iceFlashEX1's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    i'm kind of frustrated with how to do this in construct so here goes.

    I have a 2D array with, say like 5 elements, and all of them have contents.

    I decide to remove the element at index[2][0] for example.

    It should remove the element at the index[2][0] and all the elements alongside it, and shift the items so that there is no space left in the middle.

  • Hello, I need a suggestion on this

    I was planning to make a function which would change the animation/state of the sprite depending on an instance variable specified. Also it should still be saved when I leave the layout.

    For example

    If the instance variable of the sprite is 1, then its visible. On the other hand if it's 0 then it's not. Then there are many instances of the object on the layout.

    Is there any way to do that, while saving everything when I leave the layout? Oh and also, a variable from another layout changes the state of the object in the previous.

  • Joannak, , thank you very much for the suggestions ^^

  • danialgoodwin, it's more of a simple sidescroller and the ghost would be floating up/down. ^^

    the sine behavior ^^. I almost forgot about that. I'll try it out and see what I can get with it. thank you ^^

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  • Hello ^^

    I've been really curious about how I can do this within Construct. I thought about it being an interesting effect to objects though. Specially for fantasy or futuristic objects. Something like ghosts or floating cars or something. I've thought about just lining them in a line, but it doesn't seem realistic for me though.

    I wonder if anyone has insights on this?

  • Hello, ^^

    I managaed to experiment with getting a camera to LERP with my sprite, however I plan to make a cutscene wherein my character is walking in some...lets say endless hallway O_O... Can I make my camera

    scroll forever as long as I haven't pressed anything???

  • Hello ^^

    I was wondering this time if anybody had try making a pop-out menu. Like when you interact with an object, it brings out the things you can do with the object? Somewhat like The Sims or something

  • bertie Booster

    Hmm, yeah. Doing that with my wampServer was going to be one of my last resorts. But I kinda just felt that I just wanted to run the game and just let it save it as I want to save ingame or exit the game I guess. I'm planning to go export it as NodeWebkit well....for the meantime. I dunno how I can export this and transfer it from computer to computer.

  • Hello, I urgently need help to this ^^

    Is there a possible way that I can save variables into a NEW TEXT FILE so that I can use them again once I launch the game again...? I'm planning to export the game and try it out on a different PC and see if it works...well....its just a thought for the meantime

    Are there at least any examples which can show me if you can manipulate your construct game into making output of a different file type??

  • thank you for the responses ^^, I appreciate it

    newt hmm, I guess I might end up reconsidering somewhat. However, I was thinking about actions which are simultaneous or can be done at the same time with another one...though yeah it is something to consider

  • Is there a way to detect 2 keys being pressed at the same time? Can the =>On Key Pressed be manipulated or should I go and try other means?

  • Is there a way for the camera to just scroll slowly or is it my sprite moving too fast?

    Im using an invisible Sprite as a camera, and a Sprite with an 8-direction behavior.

  • I haven't found a thread much about this but, is there a clean way so that i can make music fadeout as I leave the layout? :3

  • Hello ,

    was wondering if there was a way to do loading screens in between layouts? Can I be able to use something so that it loads assets within the Construct project? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello guys ^^

    I was wondering if there's a bug when exporting games with music to Node-Webkit? The music doesn't stop when i switch it to another layout. Though I know I already put On Start of Layout=>Stop all

    It mostly happens when I go back and forth from to the layout with the music