I give up, I am writing here.
I am making a BoulderDash clone and using array to detect things.
By some reason on the COLUMN 1 (with base zero, so basically second column ONLY that column, if you go down a few tiles, and then go up, you go up one tile and then get stuck there, and can only go left, basically through the solid and then out of the map itself...
The funny thing is that it is only happening on column 1, in both test levels.
I have disabled the other objects movements and the problem is still there so it is not there the problem lies.
I have printed screenshot of the events and looked through the X and Y everywhere and it seem to be ok.
If you press Space bar while in game you get numbers overlaid the tiles to show actual array data. This is taxing so only reachable by key trigger.
Frustrating, indeed.
Could also have to do with the level creation too, I am loading the levels from tmx strings. But the array looks fine from there, so I am not sure.
I deleted the capx, but now I am re-adding it, for
Ashley if needed.