HolidayExplanation's Forum Posts

  • Sorry about that it uses Advanced Text Box.

    They weren't in the same container, I only had Computer and Dictionary in the same one. But, now after adding Door it actually works so thanks for that =]

    Do you know how I would approach picking the correct dictionary instance? It's what I was trying but couldn't make work in any way, even after giving each Dictionary instance the same ID as it's Computer parent's ID.

  • What I'm trying to do: Detect if the Computer connected to a Door has the Module MotionDetection (in an instance Dictionary) active. Spent three hours trying to overcome this issue, even tried using instance variables on every Computer instead of a contained Dictionary, but it didn't work. Dictionaries have the correct value, I've checked that in Debug mode. So something with my Logic of actually detecting if a Door is connected to a Computer is bad.

    The issue with the second Door:

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    project file:

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  • Oh wow, don't know how you managed to find that out, so respect for that. Didn't have time today yet, I'll take a look now. Thanks!!

  • Did change the collision rectangle to 0.1 - 31.9 too while double checking your listed causes, but nothing changed for me. I'll fix it eventually. Thanks for all the help Nepeo!

  • Why is it getting rotated? I've only been setting the angle of motion to 90 degrees and the bullet property set angle is off. I still can't get it to work.

  • I did check it all even before posting and it doesn't make any difference, that's why I'm lost :/ I even disabled all the other events

  • I made it so that blocks fall down like in Tetris (Bullet behavior), and when they touch another block, it stops. But they sometimes get stuck in mid air or on other blocks for no reason and they even fall into each other for a few pixels.

    project file: (Logic happens in last line, event sheet = Main)

    Using a normal block:

    Using a new sprite to test if it actually works, and it does:

    The collisions look like that just to prevent that.

    What I tried:

    1. When I Create a new Sprite it all works fine

    2. When I clone the Block sprite and use that one, it still doesn't work


  • Thank you guys so much, that is really helpful!

  • Got any idea what settings could do it? I've been playing with it for 40 minutes and just can't make it look as it should.

  • newt Can't believe particles didn't come to my mind. Thanks so much!

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  • Hello Ashley, I need some clarification.

    Should words like savegames, Spritesheet, Line of Sight, AND, OR, Boolean be translated or stay the same?

    IF they need to be translated:

    Case 1:

    Some of the words in Serbian like savegame and Spritesheet just don't exist as a single word or at all, so can I use two words to describe it?

    Case 2:

    Line of Sight & LOS can't be translated directly, so can I translate them into Linija vidljivosti & LV

    Case 3:

    What a about true, false, should those stay the same or be translated?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Yes but I don't mean with premade objects, but with stain that's completely noise made

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