helena's Forum Posts

  • blackhornet

    I should have clarified I wanted to compare Array value with constant values. I do not know if your solution work with arrays? I am sorry I was too "generic" in my question.

    Thank you for taking your time, though.

  • I also found another problem.. with my code.. Else won't work with or blocks! This is going to be killer long lists if I have to put separate events, oh wow.... Nightmare....

    Yes I did try to put the or in a sub to the Else and it worked for the first Else, but not for subsequent elses. :/

  • I have tried to search this but it is not possible to search on | or "or" because of too short word!

    I tried to put a bunch of Constant variables and put | between them in a condition, to see if the object value is true to one of them, and as I have a list of 32 constants in that list I would prefer to put them all in a parameter line, instead for making a long condition box with this or this or this or that... But it won't work that way. Why? It works when I put all the constants one by one.. But it is quite scrolly, three pages for just that box, and I have to put same condition on many places! this is going to be a very very long event list visual wise.

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  • shinkan

    At first I got puzzled, I did try that, but then I realized I made it too convoluted by using System, Pick when it is enough with your method..

    It seems to be working now! Will go further on this one. Thanks.

  • Pick only one:

    Pick Sprite where Sprite.AnimationName = "Boulder"

    --->For Each Sprite order by sprite.y ascending...

    blah blah

    it works.

    But if I want to pick two different objects in same event tree?

    Pick Sprite where Sprite.AnimationName = "Boulder"


    Pick Sprite where Sprite.AnimationName = "Diamond"

    will not work

    Pick Sprite where Sprite.AnimationName = "Boulder"

    Pick Sprite where Sprite.AnimationName = "Diamond"

    Not that either.

    Pick Sprite where (Sprite.AnimationName = "Boulder") | (Sprite.AnimationName = "Diamond")

    won't work either (only Boulder will work).

    Adding a sub event is not the solution as it will just try to search the "picked" boulders to find diamonds in them.

    Any solutions?

    Right now I have two event trees, first processing the Boulders and then the Diamonds, but I think the result is not optimal, it would be best if these 2 (animation names) are treated as one in same event tree.

    Any suggestions?

  • Minor

    I used the Evaluate for String, but it could be that it can't be too convoluted.

    Your suggestion of using Comparison, it works nicely. Thank you.

    Cute little sprite icon by the way.

  • I made a solution by adding a variable, and in an event above the actual event, feed the variable with the combined values. But I would prefer to do it in one parameter line. If it is possible.

  • Minor

    No it would still spit out type mismatch.

  • I have added an option of change different graphics for different themes.

    SettingGraphic = 1, 2, 3 etc

    and then I make animations in the sprite like these "1Solid", "2Solid" etc...

    It works well to do like this: (Set Animation action)

    SettingGraphic & "Left"

    But NOT this: (pick by Evaluate condition)

    TileSprite.AnimationName= SettingGraphic & "Left" - giving type mismatch or other objections.

    I hope it is still possible to do this, but formatting it other way?

  • Why do you use 1 px between tiles, to get white lines? Wouldn't it be better to have zero as spacing?

  • I know how it can be with searching. You just have to use better search words (try to think of similar words with same meaning).. Search within search in forum is good!

    And if you fails with search, you can post at the help forum... I have gotten so many awesome people helping me with things. If you start the post with being humble (not pretending to know everything) and courteous it helps much. It is worth to add some social grease. If you pretend to know it all then people are annoyed, you know? Just suggestions.

    Yes I do have many thins I would like to improve or add on Construct2, both inside the coding features and the editor itself. Many many things. (latest better control of the events as now I have passed 200 lines on one page.. print out, adding different colors, comment within actions, save snippets etc...) But Ashley is one person dong this work and he have chosen to do so, but then consider this: he's doing updates so frequent.. It is fun to have a software where the creators are reading the forum and not being like "on other planet" as is the case with many software.

    So again, if you fail to do something or can't find info on something it is not best idea to do post in harsh way, you know, you have to examine first, then ask questions at help forum, and then if you come to conclusion it is not possible, then you might add request, or maybe request for plugin.

  • Edit again, I compared again with one enemy, with the same "map" as the many enemies and it appeared that the logic was a little lacking. I added another option and now it seem to work. Save for the cpu eating.

  • blackhornet Thank you!!!

    It definitely made this to work a little better.

    Hmm. It is kind of working. Yes enemies are moving on their own, but now the movement is a little more irregular than if it was a single one. hmm. Sometimes it won't even move.

    Ah well, back to stare at movements, noting down what's problematic.

    EDIT: It is so random. It also feels a little "choppy". hmm. I wonder if it breaks the Else. Or if the "second" object is sent in the events processing before the "first" one is finished. hm.

    EDIT again..

    Ok not "little choppy" but "Much choppy". It really stops the game for a while occassionally. I wish I could add breakpoints to within loops for debugging!

  • I have finally gotten the enemy movements down pat, that got some sleeping on the code for my part, I think I even dreamed on how to solve it.

    When there's only one instance of it, it works well! Following the edge of other tiles.

    But when I added a few more enemies in same level, suddenly the other enemies are just imitating the first instance, doing exact same movements as that one. When I want them all to do their own moves independently.

    Maybe I should add some kind of loop to my events?

    Or maybe I am missing something? Obvious, probably.


    Thank you for all kind of help, now off to make some food.

  • Do you mean social forums in general or are there a specific forum named that?