hypergalaxy's Forum Posts

  • How do I get an enemy in a 2D environment to shoot at my player?

    I want to have a shooting enemy in my 2D game.

    The issues I'm having is the Turret behavior makes the enemy spin around.

    Using the Line-of-Sight behavior is giving my some trouble as well.

  • After the player beats a boss. I'd like to have an animation of the "player" sprite transforming into stronger looking "player."

    Kinda like Altered Beast, but when the level ends instead of a power-up.

    I've seen the End-Level Animation capx, but nothing with the "player" sprite.

    How do I?

  • Thanks Iennaert!

    I forgot about the whole disabling behaviors.   <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I have a boss that is using the Bullet behavior and is moving around the room using Waypoints. Everything is working awesome and exactly how I want it too, but the boss is moving from the start of the layout.

    I can't use the "Once on Screen" action because it is programmed to be off screen most of the fight.

    How do I set up a trigger to start the Bullet movement after I enter the room?

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  • Thanks everyone!

    I ended up using what "7Soul" suggested.

  • I want to have 4 Bullets (Projectiles) max on screen at one time. The Bullets destroy when it collides with any other object.

    What is the best way to set a Bullet Limit?

    My game is a Platform/Run 'n Gun.