Hexxiss's Forum Posts

  • Currently, when the layout starts the axe is already spinning around him, despite the conditions on it, and the axe being no where near the player on the screen at the time but of course there needs to be one in the layout for it be able to be spawned.

  • And actually the "on created" part doesn't work, as it needs to be "every tick" for the axe to rotate. So that's been changed now. But the axe still doesn't spawn properly

  • And thanks again!

  • the capx itself is huge and ridiculously confusing even for me. But the only portion that the object is in is this part:

    <img src="http://somethingwickedart.com/AxeSnip.PNG" border="0" />

  • So, I was able to get my object to orbit another object, no issues there!

    In case anyone was wondering how to do that, there's a great example here:


    Which I was able to use.

    However, I don't want the object to be there from the start. I want it to be able to be created, after the player picks up a power up, equips it and then hits the P button. I'm hoping then I can then get the player to spawn the object and have it rotate around it.

    Does anyone know how to do this, or have an example of it?

    Thanks guys!

  • Thanks encrypted cow! Now, forgive me for being stupid but how would I do that? Lol

  • I'm currently doing a top down game, using 8 directional movement, but its limited to 4 currently.

    I'm using W,A,S,D keys to move the player.

    If you hold 2 buttons at the same time (like A and W if you were trying to move diagonally) the characters animation stops.

    I've tried telling it that if W and A are down in the same condition to play the "up" animation but it doesn't work.

    Instead, his animation stops completely, but his movement still continues upward. Is there any way to fix that?

  • I'm also trying to figure out how I can get them to move independently of eachother. Right now, obviously if I put more than one enemychewie on the screen, they all move exactly the same and I'd like them all to move in different directions independtly of one another.

    Any help you can give is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  • Hey, sorry about that, I knew I was forgetting something.

    The Capx is rather large and a bit much to go through.

    But the only part containing any enemy movement currently is below:

    <img src="http://somethingwickedart.com/enemyCap.PNG" border="0" />

  • Currently I'm using a global variable which the system randomly changes every few seconds, and the enemy units move in a specific direction based on this variable.

    This all works fine, but I can't seem to get the proper animation to play based on the direction my enemy is traveling.

    Currently he'll still face right and move up, and then his animations will stop changing completely. After looking at countless tutorials and other help topics on the forums I've just about exhausted all ideas I have.

    Does anyone know of any good tutorials, lessons or have a capx with a enemy unit and properly changing animations? I'm having a huge issue here.

    Thanks guys!

  • Thank you much! That worked perfectly, I will definitely make sure to update, so that doesn't happen again.

  • An Odd thing has happened. I undocked the Object/layer panel when I was working on a dual monitor and currently I'm on my laptop, and the 2nd monitor is no longer attached to it (I'm not at home currently) and the object/layer panel is still no longer showing.

    Also, checking the project bar and object bar boxes under view don't do anything currently.

    Has anyone had this issue, or know how to get the panel back?

    Thanks guys!

  • when I preview my game currently, the animation speeds for my enemies work correctly, but once I export the project as a .exe the animations no longer work in the export. Has anyone seen this or has a solution

  • So I have a Marble score for my game, and you can have more than 100 marbles, and so I have 3 different score sprites to keep track of the score (since it's a 3 digit number). However, whenever the score is set to 100, it instead shows up as "010" and I can't seem to figure out how to fix it.

    Here is what it looks like in the engine currently.

    <img src="http://somethingwickedart.com/ScreenCapforConstruct2.PNG" border="0" />

    Can anyone help with this please?

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  • Thank you all, especially MrPeanut for taking the time to help answer all those questions! I love the community on here, you're always a great help!

    And great suggestion Pappapuck, on the globials! I may have to give that a try also. I tweaked what Mr Peanut suggested, and it seems to be working great for now!