Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • make 2 new vars



    add an event

    every 1 second

    if playing = 1

    add 1 to score

    when you want to stop counting change playing to any other value

    you can display this var in any text object.

    and for resetting set score to back to 0.

  • Thats because condition one happens than condition to happens right after and both are valid.

    you can change the second condition to else (x on the keyboard) then if the first condition is true it will not check the second one and vis versa.

  • Is there a way to make an exported html project in debug mode (show the inspector)?

    So i can test and debug even when not at home and don't have c2 on me.

  • I tried it with the keyboard and it looks like the problem is that when you're releasing the keys the last one released is counted as a movement, that's why the sprite turns to that angle, you can fix that by adding an event

    if key is not down up

    and key is not down down

    and key is not down right

    and key is not down left

    sprite stop 8 direction

  • As far as i know any dom object takes control of mouse events when you're hovering over it, so c2 won't even react to any mouse input, even if you'll get around the menu.

    You'll have to make a costume plugin for that, or make the menu from scratch using text/sprites.

  • for the path i used the official path finding behaviour, needed a little tweaking, but works good.

    with 3d perspective i still have some problems, on most scenes i set the scale using the actors.Y and a predefined offset.

    but when there are angled backgrounds it's much more complicated, i couldn't get the right formula yet to set it automatically, on worste case scenario i will do it manually or with overlapping triggers.

    about the puzzles game, i am checking it right now, in the meanwhile here is another link:

    https://googledrive.com/host/0B3JLq-yXZ ... A/time.zip

    the file seems fine, maybe your download stopped in the middle, filesize should be 92.2MB

  • I've been working on a point and click adventure game with C2 and its going pretty well:

    https://googledrive.com/host/0B3JLq-yXZ ... G43WjlRZ3M

    I also made a puzzles game, with 9 logic puzzles:


    It's a lot of work, but it is possible!

    Though if you're planning on an android/ios versions you should work with tiles and lowRes sprites with minimum animations.

  • Another question, what is the minimum required api level (sdk) for a crosswalk project, 14?

  • No i didn't but leadbolt works fine, if it helps you.

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  • Cool, thank you for the quick response!

  • IntelRobert Do you know if there is going to be a fix for this any time soon, should we revert back to an older version?

  • You can't have more than one image for an object, that's why all instances get the same image.

    You can set animation speed to 0 than load an image to frame 0 and a different one to frame 1 and then choose what frame to show on what instance.

    It seems like you're using only one frame anyways, so animation speed has no effect.

  • well your sprite size is 39 px, so why not just make the size to 39*random(1,x) ?


  • Thanks spongehammer that's a good read, i don't really have fps issues, i just get some jitters from the bullet behavior especially on the beginning of the layout, so i thought i'll ask just in case.

    Here is a different performance question i have on my mind,

    If i have a 128x128 sprite object and i stretch it in the layout to 256, does it consume memory as a 256 sprite?

    Or in other words, is it the image size or the display size that sets the memory consumption?

  • Great thanks, thats what i needed to hear