heyguy's Forum Posts

  • PixelPower Yeah, I'm surprised no one has ever talked about or tried a "pseudo" pseudo 3D game. I've got something similar going on right now.

    Thanks! I've seen this page before during my research. Is there an actual download link to the plug in because I was never able to find it? I played it and it's great but I can't find the plug in. I wonder how much complicated math the plug in has though? The whole point of trying to make this "rendered video track" sort of game is because I can't handle complicated math formulas and equations. I've got one or two actual capx of 3D outrun style games. The event sheet and it's math is Greek to me.

    Still wondering how multiplayer was achieved in this game. Just out of curiosity, I've got a lot C2 practice to go before I can make a multiplayer game.

  • Take a look at my post and this recent capx updated by Gmoney. My idea is also to have some sort of cart ride/zip line/ roller coaster section in my game. This is a possible way to do this.


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/sv1548ioge8r5 ... .capx?dl=0

  • Love Aphorodite's idea! Arcades were big in the 80's and 90's too so your game could kind of be a period piece in a way, really play up the nostalgia factor! Or go modern and make it some Dave and Buster's joint!

    Another idea might be some sort of Casino Tycoon game. Similar to the arcade suggestion but with a different setting and spin.

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  • Thanks for the comment kossglobal. I really do need to go through the manual more thoroughly.

    So from what I've read on the forums, people suggest you use timers as opposed to system expressions Every Tick/X seconds. This was my first attempt at seriously using timers. At least I'm partly successful with it because it's spawning and scaling Is there a way to possibly do this using timers?

    I'm trying to some sort of car based Dragons Lair-like animation game. Essentially each movie clip/ screen section of the game would have things spawn and move toward the player. Here's a bit more of my code. Let me know if I'm wrong for using them and should use every x seconds instead. I removed the useless bits you mentioned in your post. Gonna implement the scale changes you made in the capx soon. Just curious how to properly get timers to work now. Thanks!

  • https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/747/zo ... a-movement

    Here you go. Take a look at that capx example. Also search the forums for "camera zones" for other examples.

  • Hey all! Thanks for reading my post in advance. Two quick questions.

    How do I smoothly scale a sprite larger (or smaller)? Sine isn't what I'm looking for. My code seems to do the opposite. Very very slowly makes things smaller. I want sprites to smoothly grow as they move downwards.

    Question two. How do I create multiple objects in an event. Create Wait Create Wait doesn't work. I want to create/spawn 5 sprites in line and have them move down and scale larger, simulating a 3D-ish effect.

    Here's a pic of my code. I'm trying to do both scale and create a multiple coin sprites. My code is doing the opposite I think with scaling. It's making it smaller as it travels. My code makes one coin move toward the player (making it smaller) and another with a 0 bullet angle of motion. What can I do to fix this issue also?

  • corporatedrone Good question, I'm not sure the answer! I'm not sure but I can try and I'll make an attempt.

    TFor a 8 Direction Game, that's probably different in some ways since you have you account for all 8 directions and z axiz. Am I right guys? If it's a beat em up, presumably you can't have a solid on your ground? I have no idea how to work with z axis but this is the system I would create, if things work similarly. I'd give the throwable an booleen called inAir (though an instance v may be better) and set a timer to have it switch off. Or switch it off When the throwable destroys on the ground or the enemy.

    If you had bat enemies that fly, this though, would mess up when throwing in the up or down directions I think though.

    99Instances2Go Thanks so much for the awesome capx example! Will implement the changes soon. I love that little extra creature too!! I'm currently making a bunch of different A.i. pattems so it's great to see examples of different code! It's really helpful checking out example likes of unique behaviors.

  • Hey guys! I've got a question about an old GBC game. It's a really interesting visual showcase for the platform. Toy Story Racers. I'd love to make a game like this eventually.

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    So the "tracks" and "graphics" are CG/FMV looping animation tracks. No actual 3D at all pretty much. Right? There's obviously more to this game than just an animation loop though either way. I'm wondering about the inner-workings and behind-the-scenes of this game engine. And how I'd be able to code a game like this through events with C2.

    I've actually started creating a prototype and I've gotten farther than I thought I could! But I'm not sure how feasible this idea is to begin with. The player is a sprite moving left and right on a large animated sprite/gif basically. I'm mainly interested in how the multiplayer, A.i. and the overall interactive aspect of the game was created.

