - Maybee add to object "affected by timeScale" flag? So in editor it can be changed to false and when global timeScale == 0 objects with unchecked "affected by timeScale" continue their animations, timers, behaviors, etc...

    Its all for now on. More if I see something weird, strange or broken :)


  • In a game I add a sound plugin.

    Where a not much sounds: shoots (3 types), impact (hero damage), enemy shoot sound & base attack alarm (played on bool flag, which sets on takeing damage with flag is 0 & resets on alarm sound complete).

    Problem is: after a few minutes with amount of enemys (about 80) sound playes late, up to minute or more. Even if heroes dos't shoot, just when objects count passes 128 pcs.

    How to properly use sound plugin and optimize it without making game kid-easy with only few enemys, except of hundred?


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  • My Purchasing button not working anymore neither. Is this same problem with you. Is this about problem Play Billing Library Version 3 ?

    Purchase does not work. I think this is due to the latest update. Importantly, tests must be performed on a new device.

  • Is this over HTTPS, and not the preview?

    Sorry, the link is not correct. Now I fixed it.

  • When testing on new devices, the entrance to the play market stopped working. At first I thought something was wrong in the code, but the code was perfect. I made a new project, but with the same identifier and key, uploaded internal testing to the Play Market and the login also does not work. It is important that if the device was logged in a long time ago, then the input does not work on the new device, why this happened is not clear. What to do and who is to blame?

    And this is open testing with debugs

  • Hi, I want to say right away that I am from Russia and do not speak English, I use Google translator.

    Here is my problem, I use mobile iap and I have purchases in the game. In the play market, the seller created, everything is fine, but right now purchases are in test mode. I do not know how to switch the test mode to real mode.

    When I start the layout, I call it

    Next comes this

    The question is how to switch the test mode of the card to real?

  • Tell me where you can read information about the leaderboard or give an example

  • Hi, tell me the photon plugin will work in construct 3?

  • Hello! Tell me please, I connected ratings to Google Play Console and brought out the first 5 leaders, but unfortunately only 1 player shows in the leaderboard list. Also, if a player plays on another computer and another account, he also sees one in the list. It turns out each player sees himself first, although they should be on the list, what am I doing wrong?


  • No, it says to put them the other way round. You entered the client ID as the application ID and the application ID as the client ID.

    Should I make the game work in the browser and on the phone? Or is it just for the browser?

  • In that case, you've entered the correct client ID, like the tutorial says. You still have not entered the application ID though.

    The tutorial says to do this, right? But that doesn't work

  • Adding the key isn't enough, you also need to register the signature for the key with Google. You are given the option to provide a signature during the creation of an "app" on the Play Console, but it is optional. Without the signature your application will not connect to Google Play Services. You can edit the signature on the Google APIs website, there you will find an API entry for your application that was created via the Play Console website. Under the credentials section you can edit the signature and the package identifier associated with your application. The page looks like this:

    Allocated to the square. I need to put this in construct 3, in the plugin play market, right?

    Over here?