Hasuak's Forum Posts

  • lolpaca That's the easiest solution for sure. In my beat em up game I wanted to make that you could punch slightly before the animation was finished so it would look smoother. I made a variable "AttackBusy" that was changed to 1 when you attacked and back to 0 on the final frames of the attack animation. You could only press the attack button or move when AttackBusy was 0. Basically this let the character attack with his weapon again without first putting it back in its seath or going into standing pose.

  • If you're using On Collision, maybe try Trigger Only Once with it? I don't remember if that's possible, but triggering stuff only once always saves performance.

    heh, "ass_destroyer"

  • You could also try posting a picture of the events for your controls and animations. That would clear things up.

  • Weeelp, what can't C2 do? Thanks rexrainbow, I'll be sure to check that out soon!

  • Hey, learn to edit your posts. Nobody like a double post, not to mention triple posts.

  • How do I change the horizontal alignment of a text through an event? There doesn't seem to be any events available for this. I have a text object for dialogue boxes, but I want to change if the text is drawn from the left or in the center of the object depending on the line.

  • Hmmm. I don't have C2 with me right now, but if there's a way to check the sound's loudness, you could constantly spawn sprites and set their height depending on the volume. Make them single-colored and spawn them tight enough to make them look like the graph in your picture. The list of expressions here might help you: https://www.scirra.com/manual/109/audio

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  • Every X seconds

    For each object:

    -distance() <= xxx

    -- Set collisions ON

    -- Turn movement behaviors On

    -- set FX On



    -distance() >= xxx

    --Trigger once

    -- Turn movement behaviors Off

    -- Set collisions Off

    -- set FX Off

    Hey thanks! This is very nice. I might even add some physics settings in there too, changing the stepping/performance to lower depending on the object's speed and disable them when the object has stopped. I've been planning on having some physics objects on the background that would shake and fall if you ran past them, jumped, etc.

  • Alrighto, I took a few minutes to check this out. Sorry, didn't have the time to finish the demo, but here's something that I wanted to mention.

    • In the very beginning after choosing new game, the level flashes on screen before the black fade in comes up. Just a minor thing, but it struck out for me.
    • The world map tiles look very Final Fantasy VI. Almost identical. Was this intentional?
    • Characters could use diagonal sprites at least for movement animations.

    Right now I can say it looks very promising. The menu is very neat, too, and it must have been quite a ***** to make

    Sorry to sound kinda negative, but I'll try finishing the demo some other time and maybe give more in-deph feedback.

  • To be honest I don't know how to make it smooth, but you could make the bar frame by frame and then set its frame according to player's health.

  • I like your drawings because they have their own uniqueness to them. You don't aim for big teeth, glowy eyes or generic zombies and their hundred variations, so you get my props for that. Basically less cool factor = more potential to be scary. The pixel art is maybe a bit too colourful to be actually scary. More realistic propotions on the player character would make it more belivable and make it work better with the monster sprites' looks. Maybe try adding a hint of white noise on the screen and desaturate everything to make everything look bleak and devoid of life. Oh and I like the terrain background in the window. Reminds me of Doom

  • JakeTheCake : Object with a Pin behavior. It locks their position to another object. I tried teleporting the pinned object so it was instantly sent back to what it was pinned to. I use it to pin my character sprite into a hitbox for better and simpler collision. Without the hitbox the character would "hop" in place every time it changed animation because the collision box and origin were in slightly different positions on all the animations.

  • Disregard everything. I tried to teleport a pinned object. Of course that won't work. Hnngh.

  • Jayjay, thanks! I'll do my best! To be honest I've never before felt this happy to make a game. The aim for as simple events as possible must be the reason. Every time I tried to make my game work it'd just become such a mess that working on it felt more like a chore than a worthwhile activity. On this project I can focus on writing and visuals much more than before. You might just find it in the WIP forums sometime soon

  • I totally get what you're saying Doing games like beat em ups on the scale I planned them quickly became confusing piles of stuff that was really hard to follow, especially after a week or two without touching the project. This is why I'm going for such a technically simple game right now.

    I too am an artist, so the "big game" I'm talking about is just big on the graphical scale and lengthwise. Lots of animations and characters, large pieces that I use to build the scenes, GL effects, you name it. Technically the game is probably going to be puzzles in form of minigames and physics puzzles. Outside the puzzles it's just a side scroller with a dialogue system and bunch of events to control the characters movement and animations in and out of cutscenes. I even made it so I can use a single object for all the characters to lessen the amount of events, hassling with families and all that could just bloat up the events. After reading the replies on this thread I've come to a conclusion that the game I've planned is possible to do in C2. Maybe after I either finish or scrap this project I'll look into Unity or Unreal 4, or even coding. Right now I have a good grasp of programming logic that I've learned from C2 and hope that it could be of some use in learning programming in the future.