Hasuak's Forum Posts

  • They're hard to compare since they look so similar. I don't really see pixel art in either of them. Sorry to sound so blunt, but I'm just saying what I'm seeing.

  • Hi!

    I've been working on my project I've dubbed Fist of Stronk (who or whatever, or if that's just a humorous typo is still unknown) on and off for a while now. It's a platformer beat em up with emphasis on satisfying high speed reaction-based gameplay where you constantly PUNCH things with GIANT FISTS OF STRONK STEEL.

    The main idea for the game's theme is that you're a boneheaded young orc caught stealing "sacred" fists of God that's now latched on your arms and won't let go. You're given the choice of either having your arms cut off or being jailed forever into a giant hollow mountain where all the world's forbidden things are imprisoned. No matter, because big, ugly and extremely dangerous foes are just another excuse for you to excercise ultraviolence with reckless abandon. There's also a group of recently imprisoned wannabe-villains that decide to haunt you and test your skills for their amusement.

    Expect tons of mooks to crush in long combos while hopping from walls, rolling on the ground and flying through the air. There will also be giant pattern-centric bosses. Difficulty will be highly inspired by Dark Souls, my favourite game series ever even if the gameplay itself will be very different.

    Honestly I don't have a very clear plan of what this game will be like since it's evolving constantly. One day I want to make it a linear arcadey romp with a silly minimal but very character-centric plot, and suddenly I want to make it a Metroidvania with multiple paths, secrets etc. So who knows what'll happen. Anyhoo, here's some character renders not in their intented scales. The fatty and hammerguy are at least 1/2 bigger than the other two.

    Right now I've been mainly working on a the main character, finding a good feel for player's movement and abilities and just throwing things at it and seeing what'll stick.

    Right now on the todo list for player character is:

    • Jumping attack that'll give you extra speed.
    • Pain/death animations and states + hazards to test them with.
    • Two heavy attacks with slow windups and long range.

    HERE'S A DEMO MOSTLY WITH WALL CLIMBING AND NOTHING ELSE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/505 ... index.html

    Ask me anything, lend your help, critique, ideas, basically anything goes - and are also requested! Remember that this is a week's effort built on old assets you're seeing here.

  • Alright, all of that makes sense. Except the origin point changing. At least in C2 the origin point doesn't change if you set it up before cropping. It sure messes up if you reimport.

    Also will be looking into Spriter again. Tried it for piece-by-piece characters but I prefer frame-by-frame animation because it doesn't look as robotic even if the transitions can be janky.

  • I try not to crop my animations in the animation menu because I'm constantly reimporting them, and reimporting over a previously cropped animatiom causes the image points and such to jump into wrong positions. This is a hassle that's made me to just stop cropping my animations whatsover because the transparency doesn't hurt the gameplay anyway. My sprites are rendered from 3DS Max so there's lots of transparency around the characters to make room for animations and such, and I can't crop them automatically when rendering.

    So why won't C2 crop them when exporting? Is there some logical reason for this?

  • blender.org

    But then again, takes a year to take yourself to a level that you are able to make realistic animations.

    Up to you.

    But with no work, it will not happen.

    What this guy said. But remember, realism isn't always good for video games. Using less sprites with more 'punch' to them instead of a pile of in-between sprites can make your game feel actually better. Animation can get into the gameplay's way, too. With 2D it's almost impossible to make really dynamic looking animation, so you have to be ready for jankiness here and there if you're going for really smooth animation.

    Practice, fail, try again, repeat. That's how everyone makes their art.

  • Sorry. This post was kinda posted hastily. I updated C2 and Node Webkit and the problem went away automatically. Still kinda wondering what caused it. The project is too and still something I want to keep from public eyes, so I couldn't post it here.

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  • See here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50541629/brows.jpg (that's a lotta blur)

    What could be causing this to show? It didn't ever show up when I was working on my older projects back in the day. There isn't anything in the project itself that should cause this.

  • NVM, fixed it! I simply set the Y vector to "sprite.8Direction.MaxSpeed/2". Sure it doesn't have accleration, but I didn't want that anyways so it works just as I wanted. And to make it move upwards I just divided the Y vector by -1.

  • That wouldn't work when, for example, player moves down right. They would then move either slowly forwards or too fast downwards.

  • Is it possible to set different speeds for different directions on 8-direction? Think of games like Streets of Rage and Final Fight. The player character moves faster sideways than up and down.

  • EDIT: Nevermind, I found this tutorial that explained what you were trying to explain: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/158/ve ... two-states

    I didn't understand your explanation at first, but now it's clear. Thank you!

  • So I'm making this system for turn based combat, just a basic system that switches between character selection and then enemy selection when S is pressed. The problem is when the 'battlestate' variable goes into 'selectenemy' state, the S button doesn't work anymore. I added a picture of my messy system with highlights of the important events. Have a look and disregard the events outside the highlights.

  • Dunno how complicated this would be to make, but here goes. I want to make, for example, a companion for my top-down character that traces all the character's steps but I have no idea how to do this. The tracing should be very precise and mimic all of the player's movements so the companion wouldn't get stuck into anything. Any help? Is there a custom behavior for this kind of stuff? Or what would be the best way to create this kind of system?

  • Hey, that's actually geniously simple. That could very well do the trick. No need to set any orders, either. Thank you so much!

  • So basically I'm experimenting with the good ol JRPG turn-based combat idea. Now in my battle each combatant, player and enemy object, are in set into the same Family. Their speed variable is different on each object and after I've set their commands they should act in the order from highest to lowest speed. Fastest goes first, plays animation, then the second fastest etc. until the cast has all done their thing. How should I make the system pick the objects in order like this?

    The best system I thought would be to give the family an 'order' variable that numerizes the objects after first checking each of their speed. It would make calling the objects easier during the actual part of acting out their commands. But I don't know how to do that.
