HolidayExplanation's Forum Posts

  • Did you try clearing your browser cache?

  • Not sure how to approach this one, closest I got was to just have a Stain sprite with multiple animations, and whenever player collides with the ground/wall, it spawns a stain there and starts playing a random animation until player is again off the wall and then pasting it to the canvas and destroying the sprite. It's very limited compared to the one in the video, which feels oddly magical with even making the colors brighter the longer the player stays on the ground/wall. Would really appreciate some help with this

    To Summarize:

    -On collision create a Stain/Stains that increases the size the longer the player is in collision

    -The longer he's in collision, the brighter the Stain colors become

    -While moving stain the floor underneath

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  • "Invisible or out of the layout is actually the same. It's not being processed in the renderer. Hence same performance. Spawning the object when needing, on the opposite, will have a hit on performances even if Ashley made a hell of a job optimizing garbage collection." -Kyatric


    I think the best thing you could do is just put them on a layer and in the layer properties check "Use render cells", because traps are pretty much static objects and you will most likely have a lot of them, and that's what render cells are for.

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Does this addon work for you

  • I know that the safe integer size in Javascript is 2^31-1, or 2147483647, although Construct 3 Runtime uses now WebAssembly instead of Javascript.

    It may be that the integer is too large and that the number is between a very large displayable number and a scientific number display like for example 2.5263267568663284e+26, so something's going wrong.

    So maybe the number you are putting into the variable is just too large. Can't you use a string instead of number type as the ID?

    Hopefully someone has a better idea on this, so if nothing it's a start and I bumped your post.

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  • Can you attach the .c3p file here so I can take a better look then?

  • Do you mean this?

  • Step 1 - Green: Add a new Video Object to the layout

    Step 2 - Red: Upload your file (mp4 format with standard codec)

    Step 3- Blue: Set the name to the name of the file you uploaded, for example fileName.mp4, it needs to have mp4 on the end

    Make sure autoplay in properties is enabled

    p.s. You can use the other 2 available video formats too, I just took an mp4 file as example. If you need to convert your file to one of the 3 formats, I recommend this site:

  • Well I got no clue how this would be possible, but what my idea is basically; When the player clicks with the mouse on a word like "stick" in a Text/Input object's sentence, it gives him multiple options like 'break it', 'pick it up', 'destroy it' and then you could click again on 'pick it up' or any of the other options. And is there a way to highlight clickable words? This all would be doable in pure js and css I'm sure, but it's just not an option.


  • Well that's kinda stupid :/

    Thank you for the info =]

    p. s. I accidentally posted on c2 forums since I was browsing it, so I can't use a plugin

  • First I tried with lerp, but that didn't work good of course, worth the try.

    Second I tried with 8 Direction, didn't work at all either.

    Third and last I tried is by changing the Bullet Speed of the Sprite and moving it every tick at this angle angle(MouseController.X, MouseController.Y, Mouse.X, Mouse.Y). This one doesn't work either as it's just as lerp when it's slow and when it's fast it teleports around which completely destroys my crosshair system.

    I would appreciate any ideas on this as I can't think of anything good that feels like a mouse pointer.

  • Should I be using the same Scml object (and Spriter animation file, Spritesheet, .scon file) for all tree, grass, plant animations etc., or one for each of those object types?

  • I only use a Sprite for the Spriter object on the Player, I'm not sure of the performance impact of using another sprite for each Spriter object I would have, since the pinning and just having double the amount of already lots of objects a survival game would have. What's your view on this? I'm not very experienced when it comes to these things. Which would be more efficient? The new Sort without the family or one with a family where each Spriter object would be pinned to another sprite?

  • kidswithcrowns Do you know of any way without the family? Switched to Spriter, some objects are now Sprites because they have to be and some SCML, so I can't really make them be together in one family