iceFlashEX1's Forum Posts

  • bertie Booster

    Yes, I have somewhat noticed that happening. That and my computer isn't what you call an exactly high performance one ^^. I might need to go ahead and try optimizing my project, thank you very much for the note.

  • Ashley

    Thank you very much, It answers most of my queries ^^. Thank you,

  • Hello ^^

    So I'm trying to use the JSON file to put all the dialog of the game I'm making into an array within Construct.


    <font size="1">{

         "dialog":[{           "dialog_ID":[{                "root_convo1":{                     "c01prol":"...",                     "c01prol":"...where am i now?",                     "c01prol":"I don't remember this place"                },                "root_convo2":{                     "c01_01":"..hee....hello...can anybody hear me?",                     "c01_02":" anybody receiving this transmission?"                                }           }],

              "tutorial_ID":[{                "tutorial_01":[{                     "tut01_01":"Press to move",                     "tut01_02":"Press to menu"                }]






    I'm trying to put these ID's so that I know which dialog i need to pull out for certain instances. However, I don't know if this is advisable to do since it is nested.

    Is it still okay to pursue this nested array, or should I separate a file for each different use. If I can still use the nested JSON arrays, is there a certain method I can do so it can be read up until the innermost values of the nested array? Thank you very much ^^

  • Hello and Greetings ^^

    My name is Miko and have an urge to start out doing some full-on game development. Even if it's by myself or with a couple of friends. Though I've never tried it out before to make a full game. Let's just say it's a first for me to do games.

    I have a background with HTML, C++ and Java programming and do some designing myself. I've tried making prototypes of games with those programming languages...however it was proving to be difficult with the time constraints I have while being in college and the frustration I get at times reading the code and finding so many errors I can't solve XD.

    But, now everything may be on track for me this time ^^ hopefully

  • Hello ^^

    Just some questions.

    1)Does adding more objects to a layout reduce the performance of a game?

    2)Does the speed you get during the runtime of your game in a browser, reflect how fast it's going to be when it's exported?

    3)Are there any factors that might be causing my game to slow down?

  • droptank21

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> , it is a nice implementation of what i can do. Thank you very much. It gives me another idea for random encounters ^^

  • ArcadEd

    I see ^^ awesome. Thank you very much for the reply. I'll try to see what I can make with what I have at the meantime. Although I'm slightly clueless as to how to make the thing...since i actually never tried programming this XD.

  • RandomFellow, C-7

    I see, I see. Thank you very much for your replies again. I appreciate it. I shall now go off to researching and programming some arrays and JSON files now ^^

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello ^^

    I'm now wondering if Construct 2 has the capability of supporting a random encounter thing that happens in some JRPGS?

  • C-7

    well you see, what I meant was where can I store all these text. Is it supposed to be in an array as i read or can there be other ways to store it? <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • So I made a sprite with different animations for when the character is running and staying idle. So then i let the behavior do it's stuff. Left Button makes Character go Left and Right Button makes Character go right.

    The thing is that when I press a different button while holding the left or right arrow key, the character still moves but goes to the idle animation. However when I simulate the movement on another key, it's just fine and stays in the same animation. What's wrong?

  • C-7

    I see thank you very much for the explanation ^^. One more question though. Say i want to create a series of dialog, like lengthy instructions or character dialog...where can i actually put it provided i can see it?

  • C-7, RandomFellow

    Thank you very much for the replies ^^ i appreciate it. Hmm, so I'm guessing that i need a list of events according to the cutscene that I need? as in...a lot XD. you know like for RPG's and starting tutorials and all that. So I can go switch from one object to the next with the camera Sprite? ^^

    BTW, i really never understood what that lerp was doing exactly?

  • Was wondering if this was possible in Construct 2.

    You know in some games when they show the level overview first before the player gets to play the level itself. Is there a way to make a camera scroll to a certain location without using any keys? Or is there a certain plugin that makes a cutscene somehow?

  • AllanR

    Hmm I see thank you very much <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> well I don't want to go distributing things everywhere yet. I just kinda need a database to just organize and test different things for the meantime.

    I'll try out those plugins, but I'm gonna learn them first for sure. I only have a little idea on how to create text files for that.

    Can they work as like save files for those who play besides the webStorage for Construct? Oh, by the way, is there possibly a way to see what's inside the webStorage?