hollowthreat's Forum Posts

  • I'm working on a game that requires a leaderboard, like ios game center, whats android's equivalent to game center? And is it possible to make android game with such leaderboard? Cocoonjs or crosswalk?

  • thanks guys! i was worrying this might not be powerful enough for C2 games(my partner's first gen sony tablet wouldn't even start cocoonjs, crash on load), obviously i've little knowledge on android hardwares, look forward to port my game to android, and perhaps amazon app store as well! excited!

    tgeorgemihai i develop first on iphone and ipad, so scaling probably won't be a big difference for android tablets? but i'll consider invest an android tablet later on

  • I'm thinking to get the cheapest Moto G for android dev, anyone with this phone, please share some thoughts? Is this a good phone for game testing?

  • its working for me, using it right now.

    i experienced similar problem a day or two ago only on ipad, black screen then crash, which never happened before, but its working again(weird)! by the way, at the time of not working, my network was in heavy load, transferring data between network, could that be a problem?

  • downloaded 1000488!

    congrats & long live the C2!!

  • please ask ludei to update C2 plugin, show ad on top is buggy, hide ad is not working, and still waiting for facebook share function. thank you!

  • hollowthreat - Ludei now maintain the CocoonJS plugin.

    And we all know it'll take ludei forever to update the plugin, ios dev experience on C2 continue to be crippled

  • Rhindon cool, whats your friends game called?

    yeah i'll start posting about my new game soon, the visual isn't quite there yet, and i don't like to share ugly game haha

  • Rhindon i'm working on one right now, not a flappy clone, but an infinity type of game with elements from the type of game i like, trying to make it work, hopefully something i can enjoy playing as well as the new generation

  • i dont like flappy either, deleted in 3min... but as it gets popular, it became a social game, its all about leaderboard and challenging your friends. other than that, play value is pretty low.

  • Ashley until(or ever) theres other export option for iOS, cocoonjs plugin needs more frequent update, besides the big issue like memory management, there are many little issues need to be fixed, iOS facebook share function is missing in C2 plugin, Hide Ad is not working, Show banner on top is buggy. And there seems no documentation on cocoonjs plugin, I have to dig through forum to find answers on how to use cocoonjs plugin.

    I'd also like to see swipe feature in touch function, swipe to navigate, there are some tutorial and example on forum, but non works perfectly, would be very useful to have a swipe function build in.

    issue with cocoonjs is long overdue, i hope to see some updates on cocoonjs plugin before the major multiplayer feature kicks in.

  • Ashley what about iOS?

  • Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on this. I had to put in on hold for about a week as my arcade was broken into while I was out of town, so I had to come to dealing with that. Anyway, my plan is to break this course down into smaller courses. 1. To keep the cost a little more reasonable and 2. I can put them out as they are completed, rather than trying to wait for the whole thing to be done. Here are my planned courses:

    1. Basics

    a. Setting up your screen resolution for multiple devices

    b. Exporting to use JS based ad networks like Leadbolt and LifeStree Media

    c. Getting you game out there to publishers using FGL.com, and emailing websites.

    2. Android and CocoonJS

    a. Google Play Game Services (Leaderboards and Achievements)

    b. In App Purchases

    c. Ads with Mopub + Admob (can be applied to other ad networks mopub supports)

    d. Preparing your game on the CocoonJS Compiler

    e. Compiling and testing your game.

    f. Setting up your game on Google Play

    g. Signing your APK

    h. Uploading your game to Google Play

    3. iOS and CocoonJS

    a. Game Center (Leaderboards and Achievements)

    b. In App Purchases

    c. Ads with Mopub + iAds

    d. Preparing your game in the CocoonJS Compiler

    e. Compiling and testing you game with Xcode

    f. Setting up your game in iTunesConnect

    g. Publishing your game to the app store with xcode

    Let me know what needs to be added and where.

    iOS In App Purchases, please include 'restore purchase', thank you ed, can't wait for this course

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  • Now im having a weird thing with my ads when i test it with the CocoonJS launcher on iPad, i set it to apear on Top but when it refreshes it apears for 1 frame in the bottom and then goes back to the top, wtf?

    i get the same problem, when it refresh with a new ad, a banner ad flashes in middle of screen for less than 1 second then move to the top. didn't happen if i place banner at bottom

  • suatozkan1987

    cocoonjs compiled, xcode build as adhoc version, thats not public build, only use in developers device.