hcupp's Forum Posts

  • Problem:

    When I click on a jelly in PC it works fine.

    When I do testing over the network on tablet and phone this does not work as it should. When touching the jelly it often does not disappear but if you continuously touch it after a while it will get destroyed. I have tried tap gesture as well and it does the same.

  • Now available on the Chrome Web Store

  • I have tried to export as HTML 5 and Chrome Web Store from Construct 2 then using the XDK and it does nothing but show a black canvas once it is approved. Does anyone know how to do this to export to the Chrome Web Store.

    Chrome Web Store Link

  • Unless you make it an extension that is the way it is supposed to do it.

  • This does not fix the issue however. Yes it is a dead thread but it seems that no one is paying attention to the complaints about the Chrome Web Store export option. Please Scirra fix this or remove the option to export to Chrome Web Store

  • Anyone else getting a black screen when publishing to chrome web store using the XDX build as a web app option?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Are you using the steam version?

  • Mine launched in a new window which I am guessing is normal according to the old tutorial. However it does not resolve the black screen. I used the intel XDX as well.

    Third paragraph in the "Using The App" section

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/68/pub ... ore/page-2

  • I am having issues as well. When the game launches it is just a black screen

  • A while back I made Gumdrop Frenzy with Game Maker Studio. I like GMS however I can't justify paying the money they want for what construct gives me for less than two bills personal license. Anyway on to Gumdrop Frenzy. The game is basically the same except I added more and better movement. I do have future plans for a high score table and I will try to keep improving upon the game. I do wish to have any and all critique.

    Gumdrop Frenzy is fun for all ages and will put your hand eye coordination to the test as well as how patient you are with video games. Psycho Hamster Games cannot and will not be responsible for any actions, violent or otherwise that may occur from Gumdrop Frenzy. Get your hands and eyes ready for one of the most intense games ever to bestow upon you. In Gumdrop Frenzy you must clear 15 levels of gumdrops all the time each level cleared gets harder and harder. When you catch a gumdrop the great Mooka Mooka throws in a bomb on the play field because you stole his gumdrop. Can you get all of the gumdrops from all 15 levels? Can you avoid the bombs that Mooka Mooka leaves for you?


    • Single Player

    • Old School

    • Designed To Make You Try Harder

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    Planned Features

    • High Score Online

    • Social Bragging

    • Loading Screens

    Edit For Content

  • Layout, sorry about that

  • Pretty much what the title says. I am trying to move to the next Layout after all objects are destroyed. I can't forever for the life of me figure this out and I have used google to search and even used the forums to search for many different phrases however there is no move to next Layout when all objects are destroyed.

  • When trying to save the theme to a different one it will not work. I have tried with all of the themes that come with Construct 2.

    Release 184



  • Yes but I was not seeing anything where the random was being used in any examples. The bullet angle that is. This is far different from GM Studio and it seems it is better, it will just take some learning for me.

  • Ok, that's most undoubtedly a good start for me. I do thank you very much.