haypers's Forum Posts

  • I was having issues with this too. But, I am glad you got things working. The manual needs to be updated. I'm sure scirra is just busy right now. But, hopefully they will go back and fix that section soon.

  • My android turn-based strategy game is almost done. Check it out if you want, I'd love some feedback.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Although I must say... that video... it just turned out soo bad. Strange how audio and video compression works.


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  • Ashley , hate to nudge you, but I doubt this post will be found otherwise. Thanks. Or maybe this is a better question for Nepeo. IDK.

  • thx eski, at least I'm not the only one. That's Comforting. I have noticed that mobile features in construct tend to be a little less maintained by scirra. Not a huge surprise, as it is probably a lesser-used export method and other features need to be added in other areas, but still.

  • Sup. So, I set out a few days ago to set up google play leaderboards on my android game made with construct 3. I had never done this before and began following the steps listed in the construct 3 manual to set it up. So far, I am unsuccessful. I'm sure I just did something wrong in the setup, and someone will be able to point that out, and that is the major reason for this post. But I also had some other questions about the google play features that I could not find much or any documentation for in the context of construct 3, and thought I would ask about them here.

    First: How do I get this darn leaderboard thing to work. So, I entered my application ID (android) in the plugin, created a leaderboard titled "Most Wins", wrote the script, and published the signed apk to an internal texting track with myself and all internal testers listed in the game services bug testing tab. Here is the script I wrote to test the system. Note that I waited a full day after publishing, and did update my app before testing on my android device.:

    When I run the program, In the home layout, google play tries to automatically sign me in. It fails, and after a moment, I return to my game. When I go to the leaderboard layout (where the script above is located) My app says "sign into google play to view leaderboards. double-tap to sign in" indicating that I am not signed in. So I double tap. Again, the google play bubble appears to attempt to sign me in, but then "failed to sign in" triggers changing the text to "failed to sign in to google play. Tray again layer". What am I doing wrong? Any Ideas?

    I only have one theory, and it has to do with the next question I have. \/

    Second: What is up with this SHA-1 signing thing? the manual kinda glosses over it. It says:

    "You will need to select an application that you have already registered with Google Play"

    And I did that. Then it says:

    "and provide the SHA-1 signature for the certificate you will use to sign your application."

    I was never prompted to do this and never entered one, nor do I know where I would get the SHA-1 signature from. Is it the same thing as my Keystore? It almost looked like google play already had the signature, as it displayed one at the bottom of a dialog box when I liked the app. I have not been able to find that string of numbers and letters since, nor did I take a screenshot of it. The manual continues:

    "Once completed, you should be given a client ID and application ID. For an Android app, you only need your application ID."

    And I was given both ID's. So, where was I supposed to do that SHA-1 thing? The manual states it is very important, and the game won't work without it. So, is that what my problem to question one is?

    Third: In the google play game services tab, in my app's game details tab, there is an option for "saved games". A quick google search revealed this feature is used to save your user's data to the cloud and is easily integrable. So. Is this something I can do with construct 3? and if so, how?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I found very little on all of these topics, so if any of you could help at all, thanks!

  • So, I'm not super new to construct 3, and I have used it to publish a few games on the google play store. I am not a major programmer, and have found construct 3 to be awesome. But I have noticed that my Android games made with construct 3 run slower than other more complex Android games. I have read multiple articles and posts on how to reduce draw time and gpu and cpu usage. I have a pretty good understanding of how to keep construct 3 code fast and simple. But I still make games that run slower on Android phones than more complex apps. Is this because of the fact that construct 3 runs off of universal scripting languages, and not more native and specialised languages? Is this because for code to be turned into an apk it needs to jump through construct 3, Cordova, the user, and Google rather than going strait from the user to Google? (That dident make a lot of sense). Or is it because construct 3 has so many uses that there will always be unused code that construct 3 exports with the APK? What I am really asking with this post are two questions.

    Is it not normal for construct 3 to run a little slower due to its range of uses?


    What are the potential drawbacks of using construct 3? There are some with every platform.

  • ok. It's not a big deal. Ill live. Let's hope at least.

  • play.google.com/store/apps/details

    this is You all can download that APK if you want :) Just be sure to tap on some adds.

  • So, the last APK I made that worked was my, and I think I made it with construct r162 and r163(not certain). I generally don't use beta versions of construct(for reasons like this) but I had accidentally updated it one of my computers and did a bunch of work on it without knowing, and as you know, projects can go up the release food chain, but not back down. By chance, I do have a c3 file for it as well as an APK (debug APK only).

    I also have the c3 file for the current project, and an APK for it as well. Go figure. Now, I realize that I am in a bit of a spot here, but I don't really want to release the files in a bug report if I can help it.Nepeo If it is easier for you, I could email the files to you guys, then you could tell me if you think it deserves a bug report or not. The last time I tried to make a bug report, it was already fixed, and the report was useless. Oops. But up to you.

  • Sounds good. I updated to 164 already. That was my first guess. I had vibrate in there already and never even touched it but who knows at this point. Thanks for the help.

    Nepeoshould I fill out the bug report now? Or just send you the c3 files? I have some old exported apks I could send it if helps. I don't know if I have old c3 files or not... But I'll check my last hard backup.

  • K thx

    here is some more information: I am exporting and signing from construct 3, and directly uploading to the google play store after I test it. I have now tried exporting it on 3 different computers and always get the same result. I'll try one more time after this post.

    update: just tried it. Got the same exact error. Here is another screenshot:

    Pluggins i'm using:

    hope that helps Ashley

  • Hmmm... I used the default OS specifications for Android. No Android studio.

  • So, I have a problem. I have an app I've published to the google play store, and I have submit multiple updates. But, I am currently not able to publish a new update due to what the google play developer console refers to as "doesn't support framework version" error. I have never encountered this error before, and it is starting to annoy me as I can't find a way around losing thousands of potential devices. The only difference between this update and the last is a few extra layouts.

    I don't know if this is a problem with me, if I goofed something up, or if this is a bug. I'll attach a screen shot of the error that the developer console gives me when I try to upload the APK.

    I also find it important to mention that I am not a good coder, or game dev, and do this through construct 3 as a hobby. Any help will be much appreciated. I am hesitant to fill out a bug report as I do not know if this is a bug or not.


  • Thx. Sorry about using this thread. Didn't realize it was so old. Now that I post a new reply, I can see the thousands of warnings that I somehow ignored the first time.