    How is it possible to have an active multiplayer race on a track like this? This is essentially just a flat looping animation/gif with the player bound to screen. How is the GBC calculating where the other contestants are on the track? My simple prototype is like an infinite racer Rad Racer game right now. I know I can figure out some ways to "simulate" like your racing against other opponents but I don't know how to do the real deal. They're not persistent contestants on an actual physical persistent track. I'm wondering how my simple looping animation can be turned into an actual "track" where you and other A.I. race on it.

    I'm also wondering how exactly is the game controlling the movement for the other contestants. Things like moving left/right, up/ down and scaling forward/back on the track all on this animated sprite. How are the other racer sprites kept in perspective on this looping animation?

    Am I thinking about this the all wrong? I guess there must be some kind of actual heavy math or 3D stuff calculating the racers in 3D space? I'm just experimenting with C2 and I was curious how this would be possible with C2.

  • I made a dropbox folder with 13 different examples of 3D, fake 3D and 2.5D created by the other talented people on the forum. You'll need plugins for a handful of them. Some capx example seem pretty simple, like the overhead GTA-like ones. The ones that simulate "real" 3D through math seem quite complicated though.

    https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ijd8ze5okysi ... 3yTba?dl=0

  • You should elaborate on the type of "3D" game you'd like to make. That way people can direct you to different resources.

    So yeah, C2 isn't a 3D engines but there are ways to create 3D effects through serious math and coding skills. There's a Doom-like FPS capx on the tutorials section. There are also plugins that can add 3d effects to C2, like the one Gmoney mentioned. There's another 3D platformer plugin that seems pretty cool. Look up 2.5D platformer plugin maybe.

    If you want to find capx examples and tutorials, use the search function and type in "3d", "fake 3d", "pseudo 3d" or some other combination of words. I've got some examples I've collected but can't share them till I'm home.

  • You probably don't need an additional plug in effect. Look on the "How do I..."FAQ and look up flashlight. C2 even comes with examples of blend modes like Sup with that? is saying. Check out C2 and it's templates and examples.

  • Here, found this example earlier while deep diving through the forums.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/nc14zsrwrceit ... .capx?dl=0

  • Thanks again for your help! I fixed it by doing this.

    Simple fix. I do have another issue maybe you or someone else can help me with related to this. I want the box (and any other throwable objects) to land flatly on the ground (tilemap). If it hits a wall, I want it to just fall straight down on the ground. Well...if I hit the tilemap anywhere other than the ground, the bullet disables and it stays stuck in the air.

    If I do hit the ground, the box doesn't land directly "on" the ground. It's a few pixels inside the tilemap. Is there anyway to fix this, it looks a little sloppy. This issue is noticeable on the gif above.

    I'm making a retro style pixel art game. I suspect that maybe making the box into a physics object might resolve this? Will that rotate the angle of the box if thrown? Can I restrict that? I want to maintain NES looking gameplay and system restrictions. And I'm making a mobile game so I don't want to tax the phone with any unnecessary resources.

  • I know people in the game and comic industry that don't have degrees. They got their jobs due to the strength of their art. I think a portfolio is incredibly important for artist. A lot of job postings due require experience though. Sometimes multiple years of experience.


    Writing a big project in C2 will teach you how to debug stuff--which is a language independent skill any computer programmer needs. Its hard to figure out if someone can debug in an interview, but when you get programmers who can, you don't care what language they happen to know, you just hire them.

    C2 programming will teach you how to debug (as will working in any computer language). The longer you keep working at programming the better you will get. Good firms don't care about the language and its details.

    I wonder if it's possible to learn something like java script and making something in Unity after becoming more fluent in logic and math after mastering C2? I know I've read others say you can. I'm an artist, 2d and 3d. No programming skill at all but a lot of companies prefer you having programming knowledge. I guess it all a depends on the person.

    I think after mastering Construct, I'm going to make an MMO

  • Gmoney OoOoh, very interesting. I like it! Great workaround to my problem. Just had a thought though, what if the player is near a wall and one of those colliders is inside a wall? The enemy would eventually sine into the wall and clip inside. It might get stuck if it disengages the jetpack. That's the only potential problem I see with this. Maybe. I'm not well versed in C2 to really know without trying. Could there be a workaround for this problem too? Something like if left of wall, then moveTo wall 2? I think any platform stuff gets ignored when sines are active though.

    Either way, this is a really interesting idea and I'm sure I'm sure I can use it in dozens of other ways! Thanks!