hertles's Forum Posts

  • I made this a while ago.

    Don't know if it helps.


    Thanks pal! but unfortunately the first 3 links are down and the fourth got an error "Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project."

  • Wow, I think didn't get it already, but thanks for the replies! Maybe I can say I'm still new to construct? But certainly new to programming

    I'll try to study about arrays and JSON. Maybe later I can understand your answers.

    Have you guys any tutorial suggestion about this?

  • I'm trying to make a interactive gamebook like "Oldschool gamebook generator by Delacannon" (but not with the random I.A generation but including some minigames and variables storage, like money, life, story choices...). But I can't imagine doing the roam between the rooms without making hundreds of clickble objects/event lines.

    like: On touched object - set text to "paragraph describing the room"

    create object choice 1

    create objet choice 2

    on touched object - set text to "paragraph describing the room"

    create object choice 3

    create object choice 4

    and so on, as you can see, in 2 rooms 4 objects are in my project, I think is going to end a huge mess. Is there any tip, template or plugin to help make this game simpler?

    I saw other topics about this and they say is an easy thing to make a text gamebook in construct 2, other that I have to use html5 and other complicate things. Where should I start?

    example of the gamebook:

  • I dont understand, i just changed the conditions order, and it worked. can someone please explain?

  • Ok, I did not solved it. I runned down to the same problem again. I tried to create the "good" sprite when timer is between 0.8 and 0.9. but now "good" and "too early" sprites shows up at the same time. Help

  • I solved the problem using the "else" event. I tried it before but it did not work. And I still dont understand why the early code did not work

  • I'm trying to make a qte system kind of like the lost odyssey. It should create the sprite "perfect" when square is clicked while timer is greater than 0.8 seconds, and create the sprite "too early" when square is clicked while timer is less than 0.8 seconds. But for some reason, when hitting in the right time it creates the "perfect" and "too early" at the same time.

    That's how I made

    I use the LiteTween behaviour in this program, if you need the capx file I would gladly post a link

    I'm still learning, any other tip for my code would be great!

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  • It worked guys, thank you very much for the effort to help. Thanks to Igor's project, I managed to do it and to make the app without check every tick.

  • If you mean that you can keep pressing space then block it out with a variable condition, var=0 and then set var to 1 when you press space.

    I'll try, thanks!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sorry for not making myself clear. Yes, what i meant is that pressing the key space multiple times triggers the action multiple times instead of just one time.

  • Sure


  • I'm so sorry guys. I've been out for a while. Here it is the source file, but I did it in construct 2 r280...


    I'll have a look in Igor file and also see if I can make the same thing in construct 3

  • I'm new. I'm trying to make a quick time event like Gladius (ps2). But when i press the key, it triggers multiple times instead of one.

    here's what i've done so far:

    in pink is the pointer, in dark blue is the places I hitted the key

    light blue its the +5 score hit area and red +10 hit score hit area

    I hope you guys understand what i'm trying to ask :'-(