hypergalaxy's Forum Posts

  • Hey, thanks for the examples. The dash mechanic I am using is a little different. Was wondering if there was a way to have a cooldown for the way I have it set up here: http://www94.zippyshare.com/v/yFV8moKL/file.html

    Update: I got it figured out now thanks for your help.

  • Thanks so much. I am away from my PC at the moment but I will let you know one way or another when I get back.

  • Hi, I have attached a screenshot that contains a sort of dash ability that I am using in my current game. At the moment the dash ability is spammable and I have been unable to find a solution to this. I would like to have a 1-2 second cooldown or wait time in between dashes. Any help is appreciated.

  • Cool graphics , hypergalaxy. I like those futuristic screen noises - moody efect


  • hypergalaxy your work looks interesting are those aliens experimenting with a human heart?

    Thanks, those aliens are performing experiments on a creature they snatched from a nearby planet. In the second shot the creature (which is actually the player) has evolved into something and is wreaking havoc.

  • My friend and I are finally at a stage where we are adding art assets hope you enjoy:

  • Hello everyone, long time lurker but we recently were able to put together a quick little teaser trailer to our project. I know it isn't too much to see but I'd like to know what anyone thinks.

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  • Hi, thanks for the reply here is an example of the current double jump I have been using.

  • Hi I have had a double jump ability in my game for a while now and was wondering if there was a way to tighten up the mechanic. For example, as of right now the double jump will only execute at the height of the players first jump. I would ideally like to change that so whenever the player wants to perform their second jump, they can. The Super Smash Brothers franchise is a great example of what I am trying to achieve with this ability.

  • Thanks a lot. It worked out perfectly

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  • Hi, thanks for your reply. I attempted your advice but I still must be doing something wrong. I've attached a capx of what I've recently attempted. Really unsure of what I'm doing wrong.

  • Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to create a sort of conveyer belt platform like the one seen here: http://i.imgur.com/FUmptFE.jpg I have been attempting to figure this behavior out for the better part of a week now and would welcome any sort of direction to steer me towards the right path. I have done a little searching through some of the older threads regarding this issue but they were either outdated (for construct classic), or just too vague for my understanding. Thanks in advance for all who help.

  • I want to have a save trigger in my game.

    I have a trigger that saves the game, but I have issues with using it more than once.

    How do I make a save point where my player can respawn/restart as many times as needed.

  • 7Soul

    Thank you!

    What an easy fix!

    Thank you!

  • So I have an enemy that I want to face the player.

    It's a 2D platformer.

    The player can jump over the enemy and I want the enemy to face the player from both sides.

    I use the program code below to do this.

    player | X < enemy.X | enemy | Set Mirrored

    player | X > enemy.X | enemy | Set Not Mirrored

    Now this works perfectly for ONE of the enemies, but not duplicates of the same type of enemy.

    How do I make all the enemies of the same type face the player?