hollowthreat's Forum Posts

  • I'm new to ads, just wondering does the ads suppose to show when you test in adhoc mode? I'm seeing "mopub test" as well

  • it seems cocoonjs added facebook social feature, post score on timeline?? has anyone tried it? i can't find any of facebook action using cocoonjs plugin, can we have this feature added in C2 cocoonjs plugin?

    also seeking for sharing on twitter feature.

  • cant wait for this!!

    and please include iAd + Mopub :)

  • cocoonjs is the only solution now, but it can only test on your phone, not simulation.

    ejecta works on simulation, but its not fully supported, last time i tried, it was broken for C2

  • Try Construct 3

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  • i applied recently, it took under a week for me to get premium

  • > have you tried using another sandbox account to post score? it might need more than 1 user score to show up, im not too sure but after i reset all setting, i made another sandbox ID, post score, and i can see both score on leaderboard.

    I am testing this as we speak, it seems to be working now!

    hooray <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • have you tried using another sandbox account to post score? it might need more than 1 user score to show up, im not too sure but after i reset all setting, i made another sandbox ID, post score, and i can see both score on leaderboard.

  • whats ur ipa problem?

  • ok, after days of searching for answer, i believe i've figured it out, sadly from other game dev software's forum...

    the event is pretty straight forward, how i did as mentioned above was correct, testing in adhoc part was tricky! you need to log out of your gamecenter first before launching adhoc version of the app you want to test.

    if you did not log out in first place, gamecenter could play up, like i experienced before, it may not log in or cant connect to server or all sorts of strange error message.

    and the worst is ios7 disable your app's gamecenter feature, this happen after 3~5 failed attempt to login, you simply stop getting any gamecenter response, no login box, nothing(this can be misleading to bad event coding), and with ios7 you cant re-enable gamecenter for your app(stupid i know).

    the solution is go to general>rest>reset all settings

    it will wipe out all your settings on your device, data remain on device.

    after that you can test your app again with gamecenter.

    go to your adhoc app, gamecenter will pop up and ask you to login, use your login, and it will ask for more info like register a new ID, continue with that because its creating a sandbox account for you, once thats set up, you should be in sandbox mode gamecenter :)

    hope that helps, and i hope there are some proper documentation on cocoonjs plugin, i have a feeling i have to go through this again when i need IAP and other feature :/

  • i've searched forums, tutorial, ludei's site, could not find documentation of using cocoonjs gamecenter feature.

    so this is what i've done, on my first layout event, on start of layout>cocoonjs request login.

    and my game event, at end of game, i submit the high score to leaderboard ,using my itunesconnect's leaderboard ID as cocoonjs leaderboard name.

    built an Adhoc ipa on my phone, having trouble log into my gamecenter in game, and i tried log in and out many times, for once i get to create a sandbox ID, which shows the gamecenter, but didn't have my score on the leaderboard, i tried log out again and log in, couldn't get the login request show up again....

    what have i done wrong? and your experience with testing gamecenter before release?

  • ArcadEd i'm trying to add iad+mopub to my next app. i've enabled iap network from itunes connect.

    stuck on mopub, i've added iAd network, and kind of added my app, its a new app i'm still developing, not yet published, so i gave mopub the name and itunes url(taken from itunes connect, app links'view in app store'), of course this url isn't live until app reviewed and published.

    and reading from cocoonjs's document, scroll down to iAd, in mopub "In the Enabled checkbox set the checkbox as checked."

    which i cant find any enabled checkbox, what have i done wrong or missing here?

  • i heard good things about amazon appstore, but i dont have any android device, specs and screen size seems complicated, which device should i get if i plan to port my game to android?

  • Link to .capx file (required! If link is blocked remove the http and www parts):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. create physics object

    2. create 8 direction playerBox object with touch control

    3. camera object with scroll to pin to playerBox.Y

    4. set playerBox wrap to viewport

    Observed result:

    screen flicks, playerBox disappear(Y position also changed)

    Expected result:

    playerBox stay where he is, no flicks, only wrap when playerBox go out of viewport.

    wrap to layout works fine, this problem only happen when i wrap to viewport which is what i need for different mobile screen sizes.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    latest windows7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • szymek ArcadEd thanks guys! didnt know such restriction by apple, dont think i'll set it as for <13, its not really designed specific for kids anyway :)

  • ArcadEd thanks for reply! so iAd is not suitable for kids app? my next game will be super simple game, probably many kids would play, but not educational.